Chapter 122 Gates, Buffett and other giants visit (seeking flowers evaluation reward monthly ticket)

Zhu Sheng asked with a smile in his eyes, “Commander Zhang, what is your attitude?”

Zhang Tao regained his calm after hearing the words.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: “To be honest, we held a top-level meeting before this.”

“Here I can make a promise to the two of you, as long as the Palace of Longevity does not interfere in domestic affairs, we will cooperate with you all!

After a pause, Zhang Tao said seriously: “Everyone is a Chinese, and the goal of Mr. is actually our goal.”

Seek common ground while reserving differences”, in this regard, we will give sufficient support to Mr.


Zhang Tao hesitated for a while, and then said: “Even, you can give Mr. a very high position.

Zhu Sheng and Ye Chen looked at each other.

Marven Ye said: “We have received your thoughts.”

“Please, Commander Zhang, convey a sentence for me, the entry of the Hall of Longevity into the WTO will affect the world structure, but it will not bring trouble to the country.

“On the contrary, there will be more positives.

Zhang Tao was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Smile very relaxed.

The four-person meeting continued for about half an hour.

The meeting was not long.

However, Zhang Tao and Song Lining had a kind of relaxed joy of unloading a mountain.

This meeting was called the July meeting by later people.

The July meeting was recorded in the annals of history.

It has been deeply excavated and studied by countless historians, strategists and think tank members.

after the meeting.

Zhang Tao and Song Liyu left the office building.

Song Lining glanced at the building with lingering fears.

Immediately, he said softly: “Commander Zhang, I really didn’t expect such an existence in the world.”

Hearing this, Zhang Tao took a deep breath and said solemnly: “The great luck of the country! The great prosperity of the country!

After a pause, Zhang Tao looked at Song Lining: “Song Bu, we are all watching your performance during this time.”

“After this time, you will be the head of the S group.”

After speaking, Zhang Tao walked towards the parking lot.


Song Lining’s body shook and looked at Zhang Tao in disbelief.

This, is this a promotion?

And… at once, he was promoted from the head of the east to the head of the general manager!

This span is too big.

at the same time.

Modu International Airport.

Ma Yun was wearing a neat suit with a smile on his face.

He is about to pick up a group of important guests.

Different from the previous pick up, this time Ma Yun’s expression was light and calm, showing the heroic and control of a big capitalist all over his body.

This time the guest was invited by him.

The assistant was also beside the horse.

The assistant was recording and sending something from time to time.

20 minutes later.

A plane from all the way from North America landed smoothly on the runway.

Soon, several blond men walked to the waiting room.

Seeing this, Ma Yun stepped forward and stretched out his hand with a slight smile: “Mr. Gates, welcome!”

These people are very big!

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world!

The mythical stock god Buffett in the investment world!

Amazon President Jeff Bezos!

Facebook founder Zuckerberg!

And .. the chairman of SpaceX, Elon Musk, who is committed to immigrating to Mars.

Not much, not much, just five people.

These five people were all business giants at that time.

Each can have full international influence.

Ma Yun shook hands with everyone in turn to say hello.

Several people and horses are old acquaintances.

As the chairman of Ali Group, he is a giant worth hundreds of billions.

Ma Yun was on the same level as them.

Gates stretched out his hand and said with a smile, “Mr. Ma, how is your retirement life?”

Before, the news of Ma Yun’s retirement went viral in the business world all over the world.

Hearing Gates’ joke, Ma Yun laughed out loud: “It’s amazing!

Buffett smiled and patted Ma on the shoulder: “Ma, you are still so humorous.”

Obviously, everyone thought that Ma Yun was joking again.

In fact, no one thinks that Ma Yun is really retired.

After all, it is the founder and a permanent shareholder.

There is no such thing as retirement.

It can only be said that it has moved from front to back.

In this regard, many people present are like this.

Ma Yun didn’t say much, but showed a meaningful smile.

He contacted five people, of course, not for the chat among friends.

It’s not a treat or negotiation.

Instead, I want to introduce it to Mr. Ye!

Since the last time he and Qin Mo were responsible for picking up Yue Fei and the others.

The horse felt a lot of pressure.

As the first person on the domestic rich list, Ma Xi is conceited and proud.

However, after seeing the myths in history, this pride vanished!

Since then, Ma Yun has become more cautious.

also become more respectful.

Some of the small thoughts in my heart also disappeared, replaced by a desire to do more for Mr.

The reason for contacting many giants this time is to respond to a certain plan of Mr. Ye!

A group of 6 people chatted for a while.

Under the leadership of Ma Yun, I got on a lengthened Lincoln.

inside the car.

Zuckerberg said with interest: “Ma, this time we are invited to China, is there any new project?”

“Yeah, I heard that your Bodhidharma Institute is very impressive.

Aside, Musk also laughed.

Hearing this, Ma Yun revealed a meaningful smile.

Immediately, raise the front soundproof baffle.

This move made Gates a little stunned.

Immediately, the smiles on the faces of the five disappeared.

Some of them understood, it seemed that Ma always had other things to say this time.

After the soundproof baffle was raised, Ma Yun looked solemn: “Everyone, I have something to tell everyone when we got together this time.”

Buffett and Bezos looked at each other, and the 55-year-old bald middle-aged man said seriously: “Ma, it seems that you have a big project.”

All of you here are business giants with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

The projects in hand, or the contacts are at the national and even the world level.

From artificial intelligence to Mars colonization.

From self-driving cars to the development of human potential.

Everyone is engaged in cutting-edge technology in the future, and (Li Haozhao) every item can change the progress of human civilization.

However, even so, Ma Yun’s expression was still extremely solemn.

Even, it can be described as cautious.

Everyone smelled something different from Ma Yun’s unusual behavior.

“It can no longer be measured in terms of projects.

Ma Yun looked at everyone in the car in turn, and said slowly: “This plan is called the City of Heaven!”

“In short, in 10 years, at a distance of 240,000 miles from the earth, build a new city that is 1/10th the size of the moon!”

After he finished speaking, Ma Yun gave an overview of the Tiangong City plan.

Inside the car, Bill Gates was shocked after hearing it!

(Thank you for your tears, I will always drop a reward of 5000 VIP points. The first local tyrant and rich man in this book!! Scatter flowers and flowers, local tyrants are domineering and mighty!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I ask for flowers!!! Ask for evaluation tickets!!!! Ask for collections and ask for monthly tickets!!! Ask for local tyrants to support!!!!),

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