Chapter 123 God! This is impossible! (Please subscribe and customize!!!)

The Tiangong City plan in Ma’s mouth was exactly what he and Ye Chen had agreed upon before.

The first phase of this plan will take 10 years.

The required capital is about 20 trillion!

20 trillion, what a huge and terrifying capital.

In addition to these, the corresponding technical support is indispensable.

Zach was stunned.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, “This is simply incredible!

“10 years? Not at all possible!

Musk spread his hands and said, “Ma, I have to say that your plan is a little far-fetched.”

Aside, Gates, Buffett and Bezos nodded at the same time.

First of all, from the existing technology, it is impossible to achieve.

Not to mention 10 years, even if it takes 30 years, it is impossible to do it all in 50 years.

You know, this is ten times more difficult than establishing bases on the moon and Mars.

This is already building artificial asteroids.

In terms of funds, several people did not think about it at all.

20 trillion is incredible.

It is even equivalent to the GDP of many countries in several years.

However, for them, money is really not a problem.

The problem is technology!

Ma Yun’s plans exist only in science fiction.

Even Musk, the man who claims to be immigrating to Mars, feels very dreamy.

Gates smiled and said: “Ma, if you propose this plan in 50 years, I will support it with both hands.”

The horse laughed.

Of course 540 knew how sensational the plan was.

At the beginning, when he heard this plan, his heart beat faster.

“Everyone, the destination this time is not the magic capital, but the sea.”

Ma Yun smiled slightly: “The next thing we want to meet is the real big man.”

“The Tiangong City plan was also mentioned by that gentleman.

This time, the five were even more surprised.

They captured awe and reverence from Ma Yun’s look!

Buffett is most sensitive to these.

Seeing this, he asked tentatively, “Ma, who are you talking about?”

Buffett really can’t figure out who can call Ma Yun a big man.

Who else could make a genius like Ma Yun be so respectful.

Gates put down the red wine glass and looked at Ma Yun at the same time.

Sitting again, who is not the top existence in each industry?

They are all giants of giants.

Even in the face of leaders of various countries, they can talk and laugh calmly.

Ma Yun did not rush to decipher, but said seriously: “A very big man!

“Everyone, before seeing that person, I hope you can keep it a secret!

Gates nodded.

In my heart, there was some disapproval.

I feel that the horse is a bit overkill.

Or rather, a little bit of an understatement.

How could anyone in the world need such secrecy?

On the side, Zach said half-jokingly: “Ma, did you make us look like a Buddhist master?”

They know horses and are interested in traditional culture.

I thought it was those so-called Feng Shui masters.

Ma Yun smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that the scene cooled down for a while, Ma Yun took out his mobile phone.

The crowd gathered at the same time.

The next moment, Buffett laughed: “Ma, don’t tell me, the person we want to meet is Putin.

“That’s not good luck.”

That’s right, the photo Ma Yun showed them was Putin’s.

The super physicist who has died in the eyes of the outside world.

Gates also laughed and joked: “Ma, I want to live a few more years.”

The five laughed at the same time.

The atmosphere became a lot more lively.

Ma Yun’s humor is well known.

This small joke made everyone relax again.

But with a smile, everyone’s expressions froze.

Ma Yun didn’t smile, and looked at everyone seriously and calmly.

Buffett’s face changed slightly.

Immediately, he said, “Ma, what does this mean?”

The stretched Lincoln is fast on the highway.

Inside the car, everyone’s breathing was a little short.

Ma Yun did not speak.

Instead, click on a video from your phone.

This mobile phone is the contact device that the core members of the Hall of Longevity are equipped with individually.

This video was uploaded by Chu Fangyu before.

The five Gates came together again.

Zach even crouched next to the horse.

In the video, a blond old man is lying in a (bafd) wheelchair.

All around, there are densely packed metal instruments.

Not far away, there is another white-haired old man with messy hair busy, recording something.

The video is very short, only 5 seconds.

However, the hairs of the Gates five stood up!

“This is impossible!”

Bezos suddenly said: “Ma, are you showing us a movie or TV show?”

There are many movies of this type.

Many actors have acted.

Even Putin himself has starred in some American dramas and movies.

The four of Gates did not speak.

But the expression is extremely dignified.

Zach even felt the air get a lot colder and got goosebumps on his arms.

Bezos was suddenly silent after speaking.

His pupils shrank, and he looked at Ma Yun in disbelief.

Obviously, Ma Yun could never watch an American drama for them when he was idle.

Even less likely, fool them with this.

This joke is not funny!

Five people, ten pairs of eyes stared at Ma Yun at the same time.

Ma Shu nodded: “Yes, Putin is not dead!


The next moment, the five of them sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.

Gates only felt as if his heart had been hit hard, and the whole person felt uncomfortable.

The red wine glass in Buffett’s hand fell on the leather pad in the car without knowing it.

“It’s true!”

Gates’ expression was extremely solemn and horrified: “Ma, if you are joking, then this joke is not funny at all!”

Zac and Bezos were short of breath and flushed.

“Do you know the guy in the video?”

Ma Yun did not rush to explain.

He was so happy.

Let you be slowly excited, slowly shocked.

Back then, labor and management were even more shocked than you!

After listening to Ma Yun’s words, several people watched the video again.

Before, their eyes had been on Putin.

This time, his attention shifted.

In the 5-second video, most of Einster’s back is seen.

Only in the third second he turned his head and said a word to Putin.

At the third second, Zach quickly thought about a pause.

When the five of them saw Einster’s face clearly, their expressions changed dramatically!

Bezos even stood up in horror.

The bald head hit the roof of the car without knowing it.

“Oh buy it!”



“No! No! No!”

“It must be an illusion!”

Zach kept rubbing his hair with both hands, his golden eyes widened!

Ma Yun smiled slightly, and said slowly, “Yes, it’s exactly as you think.”

“And it’s all because of a gentleman!

(The big guys are all kinds of circles, if everyone sees it well, click on the automatic subscription, please!!).

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