Chapter 125 Da Vinci! Tesla!

Day two.

After dinner.

Chu Fangyu put the organized city plan on Ye Chen’s table.

Seeing this, Ye Chen said: “You have worked hard for you recently.

Chu Fangyu blushed and shook her head: “It’s not hard to do things for the son.”

Ye Chen heard and took Chu Fangyu’s hand: “Let’s take you to a place.

Chu Fangyu was stunned.

A smile appeared on her pretty face: “Master, which era are you going to this time?”

Ye Chen laughed loudly.

Funding for the Tiangong City project has been settled.

The rest are technical issues.

And the technical problem, Ye Chen has also solved.

This time “, go abroad.”

Ye Chen said: “May 1, 1519, in Florence.

Chu Fangyu is a smart and learned woman.

Wen Yan’s eyes had a splendid look of “May 40”: “Is your son going to find Da Vinci?”

Ye Chen arrived at Qiongbi of Chu Fangyu: “It’s really smart.

The technology that Tiangong City needs is not just astronomical.

Mechanics, chemistry, biology, etc., will be involved.

These technologies are almost impossible to accomplish if they rely on existing manpower.

Even if Ye Chen already has Einster and Putin, it is not enough.

Far from enough.

However, in that bright era, there were such a group of monsters!

Yes, in Ye Chen’s eyes, they are monsters.

A group of super geniuses with super high IQ.

Da Vinci was Ye Chen’s first target for this time travel.

As the greatest and most famous master of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci was not only a talented painter.

And great mathematicians, scientists, mechanics, engineers, and astronomers.

If only these, it is not enough to explain the awesomeness of Da Vinci.

He also has notable achievements in the fields of music, architecture, geometry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, botany, meteorology, geology, geography, physics, optics, invention, drama, civil engineering, etc.

Yes, you’re not mistaken.

Leonardo da Vinci has brought about extremely significant and far-reaching achievements in so many fields!

Even Einster believed that Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific research results had been published at the time.

Technology can advance half a century.

All his scientific results are preserved in his manuscripts, which are about 15,000 pages long.

In the eyes of most people, Leonardo da Vinci may only be able to paint, sculpt, and build houses.

In fact, he has many other great inventions.

Such as inventing weapons, designing the world’s first flying machine, and so on.

In Ye Chen’s eyes, Da Vinci is not famous for technology.

However, his level and divine personality are absolutely no less than those of Einster!

Except for 1519.

Another important year for Ye Chen, of course, was 1927.

This year, the fifth Solvay Conference was held in Brussels, Belgium.

Because at this meeting, Einster and Bohr had a heated debate on the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

So the Solvay Summit was dubbed the “most famous” title.

At this meeting, there was also a group photo that was unparalleled in the history of science.

On Ye Chen’s computer is the color high-definition photo processed by modern technology.

Except for Einster, who was moved by the stars.

Marie Curie, Planck, Lorentz, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Langevin…


Each of them is a giant among giants in this world.

It’s all in the textbooks.

Among them, there are 17 super giants who have won the Nobel Prize.

Someone once lamented the group of people sitting in this photo.

Not only scientists, but also a lot of classical formulas, units of physics, and so on.

And this time, Ye Chen’s goal is to take them all!

With their help, all technical difficulties are no longer difficult!

Even, the sky group can complete more creations.

Except for the Solvay Conference to go.

There is another place where Ye Chen also wants to go.

It just so happened that the man and they were all in the same period.

This person is the one who declined the Nobel Prize 11 times as the greatest scientist in history and the closest to God: Tesla!

It is said that he predicted the First and Second World Wars.

Some say he foresaw the sinking of the Titanic.

Some people say that he created the Tunguska explosion, which is 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.

Some people say that he can use electromagnetism to travel through time and space.

Others say the FBI hung his picture at the top of the classified building.

Tesla sleeps only 2 hours a day and has 700 inventions.0

But because of refusal to sell his own patents, he lived in poverty all his life.

He was the first person in history to use X-rays.

He is the first super genius of all mankind to create spherical lightning.

The world-famous Niagara Hydropower Station, a miracle in the scientific history of mankind for nearly a hundred years, was also built with his patent.

There is so much to say about Tesla’s achievements.

Tesla has made outstanding contributions to particle beam weapons, solar engines, missile science, remote sensing technology, aircraft, cosmic rays, radar systems, robots, etc.

In his student days, Einster wasn’t what Ye Chen admired the most.

It’s Tesla.

And Tesla is Musk’s idol.

Tesla is named after Musk’s company.

It can be said that the 20th century was a great century.

This century has changed all mankind.

Improve the civilization process of human beings on earth.

And this is exactly what Ye Chen wants to do.

Chu Fangyu snuggled in Ye Chen’s arms and said softly: “With the help of these scientists, the city of heaven plan may be realized within 5 years.

“No, at most 3 years.

Ye Chen smiled: “At that time, I’m afraid those capitalists will be so scared that their hairs stand up?”

Chu Fangyu smiled when he heard the words.

“Sir, Mr. Zhu said before that when he left the laboratory, Zach was unable to walk steadily.”

“And 5.3 Buffett, because shaking hands with Einster was so shocking that he hit the wall while walking.

Hearing Chu Fangyu’s words, Ye Chen laughed loudly.

How small and humble these people are in the face of time!

Zhu Sheng also told Ye Chen word for word about what happened later.

Several people saw Putin first.

It is said that Bezos didn’t believe it and just asked a few questions to test it.

After confirming that it is a real person, the expressions of several people have been unnatural.

When Einster came over with the latest time capsule, Gates kept shouting God.

Come to think of it, these five people will not be calm when they return to China, right?

“Xiaoyu, you should submit the core matters to me for handling the matter of Changsheng Palace.”

“The rest, let Mr. Zhu and the others do it slowly.

“Good son.”

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