Chapter 116 The Horse Was Shocked (Seeking Monthly Pass for Flower Evaluation)

“Do you love me or not?”

“Hee hee, of course I love it.

Di Lieba hugged Ye Chen tightly, as if to integrate Ye Chen into his body.

“Then when did you fall in love with me?”

Di Lieba heard the words seriously: “Should it be the beginning of singing?”

“It’s not right, it seems that the call came as soon as we met and shook hands.”

“How about you, husband?”

Ye Chen put out the cigarette butt and said, “I should have fallen in love slowly, right?”

“Really? Hee hee, great.

Di Lieba gave Ye Chen a gift with her small head, and immediately closed her eyes in a happy manner.


There is still 1 hour before Yue Fei’s flight arrives.

But Qin Mo and Ma Yu had already started waiting for the plane.

Ma Yun was wearing a navy blue Tang suit, and it could be seen that the clothes were ironed neatly.

Ma Yun’s hair was also meticulously combed “five two three”.

However, Qin Mo was still as usual, wearing a black suit and sunglasses.

Ma Yun did not ask his assistant to follow him.

Didn’t bring anyone either.

Looking at the time, Ma Yun took a deep breath and was nervous with a hint of excitement: “Mr. Qin, do you know who we are picking up this time?”

After all, he has just joined the Hall of Longevity, so he doesn’t know as much as the old man Qin Mo.

But Qin Mo didn’t know either.

He only knew that the surname of the person to be picked up was Yue and the specific flight information.

“Mr. can entrust us with this task because of his trust in us.”

Qin Mo said calmly, “You don’t need to ask more about the others.

Ma Yun heard the words and let out a long sigh: “Yes, I’m a little impatient.”

Next, the two of them waited silently.

50 minutes later.

A black and white Boeing 747 landed slowly from a high altitude.

Qin Mo’s expression changed after seeing the black flag rune on the plane.

This is the symbol of Shenwu Camp!

A sign only known to top killers and mercenaries.

The person to be picked up is actually from Shenwuying?

Qin Mo had just dealt with Shenwuying last time.

It was a mysterious and terrifying organization.

Even a super-class killer like Qin Mo was extremely cautious when facing the Shenwu Camp.

However, Shenwuying is very low-key.

At the very least, it seems that he has not participated in the turmoil in various countries.

Apart from this, Qin Mo didn’t know much about Shenwuying.

Ma Yun did not recognize this sign.

Even if I saw it once in a while, it didn’t make much of an impression.

After the plane landed smoothly.

Under the gaze of Ma Xing and Zhi, a middle-aged man in a black national style shirt walked down slowly.

The man’s steps are steady, and his face is dignified and faintly exudes a strong aura.

Qin Mo’s pupils shrank, this is a super expert!

Qin Mo came even more shocked.

Behind the middle-aged man, nine others walked out.

Most of them are middle-aged, and they have both white hair and beard, and they look immortal.

“No! It’s impossible!”

At this time, the horse on the side suddenly lost his voice: “Mr. Bruce Lee?!”

After Ma Yun finished speaking, goosebumps arose.

Qin Mo was also stunned.

That look, that demeanor…

It’s not about make-up and cosmetic surgery.

Ma Yun and Qin Mo hurried forward, ignoring the shock in their hearts.

“Hello, Mr. Yue! I’m here to pick you up on the order of Mr.

Qin Mo stretched out his hand.

Yue Fei was tall, and even in front of Qin Mo, a super-class killer, his aura was still strong and terrifying.

Even Qin Mo had a faint feeling of depression.

“Hello Mr. Qin.

Yue Fei’s face was filled with excitement and vicissitudes.

On the side, the bearded Zhebei said with emotion: “After more than 700 years, I have finally returned to my homeland!”

The horse and the body were shocked, this seems to be the Mongol general Shenjian Zhebie in the early Yuan Dynasty!

“Yeah, the vicissitudes of life, a hundred years are but a fleeting moment.

Zhang Sanfeng, whose beard and hair were all white, stroked his long beard lightly.

Even though he is old, his extraordinary temperament is still extremely bright.

“Zhang, Zhang Sanfeng!”

Ma Shao’s face changed again: “The head of Wudang?”

The middle-aged man in a gray robe asked, “Mr. Qin, are you always by your side?”

Ma hurriedly looked at this man with a horrified expression: “Yes, Huo Yuanjia

After Ma Yun finished speaking, she suddenly felt a little fear in her heart.

He is very obsessed with traditional culture.

The domestic martial arts is fascinated to the extreme.

Within the Ali Group, he even set up such martial arts institutions as Damo Academy and Luohan Hall.

He also gave himself the code name “Feng Qingyang”.

When it comes to his knowledge of martial arts, Ma Yun is definitely number one among the richest people in China.

But because of this, he was terrified and shocked!

It turns out that these people are actually historical figures!

Each one occupies a strong pen and ink in the history book.0

And Bruce Lee is the action superstar of the modern Chinese and the pride of the Chinese.

As for Sun Lutang, Huo Yuanjia, and Huang Feihong, let alone.

They are all the heroes of their respective eras, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a martial arts myth.

Qin Mo chatted with everyone for a while.

Ma Yun just came back to his senses.

He stretched out his trembling hand and said excitedly: “General Yue, Mr. Zhang Zhenzhen, Mr. Li, I have long admired the name!”

Ma Yun called out the names of everyone in turn.

Yue Fei heard this with a faint smile on his face: “Hello, Mr. Ma, I have been looking forward to you for a long time!”

The reputation of horses at home and abroad is also not to be said.

Yue Fei, who rules the underground forces in Southeast Asia, is also familiar with it.

A group of 12 people got into two cars.

In the horse carriage, sat Yue Fei, Qi Jiguang, Sun Lutang, Bruce Lee and Huang Feihong.

On weekdays, Ma Moyun, who can be called a giant, is as nervous as the interviewer.

“Time flies so fast.

In the car, Qi Jiguang looked out the window and sighed.

“Yeah, if it weren’t for the wisdom of Mr., we would have been a handful of loess at this time.”

On the side, Huang Feihong laughed dumbly.

Sun Lutang also said, “I didn’t expect Mr. to remember us.”

Bruce Lee joked: “Elder Sun, you and General Yue have both been in contact with the first 5.3 students, and we will be a bit miserable by then.”

Hearing everyone’s conversation, Ma’s heart beat faster.

“Mr. Ma, how did you meet Mr.?”

Bruce Lee looked at Ma Yun.

Being stared at by Bruce Lee like this, Ma Yun’s breathing almost stopped.

Although he is a legend in the business world, everyone here is a martial arts myth.

Everyone is a treasure and legend of domestic martial artists.

He is an ordinary person, and facing these masters, it is not bad that he does not break out in a cold sweat.

Ma Yun adjusted his breath and pondered the words: “I’m not as lucky as you guys, I’ve only been with Mr. for a week.”

“That’s it.”

Yue Fei smiled when he heard the words: “It’s still better than us, my husband and I have only met twice, haha!”

Everyone laughed.

We will see Mr. Ye soon, and everyone is very relaxed and excited.

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