I can break the dimensional wall

The Cursed Rem in Chapter 314

It's another brand new day. Roswaal hasn't come back from a long trip these days. Without that clown around, Xia Ruo feels better.

Lam, why is it roasted sweet potatoes again today?

In Roswaal's mansion, Xia Ruo asked as she watched Ram bring a plate of roasted sweet potatoes.

Ram distributed the roasted sweet potatoes he had baked to everyone in the mansion, and then turned to look at Xia Ruo.

Didn't you say you like roasted sweet potatoes? Also, you who only know how to eat but don't know how to work every day, it's really pitiful to be able to live in this world.

After getting acquainted with Xia Ruo, Lahm also showed her poisonous tongue attribute, mocking Xia Ruo who was like a salted fish all day long.

Xia Ruo naturally didn't care about Lahm's poisonous tongue, took a bite of the still hot roasted sweet potato, and praised.

Hmm~ Ram's roasted sweet potatoes are indeed delicious.


Caiyue Subaru glanced at Xia Ruo speechlessly, and looked at the roasted sweet potatoes on the plate. Isn't this the normal taste of roasted sweet potatoes?

Also, Ram doesn't know how to cook at all. If Xia Ruo didn't always praise her roasted sweet potatoes, why would she keep making them? How delicious is the breakfast made by Ram.

Caiyue Subaru remembered that he had eaten roasted sweet potatoes for three days in a row. If it wasn’t for Rem’s dinner, he would hardly be able to survive, so he really hoped that Xia Ruo would stop praising Ram. Somewhat bloated.

It's delicious, because this roasted sweet potato is...just baked~

Ram smiled at Xia Ruo's iconic confidence, and there seemed to be special effects of flowers around him.

As he said that, Ram gave Xia Ruo another roasted sweet potato, I'll give you another one, eat it quietly and obediently, if you like it, I'll bake it for you tomorrow morning, it will be your reward for your recent language learning.


Natsuki Subaru couldn't help standing up.

Lam, why are you so partial, Xia Ruo can do whatever he likes, and treat me so harshly?

Caiyue Subaru thought of being strict with himself and that Ram was so kind to Xia Ruo, and suddenly felt a little unfair.

Rem on the side heard Nayue Subaru's words, her eyelids trembled slightly, and she clenched her fists slightly. She became more hostile to Xia Ruo, but Rem's eyes were blocked by her hair, and no one noticed.

Ram glanced at Natsuki Subaru, Barus, I hope you recognize the identity of your servant, Xia Ruo is a diner in front of Lord Roswaal's door, and has the power to help Lord Roswaal, I will naturally satisfy Xia Ruo Only in this way can he conquer his heart and let him serve Master Roswaal better.

Ram gave a plausible reason.


Hearing this answer, Natsuki Subaru covered his head and shouted, Why didn't I choose the diner option, why did I have to clean such a big mansion all day...

Barus, with your weak strength, even if you become a diner, you won't get preferential treatment from Ram, Ram then hit Subaru Natsuki.

Don't hit me again~

Nayuki Subaru was so hurt by the blow, he gnawed two bites of roasted sweet potatoes, as if venting his anger on the sweet potatoes, but the freshly baked sweet potatoes scalded Nayuki Subaru's mouth again.

It's hot! What a pity...


The daily atmosphere in Roswaal's mansion is not bad, Xia Ruo spent a few days of peaceful life in Roswaal's mansion.

Elsa was never seen again after that.

In the next few days, the night was very peaceful, and no beautiful female killer appeared at her bedside, Xia Ruo always felt that something was missing.

However, Xia Ruo has an intuition that Elsa is definitely in Roswaal's mansion, but she is hiding it. The person who hired her is probably Roswaal. In the mansion, it is quite normal.

It's just that Elsa didn't want to show up, and Xia Ruo couldn't find her either.

By the way, Xia Ruo has also noticed in the past few days that Rem looks at her with some hostility. It is estimated that Rem suspects that she has fallen in love with her, but according to the situation in the original work, as long as she behaves normally in the mansion, Rem will not Will 'clear' itself.

These days.

Natsuki Subaru works part-time in the mansion, and after busy cleaning, he usually enjoys the moon and chats with Emilia at night to enhance their relationship. Although this kind of life is hard, it seems that Natsuki Subaru is very satisfied.

And the relationship between Natsuki Subaru and Betty also seemed to be very good, and he didn't care about the little things that Betty attacked him.

Xia Ruo has not been idle during this time. He usually studies the characters of other worlds in his room. During this period, Rem and Ram will come to give Xia Ruo advice. Although the relationship with Rem is a bit stiff, but La Mu Mu is familiar with Xia Ruo.

Often make some jokes.

Time flies, Xia Ruo is good, tomorrow should be the time for Natsuki Subaru and Rem to go shopping.

Normally, it should be like this, but accidents always happen suddenly.

At night, when Xia Ruo was going to wash and go to bed, when she happened to pass by Lei Mu, Xia Ruo noticed that there were two tooth marks on Lei Mu's right hand, which seemed to be bitten by animals.

However, it may have been cured with healing magic, so the trace is very shallow and almost disappeared. If Xia Ruo was not careful, she would not have found it.

Seeing the tooth marks, Xia Ruo sensed that something was wrong, Rem, what's wrong with your hand?


Rem raised her right hand. She didn't expect that Xia Ruo would have noticed such a small tooth mark wound on her hand.

I was accidentally bitten by the children's pet when I went shopping in the village, Rem said coldly to Xia Ruo.

Sure enough, Rem was cursed.

It's just that Xia Ruo is still a little surprised.

Purchasing? How come? 486 didn't say that the mansion has a purchasing task recently, and there should be some ingredients in the kitchen.

Xia Ruo frowned slightly. It seems that there is a day difference between the current time and the time when Rem went shopping in the original work, and she has not brought Natsuki Subaru there yet. What's going on?

Xia Ruo has also been to the kitchen before, and he has confirmed in the kitchen that the ingredients should not be purchased yet.

Rem stared at Xia Ruo's face and said, Because my sister is going to cook for you, so Rem went to a nearby village to buy some sweet potatoes.


Sure enough, the only one who affected the direction of the plot was himself, a sudden outsider.

Why do you care about the purchase of the mansion?

Rem looked at Xia Ruo with scrutiny.

Xia Ruo didn't want to waste time on this question, so she didn't answer Rem's question.

The sky outside had completely plunged into darkness, and it was almost time to fall asleep, and soon, the spell on Rem's body was about to kick in.

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