Chapter 120 Seeking common ground while reserving differences for you

The meeting lasted more than 2 hours.

At last.

Person No. 1 made a concluding remark: “So far, we have not been able to come up with means to effectively deal with that ability.”

“Under this premise, whether the other party is dominating or not dominating, we are all passive.”

“Since this is the case, I suggest that Commander Zhang should be relieved of it in advance, so that the passive can be turned into the active to a certain extent.”

“All in all, harmony is the most important thing, be sure to seek common ground while reserving differences!”

The five people in the conference room nodded at the same time.

And the man in military uniform, Commander Zhang, said: “Okay, I will go to Linhai after the meeting.

The top-level meeting is over.

Song Lining’s heart was still unable to calm down.

Before, although he was still very cautious with Ye Chen.

But there is still trust in my heart.

Even if the other party really has some serious thoughts, they can use enough background and strength to suppress them.

Even, directly let the other party lie down.

However, the results of the discussion at this meeting really shocked him.

With the current technology and manpower, it is impossible to deal with it?

Even the high-level executives have come up with a strategy to unite with other countries, but they still find it useless.

Of course, it’s not useless, it’s just worth the loss.

Even if nuclear weapons are used, can they be hit?

Even if you hit, can you guarantee that the opponent will die?

In the face of such an extraordinary opponent, all force and attack are ridiculous!

What’s more, it is the common people who have really released nuclear weapons to suffer the most.

Because of this, No. 1 gives insight.

Ye Chen didn’t know about the meeting in the capital.

Inside Villa 1.

Ye Chen is enjoying breakfast at Dilire Bar and Yang Mi.

After dinner, Marven Ye changed clothes as usual and went to the base.

At this time, Yang Mi came over with her head stretched out.

Ye Chen put on his clothes calmly: “what’s the matter?”

Seeing the heat, Yang Midili was concentrating on brushing the pot and didn’t come over, so she said, “Did you like yesterday?”

“Is it what?

Ye Chen looked at Yang Mi with a half-smile.

Yang Mi went to the bed and lifted the quilt.

The previous quilt has not been replaced.

A little plum blossom came into view, and at the same time, there was a faint scent of a woman’s perfume.

Yang Mi’s eyes suddenly became misty.

An unreasonable grief in my heart.

Although she had already guessed it, Yang Mi couldn’t accept it when the reality was in front of her.

He pouted his mouth and looked very aggrieved: “You, you two have reached this stage?”


Ye Chen looked at Yang Mi quietly.

Yang Mi’s mouth spread even more, and tears fell down her cheeks.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn’t speak, Yang Mifen punched Ye Chen’s chest: “Didn’t you say you don’t feel for us?”

“Did I say that?”

“Then… what about you?”

“A thousand words are worse than actions.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Yang Mi was slightly taken aback.

next moment.


more than an hour later.

Yang Mi’s pretty face was pressed against Ye Chen’s chest, and there was a trace of satisfied happiness in her eyes.


“Does it hurt?


Ye Chen nodded, then lit a cigarette and murmured, “There are 2 left.

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Yang Mi suddenly raised her head.

The little mouth is bulging: “Do you still want to try?”

“Yes, I have to find that relic of the sea.”

“Screw you.”

Yang Mifen punched lightly.

Immediately followed Ye Chen tightly: “Husband, will you leave me?”

“Why leave?”

“Hee hee, that’s fine.”

Yang Mi happily followed Ye Chen’s neck and whistle.

After whistling for a while, he reluctantly let go: “I don’t want to divorce you anyway.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“Hee hee, husband, I went to record a song.

The two songs that Ye Chen sang were given to Yang Mi and Reba.

The two are planning to strike while the iron is hot and enter the music scene.

After speaking, Yang Mi was about to get up.


As a result, both legs were sore, and it was difficult to stay on the bed.

Seeing this, Ye Chen took it over.

more than 1 hour later.

Yang Mi almost collapsed, rolled her eyes and muttered, “Husband, I was almost killed by you.”

“Then you have to be mentally prepared to be tossed by me every day.

Ye Chen smiled and got up.

Seeing this, Yang Mi picked up the clothes on the hanger.

After dressing Ye Chen, he blushed and said, “Husband, everything is in the bag.”

“What did you wear?”

Ye Chen was stunned, he almost didn’t bring a bag when he went to the base.


Ye Chen understood.

This woman has a lot of thoughts.

Not long after arriving at the base.

Chu Fangyu came over with a tablet.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Sir, it’s from Song Lining.

Ye Chen glanced at it and smiled.

“It seems that the officials are very cautious.”

Immediately, Ye Chen said: “Let them come directly.”

20 minutes later.

A black Volkswagen that drove out of the Linhai Group S base entered the compound in a low-key manner.

Immediately, Commander Zhang and Song Liyu straightened their clothes and walked out of the car.

At the door, Zhu Sheng, who was wearing a black Tang suit, walked forward with a smile.

Commander Zhang and the two were slightly taken aback.

Immediately, Commander Zhang’s expression changed drastically.

“You…you, are you Zhu Sheng?

He had seen the portrait of Zhu Sheng.

As a high-level, especially in the military, of course, he has studied those well-known advisers in ancient times.

But seeing a portrait is one thing.

It’s kind of scary to see a real person.

Song Lining’s hair stood up all over his body, and his pupils shrank as if he had seen a ghost.

Underfoot, a chill rises.

After reaching the gate, Song Lining couldn’t take it anymore.

“It’s the old man.”

Zhu Sheng smiled and said, “You two, sir, you have been waiting for a long time.”

Only then did the two recover. Commander Zhang took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart: “Excuse me.”

Said, followed Zhu Sheng to the elevator.

Along the way, Commander Zhang and Song Lining exchanged glances several times.

There was a trace of fear in each other’s eyes.

The characters from hundreds of years ago appeared alive in front of him.

This kind of thing makes them feel like they are living in a dream.

Song Lining’s head is now full of hatred.

The whole person was confused and followed Zhu Sheng into the conference room.

As soon as the meeting arrived in the room, Commander Zhang saw Ye Chen wearing an off-white linen gown.

Younger than expected.

Also handsome.

Moreover, the majesty and divinity of the body is very strong!

Commander Zhang was again cautious.

As soon as he entered the door, Commander Zhang showed a smile: “Mr. Ye, I have been looking forward to you for a long time.

As he spoke, he took the initiative to reach out and walked over.

Ye Chen stood up and stretched out his right hand with a slight smile: “Hello, Commander Zhang.”

Immediately, Ye Chen nodded to Song Liyu again.

Song Lining returned to his senses and responded quickly.

The four were seated separately.


Chu Fangyu came in and poured water.

Commander Zhang subconsciously glanced at it, and the next moment his body shook!

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