Chapter 148 Particle Barrier on Island No. 9

Ye Chen’s eyes brightened.

In the future, perhaps the time magnetic field will have a wider range.

Even, radiate the world!

At that time, he is the true master of time.

Everything in the world can be controlled at will!

And those so-called weapons meant nothing to him.

Even nuclear weapons are just an iron box in front of Ye Chen.

That’s all!

In addition, Ye Chen also discovered a wonderful use of the time magnetic field.

In the magnetic field, his ability has also improved!

For example, if time is accelerated in the time magnetic field, the acceleration rate can be increased to 100 million times!

And in the magnetic field, time stagnation is almost useless!

After some testing, Ye Chen found something more interesting.

He has more precise control over his abilities.

Time stagnation can be slowed down, turning into time slowdown.

“Five Five Three” Under Ye Chen’s control, the cup he threw out flew at an extremely slow speed.

And if it is out of the time magnetic field, then the time deceleration cannot be performed.

This is a real benefit.

As for time travel, Ye Chen was even more surprised.

Originally, he could only go within 1000 years.

Now, the time span has been raised to 5000 years.

With a history of 5,000 years in China, Ye Chen can travel freely!

Sovereigns and Five Emperors!

Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Jin and Sui!

Jiang Ziya, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Laozi, Kong Ming, Zhang Liang, Xiang Yu

Those who have left a strong legacy in history will all come into contact with Ye Chen one by one.

Looking at global history.

There are also many great people who have left bright traces.

Sakyamuni, Yahweh, Egyptian Pharaoh, Aristotle, etc.!

And Ye Chen will also change the trajectory of the world from now on!

While thinking about it, a strange noise came.

Ye Chen turned back, but saw a bird in the sky flapping its wings constantly.

However, it never flew away.

The lower body of the sparrow was just shrouded in the time magnetic field.

Although the upper body can move normally.

But under the effect of time stagnation, no matter how hard it tried, it was not used up.

Immediately, Ye Chen released the time magnetic field.

Suddenly, the sparrow flew away in horror.

three days later.

There is a meeting room the size of 5 classrooms.

Core executives such as Ye Chen, Da Vinci, Tesla, and Zhu Sheng were listed in turn.

In front of it is a 3D holographic projection screen.

The projection projection is exactly the No. 9 island located in the Pacific Ocean thousands of kilometers away from Ye Chen and the others.

For various considerations of the project, Yue Yun, Planck and Du Yiming personally supervised the project.

Responsible for security, technology and team.

Since the track adopts the most advanced magnetic levitation technology, the confidentiality measures are actively and strictly done.

The security team led by Yue Yun alone has 500 people.

In front of everyone, an extremely realistic maglev railway has been laid.

It is developed using the latest materials.

The cost is very low.

After using the time capsule, Planck and the others built the maglev railway in only 3 days.

At this time, a truck is galloping away.

Most of the relevant building materials are sourced locally.

Some were also shipped from the nearest island.

In order to build a city, Du Ming’s team led people to hollow out two islands.

This is also done using Tesla’s wave resonance technology.

If only relying on gunpowder blasting, the controllability is low, and the efficiency is not enough.

Very good. “According to the current progress, the construction can be completed in about 1 week.”

After watching for a while, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

With such a scale of technological construction beyond modern times, Changsheng City will begin to take shape within a month.

“Sir, in the morning, the North American fleet came once.”

In the holographic projection, Du Yiming said respectfully.

Ye Chen smiled: “If you come again, let them go back and forth.

Yue Yun brought people in the past not only for confidentiality.

There are also certain actions to deal with.

However, Ye Chen felt that the other party didn’t have the courage.

In the past few days, Island No. 9 has deployed a small-scale “particle barrier”.

This is the latest shield that combines Da Vinci and Tesla Labs.

The principle is to project defensive particles to the outer layer of macroatoms through solid electromagnetic pipes.

And attached to the outer layer of macro atoms to form a fixed barrier.

The particle barrier comes with a high-voltage current that is extremely defensive.

Although due to funding and material problems, only a barrier with a radius of 2 kilometers was arranged.

However, it is sufficient for the short term.

Moreover, this particle barrier with a diameter of 4 kilometers can provide a very terrifying degree of defense.

According to the calculation results given by Tesla.

Those anti-air and anti-surface missiles can be completely defended against .0

Even some intercontinental missiles can play a great suppressing role.

Island 9 is an uninhabited island.

Since Ye Chen found out, it was Ye Chen’s.

In Ye Chen’s heart, Island No. 9, the future city of immortality, is his territory.

It’s a place where no one should be offended.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

At this time, Xiaweiyi Pearl Harbor Base, which is hundreds of kilometers away from Island No. 9.

A gray-haired man in a military uniform was throwing things in the office in a frantic manner.



The man is the captain of the Pacific Fleet Nimlin aircraft carrier, Robert.

Robert has made great achievements in the Zhonghai area.

However, the legendary captain was about to explode with anger at the moment.

A few days ago, they detected that there were thermal energy fluctuations hundreds of kilometers away.

After that, the fleet was dispatched three times.

The result turned out to be nothing!

With such a powerful fleet and world-class high technology, nothing was found?

And the previous thermal energy fluctuations also disappeared.

As if everything was an illusion.

This morning, Robert specially let Vice-Captain Holder pass by.

As a result, nothing was found.

Deputy Captain Holder’s face was not very good-looking.

When Robert was out of breath, Holder said: “Captain, I suspect that it is a Bermuda-like existence.”

“Bermuda? I think you are 5.3 Bermuda, Bitchi!”

Robert spit in anger.

After a while.

Robert said in exasperation: “Send the entire aircraft carrier group in the afternoon!”

Holder “It’s about the interests of North America, I hope you don’t get angry about it!”

Holder hurriedly gave a military salute when he heard the words: “Captain, please give me full responsibility for the actions in the afternoon!”

Robert nodded: “This matter is of great importance. It may be a secret military operation of a certain country. The aircraft carrier must be complete!”

“By the way, fill me with defense and anti-aircraft missiles!”

“Let the idiots in the technical department take care of me!”

(Thanks to “Mr. Li” for rewarding 588 VIP points for 5 times, I am very moved by the human nature, and I must add more today!! 6 updates today!!! Thank you “Time” for rewarding 100 VIP points. I have created an organization for everyone. Welcome to join the group: 180551820)

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