Chapter 124 The old man has waited for 649 years


Inside the base of the Hall of Longevity.

The five Gates, who were tired of traveling, even forgot about the jet lag.

After arriving in the conference room, the expressions of the five people were somewhat unnatural.

Shock, horror, and fear!

Ma accompanied him, his expression light-hearted.

Not long after, Ye Chen and Zhu Sheng walked towards the conference room one after the other.

Ma Yun stood up first and said respectfully, “Mr. Ye.

Gates and the others also stood up, cautiously but with a trace of awe: “Mr. Ye.”

Ye Chen looked at Gates and waved: “Sit down everyone.

After everyone took their seats.

Gates and Buffett looked at each other.

Immediately, Buffett took the initiative to say: “Mr. Ye, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Among the five people present, he was the oldest.

Physical condition is also the worst.

When he learned that Einster and Putin, the two great scientists, did not die.

The desire for longevity surged uncontrollably.

Before that, Buffett also invested in many bioengineering institutes.

As one of the most well-known investment experts in the world, Buffett’s grasp of opportunities is extremely accurate.

This time, he saw the desire to live.

See, the chance of longevity!

Although all five of them are already famous.

But everyone still briefly introduced themselves.

This is also a kind of respect for Ye Chen.

After listening to their respective introductions, Ye Chen smiled and said, “If you want to come to Malaysia, you should tell you the plan of the city of Tiangong?”

During this time, Ye Chen and Zhu Sheng communicated many times.

Since the Tiangong City plan is to be established, it is natural to need multi-party cooperation.

Among them, the technical aspect is of course provided by the Hall of Longevity.

In terms of capital, those big capitalists are needed.

Of course, Ye Chen wasn’t ready to share the results with them.

To put it mildly, they don’t deserve it.

As for how to distribute, this is what Ye Chen will say next.

Musk several people nodded again and again.

Musk was most positive after knowing that the technology part was hardly a problem.

His lifelong dream is to establish a base on Mars.

Even, Putin’s previous breakthrough star shooting plan is still his participation.

However, compared to establishing a base on Mars, Mr. Ye’s Tiangong City is obviously more attractive and shocking!

“Well, first of all, before the plan is officially announced, please keep it a secret for me.

Ye Chen looked at a few people lightly.

Even Ma Yun nodded.

Immediately, Bezos hesitated for a moment and said: “Mr. Ye, please forgive me, since you have such strength, why…

It’s not just Bezos’ doubts.

Even Ma Yun was still suspicious.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled, and Zhu Sheng said, “Sir is not interested in such low-level things as hegemony.”


Several people were shocked.

Immediately, Bezos smiled wryly.

Yes, with this method, it may only be a matter of a few years to really fight for hegemony!

No, maybe it’s just a matter of months.

If you really want to, if you control the core of each country, you can directly dominate.

For such a god, domination is indeed a bit of a pediatrician.

Ye Chen continued: “The Tiangong City plan is the most important plan for the future of the Palace of Longevity, there is no such thing as one!”

“All scientific research projects are based on this plan.”

“Gentlemen, you are just the first investors.

“In the future, there will be the second batch of the third installment, as well as national-level investment.”

“Temple of the city within 10 years can be achieved, even, may only need a shorter time.”

“And then, one of you will be eligible for admission tickets.”

“Admission tickets?

Heard the strange words, everyone slightly surprised.

Immediately, Gates suddenly.

In other words, you invest, you can get into the qualifications of the temple city.

It was a little scary ah.

However, Gates hearts but the more fiery.

Aside, the words of Warren Buffett slightly respectful of color said: “Yep, I do not know in addition to admission tickets, but also what we can get?”

Ye Chen heard a read Buffett.

Ye Chen was so looking at, Buffett heart of a tight, suddenly felt great pressure.

“Of course there is longevity!”

Ye Chen smiled: “I will be based on the value of you created, given a certain life span.

That is to say, “Your investment will be converted into life calculated.

“Of course if I feel satisfied, not necessarily join Palace of Eternal Youth.”

After listening to the words of Chen Ye, a few people some shortness of breath gradually up.

Honestly, they are eager to join Palace of Eternal Youth.

-0 for flowers…

The same level as the horse has joined the Palace of Eternal Youth, which has been ahead of them.

Moreover, Gates few people can tell Ma uniform very valued.

Which made them somewhat hasty.

Chen Ye hear it, several people almost no hesitation, and said: “! Sir, we would like to join this program.”

Ye Chen raised his head and smiled.

Aside, Zhu Sheng said: “Gentlemen, please come with decrepit visit it.”

Although five people at heart, there are many doubts, but did not dare disturb hearing this Chen.

L have heard out of the room with Zhu.

conference room.

Ma uniform respectful: “Sir, you really Liaoshirushen ah!

Previously, Chen Ye is uniform with horse mentioned this, is that these rich, business giants never refused to cooperate.

……… 0

Now look, really the case.

Ma uniform paused and said: “Sir, a few days, the world’s top ten rich list of several other will come to visit you.

“Ma, you do a good job.”

Ye Chen exposed gentle smile: “But one thing you have to remember that even the rich, nor are qualified to join in.”

“Personnel, you have to do the first screening.

“After that, the second selection by the Zhulao.”

If you can just come in a rich collaboration, cooperation and that this is too simple.

Uniform body of a horse nodded: “Mr. Ma lesson is absorbed remember!!

Indoor underground research base.

When Zhu Sheng at the elevator with five people, with less skilled Chinese Zach asked: “Mr. dare to ask how to call?”

Zach’s wife is Chinese.

So, for a little versed in Chinese that is much better than the other four.

Zhu Sheng stopped and smiled: “Zhu Sheng.”

Paused, Zhu rose to five people see some exclaimed:. “Gentlemen, you good time to catch up.”

“Unlike decrepit, wait 649 years to work for the party, Mr. side.

Finish the sentence, Zhu rose and walked toward the depths of the Institute.

Behind, Buffett again five people face changed.

Five hearts with a deep sense of shock and horror look back to Zhu liter.

“This, the figure was actually 600 years ago?

Gates pupil miniature, fine forehead thrown a cold sweat.


Who Yep, really is a terrible figure ah! Why,

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