Chapter 126 Hello Da Vinci

Two days later.

Ye Chen put down the notebook in his hand and rubbed his temples.

In the past two days, he has sorted out the relevant characteristics of great men such as Da Vinci and Tesla.

For this time travel, Ye Chen was more cautious.

On the one hand, there are more people involved.

On the other hand, Ye Chen has little understanding of foreign humanities and customs hundreds of years ago.

Ye Chen also did a lot of preparations for this.

The more he knows, the more admiration Ye Chen has for Da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci’s achievements are still unbelievable even today.

How can one person have such a high level of energy to do so much research into all these different fields.

And almost all of them have made important contributions in the field of study.


Ye Chen received a call from Ma Yun.

On the other end of the phone, Ma Yun respectfully said, “Sir, what you want is ready.”

“The storage address is ..

Ye Chen heard the words and said, “Okay, thank you.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen10 showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He let the horse and prepared, naturally it was a gift for Da Vinci.

Everything is ready.

Ye Chen took Chu Fangyu’s white and tender little hand and embarked on a journey to the country.

11 hours later.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu appeared in the fashion capital.

The two went straight to the Bank of Paris on the north bank of the Seine.

This bank can also be responsible for depositing important items.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Chen got what Zach had prepared.

It was a well-made black case.

Inside the box, there is only one exceptionally delicate ink painting that has been preserved.

An authentic work of Zhang Daqian, a well-known domestic painter and a world-class painter.

It was rented by Maju from a private collector for $600,000.

Just rent for 2 days and that’s it.

This is still in Zach’s face.

After getting the box and leaving the bank, Ye Chen suddenly stopped.

On the side, Chu Fangyu smiled sweetly: “Young Master, are you serious?”

Ye Chen turned his head and asked, “Do you know what I’m going to do?

Chu Fangyu’s white jade hand covered her mouth, revealing a charming smile.

“Son, do you want to give the Mona Lisa to Da Vinci?”

Ye Chen laughed.

Chu Fangyu really knew him very well.

Come to think of it.

Chu Fangyu was originally the first talented woman in the Ming Dynasty.

If you look at 5000 years of history, that’s all there is to it.

In addition, Ye Chen knew Chu Fangyu’s feelings for him.

Not too surprised.

That’s right.

Ye Chen really thought about that painting.

The Louvre is a world-famous art palace and one of the largest art treasures.

Or the Palace of Ten Thousand Treasures.

As one of the three treasures of the Louvre Museum, the Mona Lisa is also attracting worldwide attention.

An authentic work of Zhang Daqian.

An authentic Da Vinci.

These two are enough to attract and shock Da Vinci himself.

The Mona Lisa is exceptionally closely preserved by the Louvre.

There are high-tech 24-hour guards here.

There are 10 veterans patrolling around the clock.

It can be said that not even a fly can fly in.

However, it took Ye Chen only 5 seconds to get this famous painting that attracted worldwide attention.

When Ye Chen packed the famous paintings into the box prepared in advance, he embarked on a journey with Chu Fangyu.

Day two.


500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci is in the town died.

500 years later, a large town changes.

However, Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu still found a place at the Leonardo da Vinci died.

Soon, Ye Chen opened his third time travel.

When the two men were shrouded light.

Chu Fangyu warm hand pulled Ye Chen.

He said: “Son, this is our first time travel it together.


Ye Chen smiled slightly.

The last time, he encounters Chu Fangyu.

This is the real first time.

One picture flashed in front of the two men.

Chu Fangyu saw his past all the time and space in the picture.

Chen’s eyes look to the leaves, the more soft.

The eyes of love are becoming strong together.

Soon, Ye Chen Chu Fangyu holding arm, will head gently leaning on the shoulders of Ye Chen.

For a woman waiting for hundreds of years.

Chen and Ye any time together is precious.

Even if they have endless life element.

Soon, the two men in front of a rapidly changing landscape.

A little while, with a very stylish artistic and historic town scenery in front of the two men.

At this point it is noon.

Many streets of the town tries.

After seeing Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu both clearly not their own people, a lot of people are curious looked over.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Aside, Chu Fangyu, speaking in fluent French and asked: “Hello, we are here to see the master Leonardo da Vinci.

This is hundreds of years, Chu Fangyu almost all foreign languages ​​are learned over and over.

Indeed, some of which have lost about a very small minority and language studies.

When in the world, if the theory Language and Literature, Chu Fangyu said second I’m afraid no one would dare say first.

When the man saw Chu Fangyu French say so fluent and pure put away some wariness.

After all, that’s not peace.

After obtaining the guidelines, the two finally came to the place of residence of Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci in his later years by King Francois I of France invited into France.

Francois also give supreme reception, to place it in the Amboise castle in 540 grams of Brooks estate.

And from time to time to consult.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu catches the eye, is a tall, luxurious castle.

Inside and outside the castle, there is guarded by soldiers.

At this time of Leonardo da Vinci, very bad physical condition.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu looking one.

Immediately, time stopped.

In this way, through the layers of the two guards, such as unhindered.

A little while, lying on a couch, all white hair old man appeared.

A lot of people are wondering who may be the next Leonardo da Vinci.

From coming through to the past.

Otherwise, not so all-rounder.

But now Chen Ye know that this guess is wrong the.

As “the most representative of the Renaissance,” Leonardo da Vinci is unique in the history of mankind all-rounder.

And saw a real person, Chen leaves the deeper feelings.

Leonardo da Vinci’s room, not many people.

A servant, and a middle-aged woman.

Ye Chen Chu Fangyu and did not seem to lead to the arrival of Leonardo da Vinci’s attention.


When Leonardo da Vinci Shenshouqujie water, and found abnormalities.

He is very ill, even raising his hand to no effort.

When he opened his eyes suddenly shocked look to the front right away.

The people in the room even to stand still!

At the same time, more than two dressed in weird men and women.

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