Chapter 119 highest-level meeting! (Evaluation required to play the full moon flowers votes)

Chen Ye and Yue Fei, who talked for more than an hour until the end.

During this period, all the information that Chen Ye camp already been taken.

Brilliant camp, the existing core members of 1298 people.

Affiliates 23,667 people.

Peripheral members even more, reaching one hundred and thirty thousand of the giant.

These peripheral members in all walks of life in various countries.

Which, even in North America, and other places of the island agents.

For centuries layout, plus Yue Fei that extraordinary military capabilities.

A huge, secret and efficient killers so was born.

This data so that leaves very satisfied with Chen.

Yue Fei them 10 people, the core staff as the commander of a dozen people.

After Yue Fei and others to discuss, Ye Chen will it split into two parts.

Part, responsible for the external.

Most of these people, and the strongest strength.

The second part is internal.

Whether it is a core member of the Palace of Eternal Youth, Palace of Eternal Youth or the staff of its various industries.

– May have something to act against Palace of Eternal Youth Code of Conduct, to give arrest and punishment.


Ye Chen also set up the third sector.

That is, specialized in teaching martial art, combat skills.

Of course, not what people are taught.

They are all good at Yue Fei has lost treasures.

Just a man of his secrets in modern times, are enough to cause a sensation.

The extent of no less shocking people get a Nobel Prize.


These valuable skills and experience, they could only pass the people contributing.

in the evening.

IAESTE looked at the young man so that he respected respectful: “Sir, imagine that you have achieved before.


Ye Chen to the interest.

Took delivery to the leaf flat IAESTE Chen smiled and said: “How long energy production?”

Previously, Chen and Ye IAESTE talked about the issue of a time capsule.

Time capsule, time memory more advanced than before.

In addition to the ability to store all Ye Chen, the duration is also longer.

This is a new nanomaterials.

By unstable particles and collisions, to give a lasting and steady energy.

This solves the problem before the battery power consumption.

In addition, there is a time capsule of the biggest advantages.

That is, the wider impacts.

This is mainly for scientific research for the.

Before Chen leaves are small-scale layout time of stagnation, IAESTE let them do research.

However, data calculated in accordance with IAESTE given.

A pill the size of a time capsule, can affect the whole building.

As a result, efficiency is greatly improved (bafd).

The main thing is that he did not have time to help them Ku Haha stagnated.

In addition, IAESTE also take into account the uniqueness.

Chen Ye have time capsule gene index.

In other words, in addition to Chen leaves, no one could use.

Thus, even if the time the capsule is placed in a common position, without fear of theft or destruction of people.

The next morning.

S Group headquarters in the capital.

3:00, Song Lining notified, then catch the turning point came to the sea.

The eastern leader was a little flustered at this time.

Because the person who summoned him was the number one person!

At his level, it is not enough to contact No. 1, and even his leader does not have this qualification.

Last time, because of Ye Chen, Song Lining had the honor to be the messenger.

But this time, it was a direct summons.

When Song Lining came to the capital, there were four big bosses who appeared in front of him.

This is a character who can truly be called a boss.

Each of them has illustrious power and high status in the country.

In a small conference room, 5 people are seated.

Opposite 5 people, is a big screen.

The four bosses nodded to Song Lining and did not talk.

Song Lining just sat down when one of the old men in military uniform wanted to press the button.

The next moment, alloy windows began to drop around the conference room.

These alloy windows are strong enough to resist missile attacks.

Seeing this scene, Song Lining’s face became more and more solemn.

He was summoned naturally because of the Hall of Longevity.

But what is the reason for such a high-level meeting?

“Everyone, we will not go through the process.

The old man in military uniform had a majestic face, a typical superior.

Just a simple sentence made Song Lining extremely stressed.

After the old man finished speaking, the screen lit up.

Next to the old man in military uniform sat a thin old man wearing glasses.

The old man’s unsmiling eyes exuded a gleam.

Seeing this, he said solemnly: “I will preside over this meeting, and the topic is: How to deal with the Hall of Longevity before it takes the stage.”

After the old man with glasses finished speaking, a thick voice sounded on the screen.

“Combining with the recent signs, there is a tendency for the Hall of Longevity to be made public.”

On June 29, North American special forces were secretly killed by Shenwu Camp

July 1, Linhai International Airport, Mayun

Person 1 will inform you of important information.

Song Lining’s scalp felt numb.

Looking at the four to the side, everyone’s expressions were extremely solemn.

After No. 1 finished speaking, the man in military uniform said solemnly: “The first thing that needs to be discussed is, if this person changes his original intention and plans to dominate, what should we do?

“With our current weapons and technology, we can’t deal with those miraculous means for the time being.

After the man in military uniform finished speaking, the old man who spoke before frowned and said, “Song Bu, have you ever been in contact with him?”

“I haven’t had contact with Mr. Ye for a long time.

Song Lining hurriedly stood up and said, “I have been in contact with the leaders of each group in the Hall of Longevity.”

“A few days ago, their Sky 1 recovery rocket was successfully launched, and I sent a representative to attend.

The old man with eyes nodded: “Have you ever noticed that the other party intends to dominate?”

Song Lining did not answer immediately.

But based on recent information analysis.

The four present did not urge.

The words of each of them will determine the next pattern.

Even, it may decide the fate of countless people.

Be careful!

After a while, Song Lining raised his head: “No such intention at the moment.”

After a pause, Song Lining added: “Should we try it out?”

“That’s the second topic we’re going to discuss.”

Another old man with little hair said lightly: “According to your feedback, we have made supplements and improvements. Please look at this picture.”

When you’re done, turn on the computer.

Suddenly, a densely drawn icon appeared on the wall.

“This is all the properties of the Hall of Longevity so far. In addition to the information announced to us, we have also obtained information on two unannounced properties.

“Everyone, please look at Table 2, this is the achievements of Changsheng Temple in scientific research so far.

(Thank you for the monthly votes I voted for if I didn’t like it, misty forest, and the phone was too much. Thank you three bosses, it seems that there are still bosses who are silently supporting me. In addition, please subscribe automatically, the group in the group Dozens and hundreds of custom orders on the street one by one, and then look at me, 8 heartaches. Everyone thinks it’s okay after reading it, click on the automatic subscription, please!)

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