I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 313 This is sleeping together

Under Xia Ruo's dissuasion, Elsa did not go to Nayue Subaru in the end.

I always feel that that boy's life is more important to you than your own life. Could it be that you are interested in him? Elsa looked at Xia Ruo with some amusement.

The corner of Xia Ruo's mouth twitched, I'm only interested in girls, don't get me wrong.


Elsa's winking eyes scanned Xia Ruo's body.

Then are you a pervert?

Absolutely not! Xia Ruo quickly denied.


Seeing Xia Ruo's expression, Elsa laughed like a silver bell, and there was a little more vitality in the dark night.

By the way, are your injuries okay?

Xia Ruo asked Elsa, only two days later, the other party's injury should not be fully healed.

There are still some problems left over, and it will take some time to cultivate.

Elsa didn't hide from Xia Ruo, she told the truth about her body. For others, Elsa might hide it, but for Xia Ruo, she just said it.

Maybe it's in trust.

Xia Ruo looked at Elsa's face. Although she said it very easily, the slash of the Juggernaut, even if it relies on healing magic, is not so easy to heal. Maybe Elsa is still suffering from injuries. pain of.

You should pay more attention to rest before your injury heals. Why don't you ask for two days off if you are still running around every day and go through other people's windows at night? Xia Ruo said to Elsa in a reproachful tone , and then he glanced at the moon outside the window.

It's late at night, do you want to leave tonight? Why don't you continue to rest on this bed tonight, and I can deal with it on the chair.

Stay... rest?

Elsa remembered that she was left behind by this guy last night and slept peacefully on this bed. Unexpectedly, it was a very peaceful night.


Elsa's winking eyes swept over Xia Ruo's face. Although Xia Ruo said to let herself stay and rest for a night, Elsa thought of other bad things, and her face became rosy.

She licked her red lips with her tongue, and the moist red lips became more colorful and attractive.

What you said makes sense~

Then stay here, it's very windy outside, you may catch a cold if you drive at night with so little clothes, Xia Ruo seemed to be really thinking about Elsa.

Elsa stretched her hand into Xia Ruo's quilt and stroked it.

It's so warm, the quilt has been warmed by you. Although I originally wanted to leave tonight, but you have kept me like this, so I'll stay. I slept soundly last night~

When saying these words, Elsa, who was by Xia Ruo's bed, moved closer to Xia Ruo, not knowing if she was tempting him on purpose.

If it was a rookie like Caiyue Subaru, his eyes would turn red when Elsa teased her, but Xia Ruo's expression didn't change at all.

Okay, you must have worked hard today, this bed is relatively soft, you will sleep on the bed tonight, I'll go to the chair, Xia Ruo said, and wanted to get out of bed as she lifted the quilt.

There was a flash of surprise in Elsa's eyes. She wanted to tease him, but she didn't expect that Xia Ruo would not respond to her temptation.

This made Elsa doubt her own charm.

It's too uncomfortable to sit on a chair all night. In fact, this bed is so big, it's okay for the two of us to squeeze together. Elsa put her slender fingers on her red lips, and tilted her head to look at Xia Ruo .


Lie down a bit, I'm coming up.

That's not good.

What's wrong, I won't do anything to you, I don't even care, what are you afraid of... Are you a man or not?


At this time, Elsa was rather strong, so she got into Xia Ruo's quilt directly.

Xia Ruo was a little surprised, because this kind of routine where there is only one bed and then has no choice but to sleep together is a bit like the routine when boyfriend and girlfriend went out to open a room in the previous life.

In fact, the bed in the guest room of Roswaal's mansion is really big, let alone sleeping two people, sleeping three or four people is no problem at all.

So after Elsa squeezed into bed, there was indeed a big gap between Xia Ruo and her.

However, the two were lying on the same bed, and Xia Ruo could even hear Elsa's even breathing at a close distance. It should be some distance away, but Xia Ruo always felt that the other's breath was spit on her face superior.

This woman—

After Elsa lay on the bed, she didn't say anything, as if she had started to sleep, and the room fell into silence again.

However, Xia Ruo felt that Elsa's gaze was always on her face.

Aren't you going to leave Emilia? Her side is dangerous.

Elsa spoke suddenly, but this time, her tone was more serious.

I won't leave, Xia Ruo gave her own answer, Are you worried about me?

Facing Xia Ruo's rhetorical question, Elsa did not answer, but it was equivalent to acquiescing.

I got the news that some members of the Witch Cult are coming, and their target should be that silver-haired half-elf. Witch Cultists are the most dangerous group of people in the world. If you stay here, you may end up badly. It will be better.

It seems that Elsa is still worried about Xia Ruo, and hopes that Xia Ruo will stay away from Emilia.

However, it is naturally impossible for Xia Ruo to leave the heroine in the plot characters, Xia Ruo shook her head. Sorry, I also have my reasons for staying.

Elsa frowned when she heard Xia Ruo's refusal, but she didn't continue to dissuade him, but her tone sounded a little angry.

Hmph, since that's the case, you can stay here. I hope you won't regret it when the time comes. I won't save you then.

After that, Elsa turned her head and pulled the quilt over her body.

Go to bed early, good night.


Xia Ruo didn't know what to say, but, sleeping on the same bed with such a vicious killer, unexpectedly felt no danger.

Of course, even sleeping in the same bed, nothing will happen.


It was late at night, and Xia Ruo fell asleep again in a daze, and Elsa also slowly fell asleep listening to Xia Ruo's even breathing.

With Xia Ruo beside her, Elsa also felt that she slept more peacefully than usual.


Early the next morning.

When Xia Ruo opened her eyes again, there was no one around her, as if nothing happened last night, just like last night, the other party left before she woke up.

Did you leave without even saying hello?

Xia Ruo didn't know why he suddenly felt a little disappointed. He sniffed lightly, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance still lingering on the quilt.

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