Chapter 149 particle barrier of power (demand perfection seek custom order)

5 o’clock afternoon.

The darkening sky.

Mighty domineering Ni Mulin carrier fleet under the leadership of Robert and Holder came toward the destination.

By this time, No. 9 hot island construction in progress.

“Captain, the heat source has emerged!

Holder eyes with some excitement.

That place, some strange.

Obviously out before the probe having a heat source.

But after yet eliminated.

“Ah, dispatched unmanned aerial vehicles to detect.”

Robert finished playing yawn, for this action did not make much got the idea.

As the zipper on.

At this time, No. 9 islands.

Temporary office base.

Yue Yun, Planck and Du Yi Ming trio staring in front of holographic projection.

This is one of the benefits of a holographic projection.

You do not have to follow at the scene, but it can well aware of the situation on the spot.

Even, Planck can also provide direct technical amendments to the program.

Outside the base, stood a dozen heavily armed security personnel.

At this point it is already evening.

Sound of the waves rolling in, and occasionally still hear the birds mouth guitar.

Positive overseer, when the side of the sensor spreading waves, chirping sounds.

Yue Yun took command of a military officer immediately smelled on the unusual atmosphere. 10

This is hundreds of years, he and Yue Fei’s military in order to achieve the extreme.

Even well-known than those of the generals, marshals are not much better.

Yue Yun holographic projection when opened.

Immediately see a blurred image projection over.

Too far away, so a little less real.

But this is enough Yue Yun judgment.

Yue Yun smiled and waved.

Men’s door, wearing a black military uniform to enter.

“Liu Tong, so that the front of alert.

An entire aircraft carrier fleet, very powerful.

However, Yue Yun eyes is negligible.

Liu Tong nodded.

“Captain Look!”

Holder suddenly pointing to the front speechless: “!, Thunderstorms,” ​​My God


Without Holder said Robert also seen.

They at least from dozens of kilometers away, a huge thundercloud storm was loud roar.

Robert face changed.

The Thundercloud storm least a dozen kilometers in diameter!

There has been a lot of mysterious zone on the Pacific Ocean.

In some places, even said to be a space wormhole.

If an ordinary Thundercloud storm, they are not afraid to fall.

Electromagnetic and related electronic equipment will not malfunction.

But let Robert shame that, within that group there are huge thundercloud storm of fire!


Robert had never seen such a strange Thundercloud storm.

For a time, some hesitation.

He did not know, this is actually just a holographic projection 3D projection comes.

However, because the highly advanced projection technology.

This Thundercloud storm looks very real.

Holder fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

If forced to depth, then the consequences unpredictable ah!


After a long time, Robert had just orders.

Then, however, Robert and said:. “To send a fighter close to see, if there is danger of immediate return”

Even moved away, but also to collect some information.

Otherwise, it is not good Robert muddle.

After half an hour.

Xiao shadow fighters across the black night sky.

“Xiao shadow fighter is the world’s leading 5th generation fighter.

It’s stealth, agility, precision and situational awareness are the best.

The tsunami shadow fighter pilot Cook has 20 years of driving experience is the ace.

Looking at the endless eruptions, spilling out the flame and thunder storm strange.

Cook very calm.

As an ace pilot, the only thing he can do is to calmly deal with.

Silver fighter quickly close Thundercloud storm.

However, just as he was about to dive, so he very shocking scene occurred.

In front of fighters, actually we had a light blue screens!

No, look closely, turned out to be a ball of light.

A mask in front of Cook.


Cook face became pale.

What is strange weather weather?

He had never seen.

However, even more strangely, the mask toward the Cook fly over.


Cook scared out of their wits.

Unknown is the most dangerous.

As an ace, Cook quickly found a rate corresponding to the side.

Sharp dive.

And the sea almost fit together.

Finally, risk insurance but avoid in the past.

Walkie-talkie came Holder inquiries.

But Cook did not have time to answer, because there was a bigger mask!

“God! What is it in the end!

Cook went on to escape.

Fortunately, the mask of speed is not fast, but Cook also found.

The unknown mask seems to have a certain range.

Never leave Thundercloud storm.

Cook relieved.

As long as there is a limit, it’s much easier.

Suddenly, Xiao Movies aircraft rapidly stretched.

To the high altitude, the cook can clearly see the ball.

Light blue sphere is the Thundercloud storm.

Cook opened the intercom: “The captain has two contacts.”

Cook finished suddenly stunned.

The next moment, Cook face changes.

Because he found that his walkie-talkie out of order!

Not only walkie-talkie, Lien Chan on the pointer on the technology are beginning to abnormal rotation!


Cook and his face difficult to see the extreme, rapid retreat of the tsunami shadow fighter.

Thundercloud storm until the full distance 30 km, abnormal had just restored.

At this Cook face already sweating.

“Cook What happens?

“Captain, suspected electromagnetic interference.

“Dangerous level?


Cook said while diving again.

This time, he intends to look at and touch that mask!

Xiao shadow fighters as a lightning speed increase to the extreme.

Seeing mask getting closer, Cook face tense situation table 553.

At this time, radio has failed.

But he did not want to control them.

His task is to get a clear idea Thundercloud storm as much as possible.


Just feeding shadow fighter just entering the Thundercloud storm at the moment, he let a bizarre scene appeared.

Pleasant to the eye at.

It turned out to be a car to drive to the island!

A giant truck vehicles, a heavy-duty crane!

“My God !!

Cook mouth open wide.

He also believes that there should be a center Thundercloud storm.

“Do not!”

Cook suddenly thought of some sort of possibility.

He come to understand!

Just Thundercloud storm, should be a mirage!

Cook suddenly became very excited, even here there is a base!

This is top-secret news ah.

Cook did not dare to think of this hesitation, quickly close the island.

However, it has raised a mask at this time.

The same light blue and smaller.

“Haha, mirage!”

Cook’s eyes, this is nothing but a cover-up Bale.

After roaring sound, Cook rushed past.

However, this time is true particle barrier.



After two loud bangs, the sky more than a firework.

(Chiefs have joined the organization, there are people coming thing: 180551820, there will be 6 more today, pray for flowers and evaluation ticket !!!!!!).

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