Chapter 130 Reminders to Schrödinger

When Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu traveled back to 1927.

The 5th Solvay Conference is being held in the church in front of you.

The biggest highlight of this session, or a classic, is the debate between Einster and Bohr on quantum.

Speaking of Einster.

Ye Chen thought of a very interesting and magical thing.

In 1955, Ye Chen brought Einster back to the modern age in his later years.

What about Einster at this time?

Can I take it back?

If it can be brought to the modern age, will the Einster in 2019 disappear?

If it doesn’t disappear, doesn’t he have 2 Einsters?

In other words, what if next time he travels back to 1927?

Can you have an infinite number of Einsters?

Countless Da Vinci?

is it possible?

Ye Chen thought it was impossible.

Time is the most mysterious “May Four Three” existence.

Countless scientists have researched one after another, but none of them have come out.

This possibility made Ye Chen’s heart skip a beat.

However, he is not stunned.

Time is contradictory.

is also irreversible.

According to the parallel universe theory, his actions may even create a new parallel world.

It’s like Schrödinger’s cat.

in an endless loop.

“If the Einster of 1927 was brought to the modern age by me, then there would be no Einster in 1955!”

“It could even create a potential space-time collapse risk.

Ye Chen murmured.

I didn’t try it rashly.

On the streets of Brussels, the nobles with titles on the carriage went to see Ye Chen and the two from time to time.

The two of them were dressed appropriately this time.

Still, the two young Orientals here are noteworthy.

In particular, one is handsome and the other is beautiful.

When Ye Chen entered the venue.

A middle-aged man in a gray suit and black tie came into view.

Next to the middle-aged man is Einster, who is almost 30 years younger in a black suit.

As for the middle-aged man, it was the famous Bohr.

The two of them did not find Ye Chen.

At this time Bohr stepped forward and said: Einster, “Sir, what do you think of my probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics?”

Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed.

This session of the Solvay Conference, the focus is actually Bohr and Einster.

Einster is a conservative in quantum mechanics.

Many of Bohr’s notions are refuted.

Although history later proved that Bohr was right, Einster had a rare failure.

However, this meeting was talked about by later generations.

It was the meeting of the gods.

Einster stopped when he heard the words.

He took off the pipe in his mouth and said sternly: “I’m sorry, Mr. Ball, I can’t agree with your theory.

Einster’s words fell, and Bohr’s face suddenly became difficult to look at.

In this era, Einster was already an authority on physics.

They are famous people with unimaginable influence.

And Bohr hoped that Einster could agree with his theory.

Immediately, Bohr stepped forward and hurriedly added: “Mr. Einster, I hope you will think about it carefully.

Einster turned back and said lightly, “I will!

Immediately, the two walked out of the venue one after the other.

Ye Chen knew that Einster would really consider it.

And consider it very carefully.

In the afternoon and the next day, the two engaged in several new and more intense debates.

An epic battle of two giants!

At this time, another person hurried out of the venue.

It was a woman with gray hair in a black coat.

She is the first Marie Curie to win two Nobel Prizes in human history, and she is still in different fields.

In 1903 Marie Curie won the Physics Prize.

He subsequently won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.

Due to year-round exposure to radioactive elements.

Marie Curie showed an old state beyond her peers.

According to the course of history, the great scientist will die in seven years.

When Madame Curie walked to Ye Chen’s side, she glanced at Ye Chen inadvertently.

The next moment, Madame Curie stopped and looked at Chu Fangyu beside Ye Chen.

Chu Fangyu is tall and slender.

Coupled with the unique and mysterious oriental woman’s breath, it immediately attracted Marie Curie.

Marie Curie was a top scientist.

But she is still a woman.

“Hello, Madame Curie.”

Chu Fangyu stepped forward and showed a gentle smile.

Madame Curie stretched out her hand and said, “Hello, young lady.”

After a pause, Madame Curie asked, “Ma’am, are you from the East?”

Chu Fangyu smiled.

Madame Curie and Peking University President Cai Yuanpei had an intersection, and she also knew a little about China.0

Chu Fangyu conversed with Marie Curie in fluent French.

After ten minutes of talking.

Madame Curie and Chu Fangyu felt like they knew each other at first sight.

Simply, Chu Fangyu and Ye Chen were invited.

This just fits with Ye Chen’s plan.

Most of the guests attending the Solvay conference stayed in the same hotel.

at dusk.

The crowd ended the day’s meeting.

The debate between Einster and Bohr remained fruitless.

After arriving at the hotel.

Most of the people dining in the hotel lobby are scientists attending the conference.

On the contrary, there are very few FITs.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu sat opposite Madame Curie.

The three chatted happily.

Mrs. Chu Li just thought that Chu Fangyu had a good temperament, and at first glance, she was a person with knowledge and recuperation.

In this day and age, it is not easy for a woman to do this.

But as the conversation deepened, it was discovered that the two of them also had extremely unique insights in science!

While chatting hot.

Here comes Schrödinger.

Schrödinger looked at Sven’s with glasses.

He and Marie Curie are also old friends.

Seeing this, he smiled and asked, “Madame Curie, is this your friend?”

Madame Curie smiled and nodded.

Immediately, they were introduced separately.

In fact, it was clear without Madame Curie introducing Ye Chen.

Schrödinger has a stubborn personality and is a madman himself.

As soon as we sat down, we started chatting about today’s meeting.

He was on the side of 5.3 Einster, and while he was eating, he attacked Bohr’s theory.

Chatting and chatting, and chatting to his own side.

Pol “That guy has lost his head!”

Schrödinger said enthusiastically and passionately: “Quantum mechanics is nothing but a rational description of the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles!”

“It’s just a philosophical theory, it’s not the ultimate truth in itself.

Schrödinger’s words caused Madame Curie to shake her head with a wry smile.

She is no authority in this regard.

Ye Chen took a sip of coffee and said subconsciously, “Since it’s a superposition of the states of two things, why not do an experiment?”

“Containing a cat in an airtight container with a small amount and chloride is just enough to refute Bol’s notion.”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Schrodinger was slightly taken aback.

The next moment, Schrödinger’s face changed dramatically!

Even Madame Curie was stunned!

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