Chapter 114 Thank you for taking care of Yue Fei, everything is fine

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, the three of Youli Y finally reacted.

Immediately, everyone’s pretty faces turned red.

It didn’t look like it was eating before.

But now, it’s not very ladylike to eat in front of others, not to mention the appearance of food.

Liu Yifei lowered her head quickly.

“Husband, it’s delicious.

Hot bar rubbed his slightly bulging belly with a satisfied face.

In fact, she was already full, but she couldn’t stand Ye Chen’s cooking, so she ate more.

Originally, the four girls paid great attention to maintaining their figure.

Even if it is late, it will be deliberately controlled.

However, they really don’t want to restrain themselves today, so let’s lose weight tomorrow.

Yang Mi blushed and came out.

The small hands cover the face, and the embarrassment is committed.

I swore that I would not eat it before, but it tasted better than anyone else.

If it wasn’t for her own house where she had nowhere to run, Yang Mi really wanted to run out of the house with her face covered.

After the meal, the four of them took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of cleaning pots and dishes.

Ye Chen played with the four for an afternoon.

This time everyone tacitly agreed not to drink.

If it happens again, Naha, the four of them will really be unable to bear it.

In the evening, Ye Chen asked, “Which one of you wants to go back to Linhai with me?”


Reba 520 raised his small hand, and his tone suddenly became weaker after speaking: “I can still eat the food you made.”

Look at “.”

“Hee hee, then I’ll pack up now.”

Immediately, Yang Mi also said: “Well, I’ve been fine recently, let’s be hot, let’s go together.”

“Hmm.” Reba nodded happily, multiple partners are better.

You Liya and Liu Yifei couldn’t go.

One of them wanted to make a TV series and the other wanted to make a movie, and they couldn’t get away for a short time.

At 9:30 pm.

Qin Mo was waiting downstairs.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, he respectfully said, “Sir.”

Yang Mi and Reba were a little surprised to see this.

They also have bodyguards, especially when they attend events, they will specially invite some bodyguards.

However, the aura of those people is not comparable to the person in front of him.

Even Qin Mo didn’t have any expression when he saw Yang Mi.

Just nodded politely.

Ye Chen said: “It’s been a long wait, let’s go.

The four of them got into the car.

Inside the car, Hot Bar asked curiously, “Husband, what are you doing in Linhai?”

Qin Mo was slightly taken aback in the driver’s seat.

calling husband?

Although Qin Mo was puzzled, he didn’t ask more, but looked at Yang Mi and Reba with a more respectful expression.

By 11pm.

The group finally arrived at Villa 1 by the sea.

Inside the villa, Jin Xianran went to Tarim because of the launch base.

And Jiang Youwei was sent to Harbour City by Ye Chen early.

There, there is also a research institute that has just been put into operation.

After the three wash up.

“Goodnight husband.”

“Good night husband.

After Reba and Yang Mi had a good night, Meimei fell asleep.

The next day, 8 am.

Ye Chen worked out in the gym on the 2nd floor.

Take a cold shower after finishing.

Not long after, Chu Fangyu came over with a breakfast: “Young Master.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “It’s hard for you to get up so early.”

Chu Fangyu covered his mouth and chuckled: “Young Master, you misunderstood, I didn’t do it.”


Only then did Ye Chen react.

The next moment, Yang Mi, with her round head and suspenders and hot pants, jumped in.

Husband, “I made it with Reba.”

Saying that, Yang Mi took Chu Fangyu’s arm and said, “Of course, Sister Yu’s guidance is indispensable.”

As soon as the words fell, Di Ali Gerba said proudly in a sleeveless shirt and a short skirt: “Husband, guess which one I made.”

Ye Chen laughed.

He didn’t expect Chu Fangyu to get along so happily with the two.

But on second thought, isn’t this one of the things that attracted him to Chu Fangyu?

Intellectual, elegant and full of wisdom.

The four of them sat at the table.

Looking at the three buns with different shapes, Ye Chen was too lazy to guess.

“These two you did, this one was done by Xiaoyu.

As Ye Chen spoke (bafd), he took the steamed buns made by Chu Fangyu and ate it.

Yang Mi and Reba shouted and looked very unhappy.

Chu Fangyu smiled: “Learn slowly, you will eventually know.”

“It’s better Sister Yu.”

Yang Mi followed Chu Fangyu’s arm very intimately.

And Chu Fangyu looked at Ye Chen with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Chen was about to speak when the phone rang.

is an unfamiliar number.


On the other end of the phone, a strong but trembling voice sounded: “Sir, it’s me.

Ye Chen put down the bun and smiled slightly: “General Yue, stay safe.”

Yue Fei’s voice was filled with excitement and excitement: “Yes, sir, I can’t believe that you still remember me!

“of course I remember.”

Ye Chen chuckled: “How have you been in these 877 years?”

On the other end of the phone, breathing seemed a little short.

After a while, Yue Fei seemed to have recovered some emotions: “Thanks to the care of Mr. Yue Fei, everything is fine for Yue Fei!

“Okay, come to the sea!”

Ye Chen said: “Tell me after confirming the flight information, and I will order someone to pick you up.”

Thank you “Sir!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen suddenly found that the three of Yang Mi were staring at him in amazement.

Chu Fangyu is okay, she is from the Ming Dynasty after all.

Hearing about 877 and General Yue, I was not too surprised.

But Reba and Yang Mi are really in love.

Hot Bar waved his pink hand and said, “Husband, are you performing?”

“What’s 877? Did you get a cosplay?”

Yang Mi counted with a small hand: “In 877, isn’t that the year 1142? It seems to be the Song Dynasty, right?”

Chu Fangyu said nothing according to his mouth.

She has already seen the mystery of the son.

Not unexpected.

However, there were still some waves in my heart.

Ye Chen ignored the two, and after breakfast, Yue Fei’s message came.

Ye Chen dialed a number.

“Mr. Ma Yun, your mission is here.”

On the other end of the phone, Ma Yun’s breathing became rapid.

He quickly said: “Sir, please speak.

“At 2:30 in the afternoon, how about you and Qin Mo going to the airport to pick up a few people?”

Without any hesitation, Ma Yun immediately said, “No problem sir!”

“Okay, hard work.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen sent Yue Fei and their flight information to Ma Yun and Qin Mo respectively.

Yang Mi said with an expression of discovering a big secret: “I’ll tell you what you see! Even Ma Yun belongs to her husband!”

“My God, what kind of husband did I find.

Hot Bar, his little hands propped up his chin, his eyes full of admiration.

Although they are popular stars, they are not as good as Ma Yun in terms of wealth and social status.

However, what did you mean just now, Ma Yun was so polite and respectful to her husband?

(I wrote a few pieces of life, but the hall of longevity is always a bit monotonous. By the way, I asked for a flower evaluation ticket. The data is too bleak these days. I don’t want to forget about the reward. It is enough to have flowers and evaluation tickets. Guys support!!!!!).

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