Chapter 131 Sir, I want to do research with you! (Please subscribe and customize)

Both are super geniuses.

Schrödinger, in particular, was an authority on wave mechanics.

“Yes indeed!”

Schrödinger stood up with a loud voice, his expression extremely excited: “There is a chance of wrong decay!

“If it decayed, it would trigger the mechanism to break the cyanide bottle and the cat would die.”

“If bugs don’t decay, then cats can survive.”

Schrödinger’s eyes glowed with divine light.

“In this way, the quantum superposition principle at the microscopic scale can be explained from the macroscopic scale!

Ye Chen looked at Schrödinger with a smile on his face.

Schrödinger’s cat, this experimental idea was put forward by Schrödinger several years later.

It was originally intended to counter Bohr’s theory of quantum mechanics.

However, over time.

Schrödinger’s cat has gradually extended to parallel universes and other physical issues and philosophical controversies.

“Thank you sir!”

Schrödinger bowed to Ye Chen excitedly.

Really “Thank you so much! You’ve inspired me!

“Several, sorry, I’m going to perfect it now.”

After Schrodinger finished speaking, he trotted back to the room.

Seeing this, Ye Chen showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chen did this mainly because he hoped Schrödinger and other scientists.

Including Pol et al to speed up their real 10 experiments

This time, Ye Chen didn’t intend to bring them to the modern age.

Instead, let it meet Da Vinci and Tesla.

Build a secretly operating super laboratory!

The goals and plans of the laboratory are naturally the city of heaven!

After dinner with Madame Curie.

Madame Curie also returned to her room.

The Solvay meeting is still in progress, and she has to prepare tomorrow’s meeting materials and debate points.

9 pm.

There was no one in the restaurant.

Ye Chen was holding a cigarette.

Seeing this, Chu Fangyu took out a lighter and lit it for Ye Chen.

Immediately, Chu Fangyu showed a gentle smile and said, “Young master, it’s almost time.”


Ye Chen took a deep breath and immediately exhaled the smoke.

“You are waiting for me here.”

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in front of Chu Fangyu.

As it was late, the restaurant was not crowded.

Therefore, no one noticed this miraculous and strange scene.

The 3rd floor of the hotel, room 3102.

Pohl writes and draws on paper with a pen.

He wanted to come up with a dialectical approach to Einster’s plan as soon as possible.

This time at the Solvay conference, Bohr actually wanted to make those authorities admit his explanation of quantum mechanics.

Admit it, this is a complete and great category in physics!

However, Ball knew that it was not easy to do so.

In fact, Ball has been doing this all his life.

The door to the room was pushed open gently.

However, at this time, Bohr’s attention was all on the draft in front of him.

Didn’t notice anyone coming.


after a long time.

Bol put down the pen, a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

In response to Einster’s rebuttal this afternoon, he has already thought of a perfect response plan.

Boer glanced out of the corner of the eye, and suddenly his face changed.

“Who are you!”

Bohr took a step back and looked at Ye Chen vigilantly.

Subconsciously, Bol regarded Ye Chen as a thief.

This kind of thing didn’t happen.

On the contrary, there are many more.

Some of the scientists who participated in this conference had two stolen luggage and other personal belongings, so they could only come to the conference on foot.

Ye Chen smiled and closed the door.

This move made Bol subconsciously swallow.

He is tall and strong.

However, compared with Ye Chen, it is a bit worse.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Ball, I have no ill will.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, time stopped.

In the next moment, something that made Pohl bizarre and scalp tingling occurred.

The clock on the wall stopped!

The second hand was still turning just now.

However, it is completely still there now!

Besides, there is the hourglass on his desk.

Love this hourglass pol very much.

It reminds oneself to cherish time.

Because time is irreversible.

has been moving forward.

Now, however, the wicked hourglass he liked was still.


In an instant, a cold sweat broke out on Bol’s forehead.

The pen in his hand loosened.

However, the pen did not land on the hard wooden floor.

Instead, it’s vacant!

This scene made Paul even more terrifying!

This time the time stagnation was more complete than before.

Except for Ye Chen and Bol, all the items in the room that were not touched by the two of them would stagnate.

Bol’s heart beat faster, and an inexplicable sense of fear rose from his heart.

This kind of thing is so bizarre!

“Don’t be nervous, Professor Ball.”

Ye Chen showed a kind smile.

Immediately, Ye Chen picked up the water glass on the table and gently pushed it.

Under Bol’s shocking gaze, the water glass seemed to have gained some kind of power.

Fly towards yourself in a straight line!

When Bohr used the water glass for the moment.

The water in the glass just started to shake.

In the process of flying in a straight line, because they were not touched by two people.

So the water in the cup is also stopped.

Bol looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Subconsciously asked: “Excuse me…you, who are you?”

“My name is Ye Chen!”

“It’s the master of time in this world. Time, in my hands, is just a random trick!”

Ye Chen looked at the hourglass beside Bol.

Immediately, he waved his right hand lightly.

Suddenly, the originally static hourglass began to flow.


It doesn’t flow down by gravity.

Instead go up!

Under Bol stunned.

The sand in the lower glass container conjures its way into the upper 543 hourglass.

And Paul’s hands trembled!

When this is all over.

Bol suddenly looked at Ye Chen, with a hint of frenzy in his eyes: “This is the power of time!”

After speaking, Bohr stepped forward two steps uncontrollably and walked to Ye Chen.

“Going back in time?”

The scientific madman Bohr suppressed his inner fear and anxiety, and replaced it with excitement and excitement.

He stared at the hourglass as if he had discovered a new continent.

There were still words in his mouth: “This is amazing!”

“God! There is such a power in the world!”

Bol said, picking up the hourglass.

Like a child getting a toy to play with attentively.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

“Sir, I want to do research with you!

After a while, Bol put down the sand hole and said excitedly: “Please allow me this presumptuous request!

Ye Chen said: “Yes, but before that, you need to complete my test for you.”

Bolton was overjoyed: “Sir, please say: I can do any test!

ten minutes later.

Ye Chen came to room 3104 under Boer’s reverent gaze.

Here lives another great scientist: Planck!

(There are still dozens of flowers to surpass 10,000! Which big brother will give some support. In addition, the evaluation votes have been too few recently. I know that some big brothers have more than one, please ask for love and help!!) .

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