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Chapter 224 Two Great Empires

"Essence and blood? Are you kidding me?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Old Man Tianji warily. The essence and blood contained most of the pheromones of a monk. How could it be given to an outsider?

Whether the other party is subduing his own essence and blood, or using the art of hating victory, or persecuting or destroying luck or control, all kinds of methods can be used as a medium. How can it be given to him?

"You have no choice, young man."

Old Man Tianji's smile remains the same, but his eyes are a little sharper:

"Although you are very special, among all living beings, you are just a bigger ant. Not to mention your essence and blood, even your life is not important to me.

I just want to complete the task. "

As he spoke, Old Man Tianji's strength comparable to that of the star level was fully revealed, his aura was strong, and the aura of the Five Elements Law of the five perfect levels was leaked, even Zhou Qingyuan was shocked.

Regardless of realm or law attainments, this old man Tianji was completely above him.

He is worthy of being the actual manager of the Tianhe system, but he actually has such strength?

"Young man, I say this for the last time. Hand over a drop of your blood, and I will send you to the Tianzhou system.

Or die here. "

Zhou Qingyuan thought for a moment, and the current situation was stronger than human beings. Although he might be able to use the Law of Time to accelerate and then use the Law of Chaos to escape from this place, but...

This old man Tianji is too powerful, not as good as Su Mo before. If he tries to escape again, he really doesn't know how long he will have to run away this time before he has a chance to fight back.

Not to mention, he was not 100% sure of escaping from this person.

What kind of power the five perfect-level Five Elements Avenues can unleash when combined together, is best known to Zhou Qingyuan, who has mastered only one of the perfect laws of time.

In comparison, after handing over the essence and blood, he became more confident in counterattacking all subsequent means.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan sighed in his heart, stretched out a finger, and a little sticky crimson blood condensed with the shadow of the candle dragon. With a flick of his finger, it was thrown into the hands of old man Tianji, and was hit by the opponent in a transparent circle. shaped test tube container.

Old Man Tianji nodded with satisfaction, put away the test tube in front of Zhou Qingyuan, and lightly snapped his fingers.

It was as if a huge curtain was suddenly lifted, and strange objects stacked in a ring shape appeared in front of everyone. The color of the bottom plane flowed, and a door with a warm light appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

"Future second-class citizen Mr. Zhou Qingyuan, please."

The old man Tianji's face no longer showed any trace of the ferociousness before, as if he had become a robot that strictly followed the procedures, and he respectfully leaned over to invite Zhou Qingyuan to board the ship.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly, "Can I leave later?"

"Believe me, starting late won't do you any good."

Old Man Tianji remained bent over, his attitude still respectful.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned even more tightly.

Under the prediction of divine power, the other party's statement turned out to be correct.

Looking back at Meng Qianji, brilliance flowed in Zhou Qingyuan's hand, and a ball imprinted with the color of chaos was generated in the black flow, and was bounced into her hand by Zhou Qingyuan.

"If you encounter any difficulty, enable it."

After saying that, Zhou Qingyuan decisively stepped into the multi-ring starship.

"Then, everyone in the Tianhe system, please rest assured and wait for the new round of screening in ten thousand years. By then, the new owners of the treasures will also be gathered."

Old Man Tianji followed Zhou Qingyuan onto the starship. The stacked rings began to rotate layer by layer, and the power of the laws of time and space was aroused, bursting out at unparalleled speed, and disappearing from the world in an instant.

Qi Guiliu looked at the two people leaving, with a look of unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

Obviously, as the first person to understand the magic, he had been informed in advance that there would be such a screening, but he still lost.

It's just that I lost to someone outside the prophecy, so I'll have to practice hard for thousands of years again. He didn't believe that someone would surpass him next time!

Meng Qianji took the ball mark from Zhou Qingyuan, felt the surging energy inside and the aura that showed Zhou Qingyuan's personal mark, and realized that the other party had handed everything over to her.

Although she realized that Zhou Qingyuan would succeed at the beginning, she did not expect that it would be so fast.

"The leader has left. He has gone to a bigger world, and I have to follow him."

Qing Luo's eyes flashed with determination, and he was the second to leave this place after Qi Guiliu.

Several others had no impression of Zhou Qingyuan, and were still wondering when such a powerful person appeared in the Tianhe system? They all left confused.

Inside the ring-shaped starship, as the starship was activated, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, eventually turning into dots of blue light dotting the surroundings.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the scenery outside the window, and his heart suddenly palpitated. He seemed to feel the power of space laws.

This so-called starship is using the power of two laws to achieve super-speed jumps. Although Zhou Qingyuan felt that the time law it used was only the state of perfection.

But coupled with the space laws of the Great Form, the combination of the two creates unparalleled speed.

Old Man Tianji noticed Zhou Qingyuan's behavior, but he just sat on the chair, motionless, as quiet as a dead person.

After an unknown amount of time, the blue light spots suddenly dispersed and disappeared, and a new space appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's perception.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly opened his eyes, opened the system panel, and gently clicked on the + sign that was just a little bit brighter.

【Space Law-Not Beginner】+

[Space Laws-Introduction (First Heaven)]

Finally caught up

Zhou Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief. The laws of space were really profound, especially when he felt the laws across a starship. He always felt a sense of inadequacy, which greatly affected his speed of understanding.

Fortunately, at the last moment, I still used the system's extra points to make up for the last bit of inspiration.

At the same time, Old Man Tianji, who had been sitting in his chair, finally opened his eyes and said:

"We're here, now it's time for you to make a choice."

Old Man Tianji came to Zhou Qingyuan, stretched out his hand, and two huge space cities appeared on both sides of him.

Left hand.

"The politics of the Tianshu Empire is that everyone is equal. Here, everyone can receive rewards and obligations corresponding to their status. As a planet-level powerhouse, you can enjoy second-class citizen treatment here."

Right hand.

"The political philosophy of the Tiandou Empire is that strength is supreme. Everyone here must regularly participate in the gladiatorial arena to determine the winner and improve citizen points.

After winning more times, you can also choose to explore and exploit resources to avoid duels. "

"Now, please choose which empire you want to join?"

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