I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 312: Taking Out Natsuki Subaru’s Intestines

In this way, two humans from the modern world entered the mansion where the other world was located.

Roswaal agreed very easily. Compared to him being a good person, Xia Ruo felt that he had ulterior motives, so Xia Ruo became a little more vigilant towards the owner of the mansion.

After lunch, Natsuki Subaru was taken by Rem and Ram to change into work clothes, but because Xia Ruo was a diner, she refused to change clothes.

After lunch, the two of them entered the job easily. Compared with coolies like Subaru Nayue, Xia Ruo's diners were obviously more relaxed.

Barus is needed for Ram's work, Ram said to Subaru Natsuki, who was already working in the mansion. It seemed that because of Ram's special habit, he always liked to call 486 Barus.

Starting work, that is, my housekeeper attribute is about to awaken! Natsuki Subaru had no idea what kind of hell he was about to face.

Today, Ram's job is to trim the front yard and courtyard, polish the silver tableware, dry the quilts in the room, do the laundry and clean the bathroom, and once a month, clean the entire mansion...

Hearing that there were so many tasks, Natsuki Subaru was dragged into a coolie by Ram in a sluggish state.

Such a big mansion can be cleaned easily, Xia Ruo will not be so stupid as to work hard for others like Natsuki Subaru.

Because it will always be here in the future, Xia Ruo followed Rem, and Rem introduced the environment of the mansion to Xia Ruo.

For example, a brief introduction of where is the bathroom, where is the toilet, etc. However, because Xia Ruo is much more dangerous than Nayue Subaru, and there is a second person's smell in the room, Rem has always been concerned about Xia Ruo. A trace of vigilance.

Since Xia Ruo is no longer a guest, Rem no longer calls Xia Ruo a guest.

Xia Ruo, why did you stay? Your strength can suppress Lord Betty, and you may get better treatment in other places, Rem asked Xia Ruo when introducing the environment.

It seemed like a random question, but it was actually Rem's temptation.

Xia Ruo rubbed her chin, Maybe I'm worried about 486, 486 is still a child, I promised his parents that I will take him back safely.

So that's how it is.

Rem glanced sideways at Xia Ruo, not sure if she believed it or not.


In the evening, on the way to her room, Xia Ruo saw Nayue Subaru with a tired face. At this time, Nayue Subaru had been busy all day, and his face looked exhausted.

Hi, 486, how was your first day at work? Xia Ruo greeted Nayue Subaru.

Xia Ruo... Nayue Subaru seemed to be so tired that his voice was weak.

This mansion is too big. Do you know how big it is? It's bigger than the museum near our house. It's not something that a few people can clean. You're good. You've become a diner. Now I have to clean this big house... ...

The point is... I haven't seen Emilia for a day!!!

Compared with the previous complaints, it seems that the latter words are the most important. Natsuki Subaru was really poisoned by Emilia.

Xia Ruo looked at Subaru Caiyue's haggard look, and patted him on the shoulder. What Subaru Caiyue needed at this time was encouragement.

So Xia Ruo encouraged him, You can work hard for a while, I think you have a good chance, you have to believe in yourself, Nayue Subaru, you will be a man who can become the king of Lugnica in the future.

Huh? King Lugnica's...man?

Caiyue Subaru heard the meaning of Xia Ruo's words, couldn't help but look around, and noticed that no one around heard him, so Caiyue Subaru breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't talk nonsense! Emilia is only a candidate now.

That's the candidate's man, come on, Subaru Natsuki, you can do it!

Don't recklessly refuel!

Although Caiyue Subaru kept telling Xia Ruo to stop talking nonsense, it was obvious that Xia Ruo's encouragement was useful. When Caiyue Subaru returned to the room, he seemed much more motivated.

There are even more expectations for the future in his eyes. Sure enough, it is still useful to cheer up.

At the end of the day, Xia Ruo returned to her room and lay down on her own bed.

Not long after, Xia Ruo fell asleep.


The night was quiet and peaceful, and the moonlight poured into the room from the window. Under the bright moonlight, a beautiful black shadow pushed open the window of Xia Ruo's room.

The sharp machete gleamed in the moonlight.

Elsa took the scimitar and walked to Xia Ruo's bedside. Her pale to translucent skin made her look like a beautiful elf under the moonlight. The black clothes attached to her body were even more mysterious.

Although he was wearing long high heels, he stepped on the floor without making the slightest sound.

Looking at Xia Ruo who was sleeping soundly, Elsa pointed the knife at Xia Ruo's head, neck, and stomach several times, but Xia Ruo showed no sign of waking up.

Really, are you still not vigilant? If I usually take out all the intestines when I perform tasks...

Elsa tilted her head and looked at Xia Ruo.

Did you not perceive my murderous intent?

Elsa did not use murderous intent on Xia Ruo, and when she thought that she was going to see Xia Ruo, she didn't know why, but her mood was unexpectedly better.

Also, last night, in this room, I really fell asleep defenselessly.

It seems that when she was with Xia Ruo, Elsa unexpectedly felt a sense of peace of mind, maybe he saved herself once.

Elsa didn't seem to want to destroy such a quiet night.

She quietly looked at Xia Ruo's sleeping face, and it continued like this.

Especially thinking of the way Xia Ruo smashed the gold bars, and the way he looked at herself sleeping at night, the corners of Elsa's mouth slightly curled up, as if thinking of something interesting.

I don't know how long it has been.

Xia Ruo vaguely noticed that there was a gaze staring at her. After noticing, Xia Ruo slowly opened her eyes.

Elsa noticed that Xia Ruo woke up, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by an indifferent expression, You woke up, such poor vigilance, if I have the idea of ​​killing you, you are already dead.


Elsa appeared by the bed inexplicably at night, Xia Ruo remembered that this scene happened last night, as if it was like this last night.

Why did it come again today? Could it be that Natsuki Subaru was killed by someone, and then the file was loaded?

Why are you here again? Xia Ruo looked at Elsa curiously.

Why didn't you listen to my warning and stay away from Emilia? Elsa asked Xia Ruo indifferently, seeming to be very concerned about this matter.

You are still living here, are you bewitched by that silver-haired half-elf? That's right, that woman is really cute~

Although the tone of the other party's speech was very indifferent, Xia Ruo had an intuition that Elsa seemed to be angry.

I stayed for Subaru Nayuki. I was entrusted by his parents to protect him, so naturally I couldn't put him in danger alone, Xia Ruo explained to Elsa.

That boy with a strange personality?

A trace of killing intent flashed in Elsa's eyes.

I almost forgot, he seems to be next door, I remember I said, I will take out his intestines, just tonight.

Having said that, Elsa turned around and left, as if she was about to go to the next door to give Subaru Natsuki a ride.

do not!

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