Chapter 115 Will it be Sister Yang Mi?

Ye Chen ate breakfast quietly.

For some reason, Reba and Yang Mi were suddenly a little scared.

Since returning to Linhai, Ye Chen has revealed a touch of divinity.

Although it is not intentional, but it can make people feel very clear.

After all, this kind of temperament is not possessed by other people-.

“Sister Mi, do you think our husband is the son of a high-ranking official?

Let’s go around with two little fingers together.

Yang Mi touched her beautiful chin and shook her head: “It may or may not be.”

“And Ah Re, have you noticed that when my husband was on the phone with that General Yue before, his eyes were very vicissitudes.”

“Yes, yes, I have never seen anyone with such vicissitudes of life.

Nod your head vigorously.

Ye Chen looked up and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Ah, nothing!”

Hot bar hastily denied it.

On the contrary, Yang Mi summoned the courage and asked, “Husband, what are you doing?

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, you will know when you need to know.

After speaking, Ye Chen buried his head and ate again.

Yang Mi made a face at Ye Chen and waved her pink fist, but it had no effect.

Hot Bar watched Ye Chen eat, and excitedly said: “Husband, are we doing delicious?”

“It’s okay, it’s far worse than me, and there is still a long way to go with Xiaoyu.


Let’s admit it, I was hit.

Seeing this, Marven Ye smiled and said: “There is a specialization in surgery, don’t rush to take it slow, um, the taste is still good.

“Hee hee husband is so nice!”

Hot bar smiling eyes narrowed.

Immediately, he approached Ye Chen.

Because the magnitude is too large, the short skirt can no longer cover the white and tender thighs.

Ye Chen glanced at it and said, “Do you like black?”

Dili was hot and didn’t react at first.

The next moment, pretty face flushed.

The little fist fell and Ye Chen said: “It’s really bad to ignore you!”

Having said that, seeing Ye Chen taking a mouthful of millet porridge, he immediately said, “Husband is delicious. Sister Mi and I spent more than an hour warming it up.”

“Well, millet porridge is good.

Ye Chen seeks truth from facts.

This time, even Yang Mi became happy.

Seeing Ye Chen eating so happily, the two of them felt a sense of accomplishment.

Even, feeling like best actress excited them.

Chu Fangyu had already gone to the base ahead of time.

As Ye Chen’s first secretary and assistant, she still has a lot of work to do.

On weekdays, many things are decided by Chu Fangyu himself.

This is also what Ye Chen is deliberately cultivating.

With Zhu Sheng’s assistance, Chu Fangyu did a good job.

That kind of overall situation and control over the situation are by no means what women of this era can possess.

Ye Chen went back to the room to change clothes, while Yang Mi and Reba were in charge of washing pots and dishes.

At home, Ye Chen is used to dressing more casually.

But at the base, it would be more formal.

This is also a way to create a sense of majesty invisibly.

When Ye Chen was changing clothes, someone suddenly broke in.

It seems that I didn’t expect Ye Chen to change clothes.

Seeing this, he hurriedly closed his eyes.

Ye Chen laughed: “It’s not that I haven’t seen it.

When he was drunk the day before yesterday, he was clean.

The four women had already seen him all over.

“Screw you.

It’s hot. Two little hands cover your face.

As he spoke, the fingers of his little hand were exposed.

No way, Ye Chen’s figure is too seductive.

Heba’s eyes couldn’t help falling on Ye Chen’s abdominal muscles.

“Would you like to touch?

Ye Chen typed.

I didn’t expect it to be really hot.

The pretty face was red and the little hand touched it gently and carefully.

It looks like touching a lion in a zoo.

“Wow what a practice.

Hot Bar sincerely praised: “Husband, you are really amazing.”

At the door, Yang Mi, who was just about to come in, stopped.

After hearing Reba’s words, Yang Mi’s face turned red.

At the same time, the brain made up a picture that cannot be seen.

Yang Mi’s heart beat faster, and her body felt a little hot.

Yang Mi wanted to step inside and take a look.

However, when I think about that picture.

“Scare, pervert!”

Yang Mi turned and left.

“I remember that you also exercise regularly, right?”

Ye Chen didn’t shy away from being hot.

It doesn’t matter if it’s hot, it doesn’t matter if he’s a big man.

After changing into a clean linen shirt, Ye Chen’s temperament changed immediately.

However, when Ye Chen turned around, he didn’t realize that Dilire was right behind him.

-0 for flowers…

With a flick of his elbow, he suddenly touched the soft spot of Dilireba.

It’s hot, with a small blush.

Seeing this, Ye Chen said: “The material is very sufficient.

It’s hot, looking at Ye Chen with red lips and beautiful eyes.

The next moment, Di Lireba suddenly leaned down and kissed Ye Chen on the forehead.

“Oops, embarrassed.

Dili was shy and didn’t dare to look at Ye Chen.

To be honest, she was really out of control just now.

Ye Chen’s temperament, figure, and appearance were like poison, which made her a little bit addicted.

Seeing this, Ye Chen showed a smile that was not a smile.

Dili was hot, and the little deer slammed into her heart.



The next moment, Ye Chen embraced the heat in his arms.

Ten minutes later.

Dilireba’s eyes were a little blurry, and pretty blushed dripping blood.


Hearing Di Lire’s chatter, Ye Chen said, “Could it be you that day?”

“Ah…I don’t know.

Di Lie looked at Ye Chen with big eyes.


after an hour.

Di Lire, with her small head on Ye Chen’s chest, and her white and tender index finger drawing circles on Ye Chen’s abdominal muscles.

Ye Chen lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, “It doesn’t seem like you…”

On the sheets, plum blossoms bloom.

Dili Hot Bar Wen Yan judo: “Husband, will you divorce me then?”

“Why leave?”

Di Lie laughed sweetly, and put her whole body into Ye Chen’s arms and said: “But, one of the three of them is the same as you…

After a pause, Dilireba suddenly raised her beautiful neck and said, “Husband, do you think it will be Sister Yang Mi?

Ye Chen thought about it and his mind went blank.

It must have happened, but he really doesn’t remember with whom.

However, one has now been ruled out.

Marven Ye felt that it would be good to use this method to eliminate them.

Di Lieba stretched out Bai Zhe’s arm and followed Ye Chen’s neck: “Husband, do you love me?”

(Is there anyone who wants to vote for flowers and comments? As soon as other authors eat and drink, the flowers will go up by thousands. I can’t bear to gamble.)

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