Chapter 132 Tesla’s Ball Lightning

inside the room.

Planck is continuing to write his “Theory of Heat”.

This book was used as a textbook by later generations and became the object of research and discussion by those scientists.

Ye Chen put his hand on the doorknob.

Time accelerates.

The next moment, the door handle snapped.

This scene is amazing.

A needle could be heard in Planck’s room, and movement was immediately sensed.

He didn’t reply, “Mr. Lorenz.

Continue to write while talking about Planck.

But then, the pen in Planck’s hand suddenly stopped!

“Good evening Mr. Planck.

Ye Chen wore a black trench coat with a smile on his face.


The pen fell to the ground.

Then bounced up again.

A scene that shocked Planck appeared.

The bounced pen actually stopped in mid-air!

“Mr. Planck, there is something to talk to you about.”

20 minutes later.

Ye Chen walked out of Planck’s room.

This guy, one of the founders of modern physics, has been completely sluggish.

Just like that, the door of a room was pushed open.

until 11:30pm.

Room 6502.

“Sir, Lorenz will definitely get the job done!!”

After the initial shock, Lorenz said excitedly and reverently.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “You still have one year of life left.

“Lorenz, I am giving you 92 years of life.

“In this way, you and I can meet in 2019.”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Lorenz immediately felt the rich vitality in his body.

A white hair quickly turned black at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The age spots on the body have almost disappeared.

The back that was originally Japanese also gradually stood up.

Feeling this divine power, Lorenz’s body trembled with excitement.

Lorenz has always been arrogant and conceited.

As the authority of contemporary theoretical physicists and the head of the Solvay Conference.

His status is even higher than that of Einster.

However, seeing the existence of Ye Chen.

Lorenz suddenly felt extremely humble.

Incredibly tiny!

Lorenz bowed to Ye Chen in silence.

Lorenz is special among the 17 Nobel laureates.

He was one of the closest to death.

And the others are mostly adults.

“Sir, in 2019, you will definitely see my many achievements!

Lorenz is getting younger.

Going back to middle age, this made Lorenz feel awe in his heart to the extreme.

When Ye Chen walked out of Lorenz’s room.

17 Nobel Prize winners, except Einster, all joined the Hall of Longevity!

And they have three tasks.

First, secretly set up the Tiangong experimental base, and make targeted research on the direction everyone is good at.

Second, work together to complete the technical difficulties of the Tiangong City plan, and make targeted adjustments and improvements.

Third, as far as possible to collect the top scientists of all eras, and then pull them into the Tiangong experimental base without attracting attention.

Of the three tasks, the third one may be the most difficult for this group of people.

As for the first two.

It’s just a matter of time.

Day two.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu set off for New York.

In 1927, Tesla, known as the man of science, was doing research work on Fifth Avenue in New York.

The saddest thing about Tesla is.

As the inventor of alternating current, within a year, you can rely on patent fees to become the world’s richest man.

However, Tesla resolutely tore up the “AC patent” and opened it to the society for free.

In the end, the man who never married in order to devote himself to scientific research died in poverty and loneliness.

Tesla has many legends.

Among them, what interests Ye Chen the most is his achievements in alternating current.

It is said that this man can travel through time by relying on the power of electromagnetism.

This has been proven to be feasible in modern times.

Brussels and New York are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Aircraft of this era are not as high-tech as they are today.

In this way, after a long journey.

The two finally came to Fifth Avenue in New York.

Tesla Electric is easy to find.

Not long after, a building more than 30 meters high came into view.


As soon as we got to the door, a security guard came over.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu looked at each other, and time stopped immediately.

After coming to the 9th floor.


Ye Chen heard the sound of thunder and lightning from a distance.

Tesla is the only person so far who has created ball lightning in a laboratory.

The oscillator he built even nearly destroyed New York.

Among all scientists, Tesla has the most black technology.

A true super inventor.

In the research room, there is a man.

The man is tall and bearded.

He is Tesla’s best friend, the writer Mark Twain!

At this time, Mark Twain was immersed in Tesla’s research and was shocked.

Looking at the fist-sized ball of lightning, Mark Twain’s beard began to tremble.

The moment Ye Chen stepped into the research room.

The ball lightning trembled slightly.

The next moment, Tesla frowned slightly.

Because, this ball lightning actually stopped!

A more miraculous scene appeared.

The ball lightning seemed to be out of control and flew towards Ye Chen.

In Tesla’s shock, Ye Chen gently held the ball lightning in his hand and played with it.

Tesla’s face changed dramatically!

He raised his head and looked at Ye Chen in amazement.

As a super inventor, he certainly knew the power of ball lightning.

More clarity on the uncontrollability of lightning.

But why?

Suddenly, Tesla thought of a possibility.

“.You…you are?

Tesla looked at Ye Chen in surprise and said, “How is this lightning…


Ye Chen interrupted Tesla.

With a slight smile, he said, “Everything and everything cannot escape the control of time.”

“And I can control the time!”

“Mr. Tesla, let me introduce myself, I am Ye Chen, the Lord of Time!”

Tesla body shakes!

He just thought of it, time fixed the ball lightning.

However, the moment the guess was verified, Tesla had a creepy feeling.

He subconsciously looked at his old friend.

But I saw Mark Twain there like a sculpture, motionless.

“Mr. Tesla, take it easy.

Ye Chen said and threw the ball lightning out gently.

Time stalled on contact with the ball lightning.

Tesla fly at great speed.

Tesla did not pick up.

Because lightning in the air disappeared.

Tesla’s body began trembling slightly.

Hearts of fear and curiosity.

After a long pause, he recovered Chen Sheng said: “?? Lord of the time you can time travel faze”


Ye Chen spoke: “As an inventor, you meet my goal.”

Tesla immediately Lengle Leng said: “Mr. Will, you need me to do?”

(Thanks to the support of the chiefs, flowers finally broken million, and the next, there will be a large Palace of Eternal Youth, leaps and bounds, so stay tuned! In addition, if there is a better book reviews area suggestions welcome message.)

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