Chapter 129 Buffett’s blood pressure has risen (please subscribe and customize)


The coffee in Bezos’ hands fell to the ground.

The coffee was scattered all over the floor, and the coffee cup shattered.

But Bezos didn’t realize it!

Isophie was taken aback.

But I saw Bezos staring at the newspaper, looking at the oil painting.

Ai Sophie’s face turned pale, is the chairman of the board of directors of Sotheby’s wrong?

So angry?

“Love Sophie, what did you just say?”

Bezos looked at the newspaper and his voice trembled a little – trembling.

It was Ye Chen on the painting!

He never dreamed that Ye Chen even had an intersection with Da Vinci!

Have you been to that era?

The original awe of Ye Chen became stronger and stronger!

When a man, no, a god can go to any age.

when you can live forever.

Isn’t such a person worth following?

Before that, Bezos knew that Ye Chen was a god-like existence.

However, when he saw evidence one after another with his own eyes.

The fear of God in my heart became stronger and stronger.

“Sir, what did you say?

Ai Sophie has been blinded.

She swallowed subconsciously: “Sir, I didn’t speak just now.”

“Say, while I was reading the newspaper!

Bezos’s voice rose a little.

Only then did Ai Sophie remember, and quickly said: “Sir, Sotheby’s will hold an auction next Thursday for this painting.”

“Arrange you, I’m going!”

Bezos blushed slightly after saying that.

He is excited.

This painting, he is bound to win!

Although I know, the transaction price must be very high.

However, no matter how high he is, he will win!

Thinking of this, Bezos said again: “Also, throw out the stocks of the companies I hold and cash out!

After listening to Bezos’ words, Aiso became even more puzzled.

Bezos is not a collector.

Why do you want to join this auction all of a sudden?

Even, it still looks like it is inevitable?

Love Sophie “You do it now!”

Bezos stood up excitedly: “Also, you ask Dolly to collect all the details about this news and give it to me, the sooner the better!”


The home of Warren Buffett.

As a generation of stock gods, a myth in the investment world, and the existence of the third richest man.

Buffett’s housing is rather low-key.

Omaha house prices are not high, and Buffett’s house is only more than 2 million in domestic money.

That’s all!

Buffett is old and used to getting up early.

But lately, he has fallen in love with sleeping in.

After Ye Chen bought 3 years of life at a price of $1 billion a year, Buffett felt infinite vitality.

In the living room, Buffett sips coffee and watches the news.

This is his daily habit, and it is also one of the reasons why he can become a stock god.

On the side, Buffett’s personal doctor gave Buffett his blood pressure again.

“Sir, your blood pressure remains very stable!”

The personal doctor was a little shocked: “This…it’s really amazing!”

“Haha, the mystery of Oriental medicine!”

Buffett’s physical condition returned to the top 3.

This is sure to keep everyone away.

Therefore, Buffett said to the outside world that he had met an old Oriental Chinese medicine practitioner.

Although Buffett’s personal doctor is highly qualified, the level is extremely strong.

But I don’t know Chinese medicine.

Therefore, I believe it.

Not long after, Buffett’s cell phone rang.

Although he has retired for many years, Buffett is also concerned about the situation at home and abroad.

The text message was sent by the current chairman.

Only a short sentence.

“Sir, Sotheby’s will auction an authentic Leonardo da Vinci next Thursday.”

Seeing this, Buffett put down his phone.

Likewise, he is not very interested in this area.

Although there are some famous paintings and masterpieces in the collection, they are all leisurely and elegant.

As a stock god, he doesn’t want to invest in things with little meaning.

But then, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the real Da Vinci!

The next moment, Buffett’s face changed dramatically.

The phone fell to the ground with a thud because he was so emotional.

The screens were all shattered.

At this time, the blood pressure monitor was on.

“Drip drip drip!”

The detector emits a screeching alarm.

The personal doctor’s face changed slightly and lost his voice: “170! My God!”

“Sir, why is your blood pressure so high all of a sudden?”

Buffett didn’t care, he picked up the phone and flushed.

He stared at the painting for a long time.

Unconsciously, Buffett’s heart beat faster.

-0 for flowers…

The heart rate monitor also started to alarm.

Private doctors are horrified.

He had never encountered such a situation.

Out of the corner of his consciousness, he looked at the painting, and felt that it was nothing.

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir actually had contact with Da Vinci!”

OMG “!God!”

Buffett was shocked to the extreme, and his heart kept roaring.

The next moment, Buffett sent a message with trembling hands: “This auction, I am participating!

After sending this message, Buffett clicked on the picture again.

Look and look.

Gates and Musk have the same mood and same thoughts as Bezos Buffett.

Musk even ditched plans for an upcoming launch and started selling stocks like Bezos.


Of course, there is Mr. Ma, who regretted creating Ali.

These top tycoons are moving on the news, and their goals are surprisingly consistent, Sotheby’s!

Although Sotheby’s auction starts next Thursday.

However, Ma Yun arrived four days ahead of schedule.

And this time.

After spending a few days in Europe and Chu Fangyu.

The pair embarked on a flight to Brussels, Belgium.

This time, Ye Chen’s goal is 1927!

That is the fifth Solvay Conference.

The Solvay Conference is also known as the conference of the gods in the physics community.

Marie Curie, Planck, Lorentz, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Langevin, etc.

Any one placed in modern times is a leader in the scientific community.

will be the greatest existence.

And Ye Chen’s goal is to bring them all back at once!

This is a huge project.

If it wasn’t for the system upgrade, Ye Chen couldn’t finish it all at once.

a few hours later.

The two arrived in this ancient city known for its Gothic architecture.

Brussels is beautifully situated on the banks of the Seine.

The Solvay Conference is located in a church east of Brussels.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu stepped into the church hand in hand.

Immediately, their second time travel officially began.


When a picture quickly passed by in front of the eyes.

The space-time picture scroll is fixed in 1927. what,

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