Chapter 113 The Law of True Fragrance That Can’t Be Escaped

When Ye Chen tied the kitchen white apron around his waist.

The four beauties of national beauty and beauty were stunned at the same time.

Liu Yifei asked curiously, “Is he really going to cook?”

“No, it must be pretentious.” You Li put her big white legs on the sofa and said, “Even if you make it, it will definitely not taste good.”

“That’s it.

Yang Mi agrees with this: “Really, I also said that my chef is not good at cooking, so let him go hungry today.

It’s hot, holding his chin with his little hand, staring at Ye Chen intently.

I don’t know why, I think Ye Chen’s focused look is so handsome.

Yang Mi usually seldom lives here.

However, there is no shortage of food in the refrigerator.

On the one hand, she has her own restaurant, so she occasionally studies cooking.

On the other hand, the assistant usually asks the nanny to cook the meal.

Therefore, although there are few people living there, as long as Yang Mi comes over, everything that should be there will be prepared.

Ye Chen took out fish, eggs, tofu, green vegetables and other ingredients from the refrigerator.

Picking vegetables, washing vegetables, washing fish

Seeing Ye Chen busy in the kitchen, Yuli suddenly became crazy and said, “He looks so handsome when he cooks.”

Liu Yifei nodded vigorously while holding her legs in her tender little hands.

“Cut, pretend.

Yang Mi also looked a little unhappy.

However, Ye Chen’s posture was too strong.

Especially with the knife, the shredded potatoes that are cut are almost the same as those cut by a machine.

Most importantly, the confidence in the eyes!

Yang Mi had seen this look on a top foreign chef.

In addition, some people who have reached the top in the industry will also have them.

In a trance, everyone has a feeling that Ye Chen is not cooking, but performing an art.

Any kind of art at its peak will have such a beauty.

Especially in cooking.

Looking at it, You Liya was a little stunned, and said in her mouth: “So handsome.”

Di Lire was drooling directly: “It’s so fragrant.

Yang Mi suddenly woke up.

Looking at the three of them eagerly, he threatened: “Are we really good friends!?”

“Yes, but it doesn’t prevent me from eating.” Reba said cutely.

“I don’t care, you are not allowed to eat what he made!”

Yang Mi waved her pink fist and said angrily, “Not only are they not allowed to eat, but they are also said to be unpalatable!”

“Sisters, can you do it?”

The three of them shook their heads subconsciously, and then nodded at the same time.

“Don’t worry, Sister Honey, I support you.” Reba blinked.

However, the little eyes couldn’t stop looking at Ye Chen.

You Liya said a little irritably: “Oh, who did you think we were with him yesterday?

“Didn’t you all say that, your legs will be weak, and who of you has weak legs, tell me honestly!”

“YY, shouldn’t it be you?”

Liu Yifei leaned on Reba’s shoulder and said, “It seems that pregnancy will make you more irritable.”

“Fuck you, you are so irritable.”

Yu Liya rolled her eyes beautifully.

Just when a few people were whispering like larks.

Two dishes and one soup came out.

When Ye Chen opened the rice cooker and everyone smelled the thick rice fragrance, the hot bar let out a very hopeless wow.

Immediately, Ye Chen served the braised fish, celery and beef tenderloin, and tomato egg soup.

After seeing the expressions of the four.

“What? I have rice on my face?”

Ye Chen wiped away.

The four shook their heads in unison.

Just when Marven Ye went back to serve the rice, a small white and tender hand quietly stretched out.


Yang Mi’s eyes are quick and her hands are fast, and she said in a bad mood: “It’s hot, you don’t show loyalty!”

Hot Bar retracted his little hand and shouted, “I’m just stupid, sister, don’t you think it smells good?”

“Cut, smelly.”

Yang Mi picked up her pretty neck with a Tsundere expression.

Seeing that Ye Chen only served his own rice, the four of them were angry and annoyed.

Seeing this, Ye Chen said in amazement: “Eat, is it possible that I want to bring it to you?”


Be the first to respond.

Pidianpidian ran to serve the meal.

As for the sisters vow just now? Forget.

“Scare, plastic sisters.”

Yang Mi made a rattling sound while eating the food made by her own chef, as if she was biting Reba in her mouth.

“Mimi, we’re going too.”

You Liya and Liu Yifei have been fighting for a long time, but they still defected.


Yang Mi turned her head and didn’t want to talk to you anymore.

“I’m going to wash my hands.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he ran to the bathroom.

At this time, the three people from the hot bar came over happily with rice.

“Wow, delicious!”

It’s hot, contented, and the little mouth is full.

“Yeah, it’s so tender, it’s better than three Michelin stars.” Youli nodded vigorously.

Liu Yifei couldn’t care less about being a lady, and she worked hard with her chopsticks.

Yang Mi suddenly felt that the cooking made by her own chef was a little tasteless.

She put down her chopsticks and looked at the bathroom.


“Hey, didn’t you say stinky!”

As soon as Liu Yifei took aim at a piece of meat, Yang Mi snatched it away.

Yang Mi opened her mouth and her eyes widened.

“Wow! It’s delicious! This beef tenderloin is so tender, my God, there is a faint lemon fragrance in it.”

Yang Mi has never eaten anything delicious.

However, this celery and beef willow refreshed her three views.

The fragrance of celery and the tenderness of beef fillet perfectly blend together.

Just the right amount of salt with a hint of lemon.


Yang Mi’s eyes narrowed.

“Not only delicious but also beautiful.”

You Li slapped her mouth and took out her mobile phone to take a photo: “Our husband’s cooking skills really have nothing to say.

“Yeah yeah I’ve never had such delicious rice before.”

Liu Yifei was intoxicated: “I can eat three bowls of rice alone.”

Di Lieba didn’t say anything, because he had never heard of it.

As a genuine snack food, Dilire was really conquered by Ye Chen’s food.

As for the dishes that Yang Mi ordered before, several people have not touched them.

After Ye Chen washed his hands, he was stunned as soon as he walked out of the bathroom.

The four goddess-level stars were enjoying themselves without any popularity.

(Li Li’s) Even the hot bar still has rice in the corners of his mouth.

Not only is it delicious, but several people also grabbed it.

“Save me some, it’s mine.”

“Who asked you to patronize and take pictures.

“Sister Mi, didn’t you say you don’t eat it? Look how hard you eat.”

“I admit that I have a prejudice against Marven Ye, ooh, it’s so fragrant, ah, I haven’t eaten much since you all finished eating.”

Two dishes and one soup are not too much.

Plus the four didn’t eat breakfast.

When Ye Chen came over, it was already liquidated.

Yang Mi was suddenly stunned as she gulps down the rice.

But he saw Ye Chen staring at him with a half-smile.

Yang Mi’s pretty face was immediately covered with a blush.

Aside, Di Lie raised his head after realizing it, and there were grains of rice hanging from the corner of his mouth.

“I’m stuffed.”

Yang Mi put down the bowls and chopsticks sauce and went back to the room to buy it.

So embarrassing.

Ye Chen looked at the plate with no soup left and murmured, “I’ll just wash my hands.”

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