Chapter 117 Sir, I finally see you again (please collect flowers as a reward)

After staying warm with Dilire for a while, Ye Chen went to the base of the Hall of Longevity.

Not long after arriving at the base.

Several Rolls-Royce Phantoms drove in separately.

After the car stopped.

Yue Fei got out of the car first.

Immediately, Zhang Sanfeng and Bruce Lee got off the bus one by one.

In the end, it was Qin Mo and Ma Yun.

Ma Yun is not very tall.

In these martial arts myths, the temperament is even weaker.

Ye Chen stood at the door and looked at the group with a smile.

When Yue Fei looked at Ye Chen from a distance, his strong body trembled slightly.

The tiger’s eyes turned red and quickly walked towards Ye Chen.

Chang Yuchun and Qi Jiguang also saw Ye Chen.

Although they have never seen it before, they have seen Ye Chen’s portrait!

It was painted by Yue Fei himself in 1402.

But seeing the real person with their own eyes and feeling the faint sense of majesty and divinity in Ye Chen, they did not hesitate at all.

“Mr. Ye!

10 men who have created legends in all ages have red eyes.

10 Some looked at Ye Chen with pilgrimage-like excitement and ambition.

Yue Fei walked in the front.

After walking in front of Ye Chen, Yue Fei bowed respectfully and said with a trembling voice, “Sir, I finally see you again!”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “It’s been 877 years, hard work!”

Yue Fei was a little flattered that he had worked hard.

Some couldn’t contain their emotions.

He took a deep breath and barely suppressed his inner emotions and said, “Yue Fei’s kindness will be remembered forever!”

It could be heard that Yue Fei was really excited.

No matter how suppressed it was, the voice still trembled.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand.

On the side, Yue Fei’s eldest son, Yue Yun, who now looks like a middle-aged man in his 30s, hurriedly handed it over.

Inside the box, there are 7 time memories neatly placed.

This was what Ye Chen gave to Yue Fei back then.

Later, when he met Zhebie and Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Fei gave them corresponding lifespans according to the marks on the memory.

The six absolutely heartfelt generals of the Yue family that Yue Fei took away had only 200 years of lifespan.

However, Yue Fei did not give them the lifespan in the time memory.

Instead, they strictly abide by Ye Chen’s orders.

Even after almost 900 years.

But when he saw Ye Chen again, Yue Fei was still the same as before.

Respect, awe and gratitude!

At first, Yue Fei didn’t have much gratitude in his heart.

But later, with the passage of time, when he saw the eldest son Yue Yun was still by his side.

When the loneliness of longevity is mostly eliminated because of company.

Yue Fei’s gratitude to Ye Chen became stronger and stronger.

Life is alive, if there is no son and a half daughter by your side, what is the meaning of longevity?

Ye Chen took the box and nodded: “Where’s General Zhang Xian?”

Yue Fei sighed softly: “400 years ago, he sacrificed himself during the expedition against the Burmese shop.”

Except for Zhang Xian, the other six generals of the Yue family are not old and dead.

Yue Fei remembered Ye Chen’s exhortation.

It has been developing and expanding Shenwu Camp.

In an unfamiliar country, next to a few of them.

But unified the entire Southeast Asian underground forces.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

“Thanks a lot.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng and the others with a look of hope.

Except for Yue Fei and Yue Yun, everyone else was very old.

The lifespan in the time memory is not much, not much, just until next month.

In other words, all of these people will die of old age next month because of their end of life.

“Everyone, look forward to it.

After hearing Ye Chen’s kind words.

Zebie was extremely excited.

The tall man took a step forward, put his right hand on his chest, and knelt down slowly: “See you sir, Zebie!”

After Zhebie finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng, Chang Yuchun, and Huang Feihong stepped forward in turn to salute.

Ye Chen’s face was calm, and he accepted everyone’s salute.

Not far away, Qin Mo was fine, but Ma Yun was completely stunned.

These myths and legends are so respectful to Mr. Ye!

Even, as if seeing the gods, they are extremely awe-inspiring!

At this time, Ma Yun looked at Ye Chen again, and it was not the same as before.

He is the founder and chairman of Ali Group.

He is also a billionaire super rich.

It is also a legend in the domestic business circle, a real astute capitalist.

Ma Yun is proud.

is proud.

Even in the face of those high-ranking officials and big cows, he can maintain his demeanor and attitude.

However, for some unknown reason, Ma Yun suddenly had an illusion.

That is, the relationship between him and Ye Chen is no longer a subordinate.

But Ye Chen is his belief!

It is the belief of all peaks and legends!

Yes, at this moment, Ye Chen is Ma Yun’s belief!

He imitated how everyone looked before and gave Ye Chen a salute from a distance.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

Immediately, he looked at the excited crowd and said, “Most of you have one month left to live. This time, I will give each of you another 10 years of life.”

Thank you “Sir!

Yue Fei and the others bowed respectfully at the same time.

Chang Yuchun, Bruce Lee, and so on, are full of fanaticism and awe.

Mr. has great powers.

The only god in this world!

In the past hundreds of years, what they regret most is that they did not witness the sacred scene of Mr.

And this time, I was finally lucky enough to see it with my own eyes!

In Huo Yuanjia’s hearts, longevity is a temptation.

But, lived so long.

Witnessed one era after another.

Longevity, on the contrary, does not seem so attractive.

What really excited and tempted them was being able to accompany someone like Mr.

It is possible to live forever with someone like Mr.

523 Yue Fei and Sun Lutang are okay, not as excited as Huang Feihong and the others.

However, after such a long lapse of time, it has regained its lifespan again.

The two were still shocked and sighed.

After a while, Ye Chen gave everyone 10 years of life in turn.

The most obvious changes are Bruce Lee and Zhang Sanfeng.

Bruce Lee looks to be in his early 50s.

According to the actual age, this year is just 79 years old.

However, he suffered a lot of injuries when he was young.

Under normal circumstances, you can only live to be more than 60 years old.

After gaining 10 years of life.

Bruce Lee is getting younger at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In the past, the style of that kung fu superstar has returned.

And Zhang Sanfeng, whose beard and hair are all white with age spots, is even more immortal.

The age spots have disappeared a lot, and even the skin has become more rosy.

In addition to them, Sun Lutang, Huang Feihong and others also felt the same.

They are all martial arts practitioners, with a high degree of control and familiarity with their bodies.

Qi Jiguang, the anti-Japanese general, burst into tears with excitement.

Unlike others, he has an extraordinary desire for longevity.

His dream is to protect the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

Even if he couldn’t return to his homeland for hundreds of years before, he couldn’t even do anything.

However, even looking at it makes me feel extremely happy.

(Seeking flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, monthly tickets!!!!!!!!!).

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