Chapter 151 Talking with Guiguzi

269 ​​BC.

In modern terms, this is the Western Weekend.

It is also the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

A lot of big things happened this year.

There are famous battles with it.

In this year, in order to accelerate the advance to the Central Plains, Qin State defeated Qi State and defeated Chu State.

Attack the southwest gateway of Zhao State – the important pass of Taihang Mountain.

King Zhao Huiwen ordered Zhao She to lead troops to rescue him.

Facing the Qin army, Zhao She cleverly used a strategy to preemptively occupy the Beishan Highlands.

The Qin army was unable to attack the mountain, and Zhao She fought back with his troops.

He defeated the imposing Qin army, and at the same time solved the situation of being besieged.

Beyond that, look at the entire world history.

Ashoka of the Southeast Peacock Dynasty is that.

Because Sant Valentine was killed on February 14, the Pope designated this day as Valentine’s Day.

At the same time, the Ulis family, one of the three Roman families, launched a war against the barbarians.

In the entire global history, this era has been one of successive wars.

Time flies by.

When Ye Chen stepped out of the picture scroll.

This ancient era of more than 2,200 years came into Ye Chen’s eyes.

Here, is the ancient city of Handan.

At this time, it was the capital of Zhao State.

The city of Handan is not as prosperous and grand as depicted in later generations in the 560s.

In Ye Chen’s eyes, it is like a small village with a larger scale.

On the huge street, pedestrians are in twos and threes.

The Zhao Kingdom of this era has been fighting for years, and its national strength is still in a state of relatively strong victory.

A group of soldiers wearing rhino armor and driving a carriage can be seen on the street.

In this era, metallurgical technology is still very scarce.

Most of the armor is made of rhino hide.

The poorer are wearing armor made of stone.

Poor defense.

But at that time, it was already very powerful.

There is no difference between the appearance of people more than 2,000 years ago and modern people.

The only difference is the way they speak.

If it wasn’t for Ye Chen’s bad making up for the languages ​​and dialects of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, I might not be able to understand them.

Walking on the street, the pedestrians who came and went looked at Ye Chen with a trace of awe.

Ye Chen laughed dumbly.

This is because he is wearing silk.

And also comes with a sword.

Silk, in this era is the dress of the nobility.

The common people wear extremely rough linen clothes.

There are not many shops on the street.

It can even be said that there is almost none.

This made it difficult for Ye Chen to buy anything.

After walking for a while, I came to the King City of Handan City.

Guiguzi is too mysterious.

There are some records about Guiguzi in history.

However, there is no record of how and where he died.

Some untruths or myths are not credible at all.

So Ye Chen decided to start exploring from Wangcheng.

The royal city of Zhao Kingdom is heavily guarded.

Under the tall city wall, groups of soldiers came in and out.

Ye Chen entered the inner city after teleporting.

Immediately, he took advantage of the stagnation of time to find the attic where Zhao Guo recorded human history.

After 30 minutes.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth.

Immediately, he directly put this booklet into his own space storage.

In addition to this, Ye Chen also took away several valuable books.

One of them is the travel notes of Guiguzi.

Ye Chen calculated that Guiguzi, who was in his old age, should have lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests outside the city of Handan.

He has many disciples, and he has great wisdom.

Due to his indifferent nature, he did not join the WTO.

Instead, he lived a quiet and leisurely life in seclusion.

Outside Handan City.

A barren land.

It is surrounded by dense woods and mountains.

This is very different from the scene two thousand years later.

Ye Chen even saw an unknown small animal on the muddy road.

This should be some kind of extinct animal.

Ye Chen didn’t disturb its eating, and quickly entered the forest.

The mountains are damp, and the neighing of birds and the roar of beasts can be heard from time to time.

Soon, Ye Chen found traces of humans.

It was a piece of burlap.

It must have been a person’s clothing that was scratched by a (bafd) tree branch.

20 minutes later.

A small thatched cottage came into view.

On the bacon, the smoke is admired.

There is a big yellow dog in the small yard.

The big yellow dog found Ye Chen and changed from a lazy state to a vigilant state.

“Wang! Wang! Wang!”

The big yellow dog barked at Ye Chen, but did not come forward.

Ye Chen’s aura is too strong.

The big yellow dog instinctively felt scared.

Ye Chen glanced at the big yellow dog casually.

The big yellow dog suddenly whimpered and ran into the house with its tail tucked.

“You are a distinguished guest, please come in.

At this moment, an elegant and elegant voice came from inside the house.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Mr. Jiuguigu is very accurate. He uses divination and gossip, and has a sophisticated budget.”

“When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary!”

When Ye Chen finished speaking, the thatched cottage suddenly became quiet.

Not even the sound of running with the big yellow dog.

After a while.

An old man dressed in brown linen and holding a cane walked out of the house slowly.

This old man is Guiguzi.

And his appearance is as recorded in later generations.

There is a bulge on the forehead.

Honestly it looks pretty scary.

However, Guiguzi has an otherworldly temperament.

Every gesture exudes wisdom that sees through the world.

Guiguzi just stared at Ye Chen like that.

Immediately make a request.

“You go inside.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, moved a bamboo stool from the side, and sat down.

Guiguzi gave Ye Chen a deep look.

“Your demeanor is truly extraordinary.”

“Sir, do you think I’m going to visit today?”

Ye Chen glanced at the data on Guiguzi’s head and said, “Well, sir, what is the purpose?”

Guiguzi laughed.

He picked up the clay pot on the table and poured a cup of tea.

Then, poured another cup for Ye Chen.

Guiguzi shook his head with deep eyes: “Ye Gong, please speak.”

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback.

Immediately laughed.

It seems that the fact that Guiguzi is proficient in the art of gossip recorded in the history books is not a lie.

The other party was able to figure out his surname!

You know, there is no surname Ye in this era.

So Guiguzi is by no means nonsense.

Ye Chen praised: “Mr. Guigu has a unique knowledge, why does he stoop to the world?”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Guiguzi’s pupils shrank.

He lived for over a hundred years.

Is one of the rare longevity in history.

There are countless disciples under the sect.

Whether it is Su Qin, Bai Qi, or Sun Bin, everyone is a prince and general who shocked the world!

At that moment just now, he felt a palpitating feeling from Ye Chen.

Guiguzi, who is astute and intelligent, has some doubts.

(These chapters are too difficult to write. There is not a lot of information to be checked. From food, clothing, speech, etc., all have to be checked. Because I am so professional and dedicated, please don’t give me some flowers and comments. In addition , Who else do you want, welcome to leave a message in the book review area.),

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