Chapter 121 Song Lining was stunned

Although before entering the conference room, he had told himself countless times to stay calm.

Keep calm.

But this time, his face changed.

A talented woman in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty, Chu Fangyu!

Since following Ye Chen’s side, Chu Fangyu has not changed her appearance with makeup.

So Commander Zhang recognized it at a glance.

Aside, Song Lining slapped his thigh fiercely.

The pain kept him awake, and he didn’t cry out in shame.

Commander Zhang looked at Ye Chen with more and more fear and awe.

After receiving Chu Fangyu and pouring tea.

Commander Zhang stood up and said very politely, “Thank you.”

Song Lining followed suit.

Obviously the eastern leader of the S group.

But at this moment, Song Lining felt that he was like a child who had never seen the world.

This is even more shocking than Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

After sitting down again, Commander Zhang “537” said solemnly, “Mr. Ye, introduce myself, my name is Zhang Tao.”

After a pause, Zhang Tao said seriously: “This time, we are here with full sincerity.”

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Tao, nodded and said, “You should learn something from your own channels.”

“Sometimes, it’s easy to be blinded by one leaf.”

“For the past five thousand years, too many heroes and heroes have died because of this.

Ye Chen’s words were neither hurried nor slow, neither light nor serious.

However, in Zhang Tao and Song Lining’s hearts, it was like a thunderbolt!

Five thousand years up and down!?

Could this f*ck be any scarier?

Song Liyu swallowed subconsciously.

He heard a hint of warning from Ye Chen’s words!

It means, don’t think that you can judge something by relying on your channel.

If you really make a reckless decision, those heroes will be your fate.

Zhang Tao naturally guessed it.

Wen Yan smiled: seeking common ground while reserving differences “is a traditional virtue of our country since ancient times.”

“Chinese people pay attention to harmony, and pursue family and prosperity.”

“Mr. Ye, this is also what we mean.

Ye Chen glanced at Zhang Tao and joked: “Yes, the same world, the same dream.”

Zhang Tao suddenly laughed when he heard the words.

Aside, Song Liyu, who had not recovered yet, laughed along with him.

He didn’t even hear what the two of them were talking about just now.

However, Mr. Ye’s mouth is smiling, do you dare not to laugh?

Didn’t you see how hearty your leader was smiling?

“Aah, hahaha.

Although the smile was a bit reluctant, Song Lining still laughed so that he seemed to be listening seriously.

There are thousands of words in my heart that are indescribable.

This errand… It’s really hard to do it.

“Mr. Ye, please forgive me for taking the liberty.”

Zhang Tao put away his smile and said solemnly, “Are you going to be born?”

Before, the Hall of Longevity had been hidden from the world.

Such a force with astonishing energy, coupled with the existence of a god like Ye Chen.

Once it is born, it will definitely have a great impact on the world pattern!

Ye Chen nodded.

Then he said: “Born, just for better development.”

“The goal of the Hall of Longevity is consistent with the official and more consistent with the entire human race. This will not change from beginning to end.”

“Technology and biology are the two major themes pursued by human beings today.

“Technology makes human beings stronger, and biology or life engineering makes human beings stronger.

“What the Hall of Longevity has to do is to make all mankind stronger.”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Zhang Tao was suddenly relieved.

The big stone that has been hanging in my heart has basically fallen to the ground.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was knocked.

The ones who came in were Yue Fei and Bruce Lee.

During this time, Yue Fei and the others would stay in the base.

On the one hand, complete the construction of the divine punishment group.

On the other hand, special training was given to core personnel such as Qin Mo.

“Mr. Ye.

Yue Fei and Bruce Lee shouted respectfully.

Zhang Tao and Song Lining turned back subconsciously.

next moment.

Song Lining’s mouth opened wide, and his eyes were full of shock!

Yue Fei didn’t recognize him for a while.

After all, the portraits that have been handed down in the Southern Song Dynasty are very abstract.

Moreover, Yue Fei still had modern makeup at this time, unlike Zhu Sheng’s portraits, which were very detailed.

However, he knows Bruce Lee!

Even, not only know, but also very familiar!

Because Bruce Lee is Song Lining’s idol!

Song Lining was also a special forces soldier when he was young.

After being discharged from the army, he also studied Jeet Kune Do for a time.

Song Lining was extremely fascinated by this martial arts skill that was born for combat.

So Bruce Lee became his idol.

Song Lining has been to Bruce Lee’s former residence more than once.

In private, the sandbags, nunchakus, etc. used by Bruce Lee were collected.

It can be said that the person who is most obsessed with Bruce Lee in China is definitely Song Lining!

Now, his idol is so alive in front of him!

Moreover, looking at Ye Chen in awe, 0

Song Lining’s scalp was numb.

He… isn’t he dead?



History is a lie!

One by one, why do you refresh the three views?

Zhang Tao was also shocked.

He vaguely discerned who Yue Fei was.

As for Bruce Lee, let alone.

If it is said, the previous Zhu Sheng and Chu Fang just shocked him greatly.

This time, it was a little scary!

That’s right, Zhang Tao was really frightened.

He looked at Ye Chen subconsciously.

There was a huge wave in my heart.

Ye Chen took the document handed over by Yue Fei and smiled: “This Qin Mo is really a martial idiot!”

On the side, Bruce Lee also laughed: “His talent is okay.”

To be evaluated by martial arts master Bruce Lee is enough to see Qin Mo’s talent and strength.

Song Lining in the seat saw Bruce Lee smiling and wanted to take out his mobile phone and take pictures.

A voice inside him growled.

“Stand up! Walk over! Group photo! Shake hands! Sign autograph!”

He is a high-ranking man, but at this time he seems to be a fanatical fan of chasing stars.

Ye Chen noticed Song Lining’s eager, shocking, and frightening eyes.

He smiled: “General Yue, Mr. Li, let me introduce to you, this is Commander Zhang Tao Zhang of the Military Department.

“This is Song Liyu, the head of the S group in the east.”

Yue Fei and Bruce Lee looked at Zhang Tao and nodded politely.

This time 5.3 made Song Liyu so excited.

Teng stood up and stretched out his hand.

As he stretched out his hand, he looked at Bruce Lee while hesitant to say anything, his eyes were full of drama.

Bruce Lee did not intend to shake hands with Song Lining at all.

Seeing this, he stretched out his right hand with a polite smile: “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Good luck, good luck, good luck!”

Song Lining’s originally nervous Zhijie’s face suddenly showed the brightest smile.

worth it.

All the worries, fears, and fears were worth it.

Following this handshake, Song Lining’s heart blossomed with joy.

Yue Fei and Bruce Lee shook hands with them and left.

It wasn’t until the two of them left that Zhang Tao’s sluggish expression recovered.

(Today’s sixth update, this chapter is an update, if you like it, remember to vote for flowers and comments, it’s better to have a monthly ticket, oh well.)

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