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Chapter 223 I want a drop of your blood

"Oh? It seems you have your own ideas. Yes, I respect it."

When Old Man Tianji saw Qi Guiliu choosing to challenge everyone, he became interested and silently gave up the battlefield.

But his focus was more on Zhou Qingyuan.

‘In a place like the Tianhe System, there can be a being who has such a profound grasp of the power of law? It’s really amazing that he even obtained the Law Brand. ’

As for Qi Guiliu, who single-handedly suppressed everyone except Zhou Qingyuan?

It's still a decent living.

If Zhou Qingyuan hadn't existed, he would have been the winner this time.

But since an outsider was killed, the outcome was naturally doomed.

Tianji looked at the battle that had already concluded and focused all his attention on Zhou Qingyuan.

He was curious about this person.

Why can he break away from the development rules of this galaxy and become the eleventh person to master Xuantian's magic?

Is this reasonable?

In the middle of the field, Zhou Qingyuan used the Law of Chaos to hold the Shadow Bearing Sword and was already fighting with Qi Guiliu. The impact caused by the fight between the two made other Destined people present feel frightened and sad.

It’s just that they are not the opponent of the mysterious old man Tianji. Why are these two people so powerful when everyone is destined?

Meng Qianji and Qingluo, who were familiar with the process of Zhou Qingyuan's rise, were even more surprised. One of them was thinking, could this be the special nature of people outside Fang?

The other one couldn't help but think about the legend about the Shadow Sword. Although it is said that the person who can pull it out will become the leader of kendo, but such performance has little to do with kendo, right?

In fact, in just nine days, even with Zhou Qingyuan's understanding, he could only understand the training part of the Taishang Sword Manual. He only glanced at the sword skills recorded in it, and he could not get started at all. There is no extra thought.

Now he almost uses the sword instead of the sword to use the Chaos God Sword, and at the same time uses the power of the law of time to speed up each move and the Qigui flow hand.

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan could move freely and completely unaffected by the law of gravity, Qi Guiliu's eyes became a little interested. He didn't see any movement from him, and the divine power of the law was already activated.

The complex and intertwined gravity network builds nested structures with Zhou Qingyuan's site as the core, surrounding Zhou Qingyuan inside.

During this process, Zhou Qingyuan only felt the pressure on his body getting bigger and bigger, until even his normal actions were affected.

This person does have something in his understanding of the law of gravity, and he is only one step away from understanding the imprint of the law.

But no one knows when the last step will be taken.

However, as an opponent, Qi Guiliu is a good training pile. In addition, the opponent practices the law of gravity. Zhou Qingyuan is also involved in this aspect. At this time, with the help of the opponent, he understands the law of gravity. constantly improving.

Accelerated by three times the normal time, Zhou Qingyuan's well-tempered physique was able to fight Qi Guiliu back and forth despite the strong pressure and interference, and his posture became more and more calm.

Qi Guiliu frowned slightly, feeling that the pressure he exerted on Zhou Qingyuan was getting smaller and smaller, and he did not want to delay it any longer. The next punch suddenly exploded and knocked Zhou Qingyuan away. His whole body was condensed, and his aura began to rise again!

"I admit that you have two brushes, but my magic is different from theirs, you can't stop it!"

The wind of time swept across space, and Daoyun turned into substantial space turbulence to surround Zhou Qingyuan. The next moment, the world in his eyes fell into almost absolute stillness.

The reactions of everyone around him stopped, and the thinking speed of the brain was slowed down to a tenth of a second in an instant. In this world, only Qi Guiliu's figure leisurely approached Zhou Qingyuan.

His voice sounded slowly, and Zhou Qingyuan's mind felt like it was filled with ten times more radio waves. The listeners felt upset and found it difficult to understand.

"This is my magic, eternity."

"Your perception of time has been forcibly slowed down by the influence of the treasure. If you are unable to break this influence, this slowness will continue to increase until your spirit completely collapses.

Although your brain's thinking speed has slowed down, you still have to process the same amount of information. If you keep this state, your brain will be completely burned out even if I don't take action. "

At the same time, Qi Guiliu had already approached Zhou Qingyuan, without making any attack movements. He just opened his palms quietly and made a "pop" sound.

The specially made sound triggered an information storm in Zhou Qingyuan's slow brain. If it were any other person, the brain would have suffered internal injuries at this time.

But when Zhou Qingyuan first joined the Tao with his body and received a large amount of information from the world, how could his carrying capacity be so fragile?

Feeling his brain buzzing and overwhelmed, Zhou Qingyuan's sluggish thinking finally realized what had happened. The law of time completely exploded at this moment!

"Admit defeat. It's not easy for you to practice. I won't kill you."

Qi Guiliu folded his arms and looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was almost still, full of confidence.

But at this moment, the ∞ symbol lit up in Zhou Qingyuan's eyes, and the rotation went from slow to fast, from laboriously twisting to fast and smooth rotation, in just a moment.


In Qi Guiliu's exclamation, Zhou Qingyuan's figure, who had been stagnant in place a second ago, had disappeared in front of him. The next one, a sword with only a hilt was placed on Qi Guiliu's neck.

"Your magic is indeed powerful, but I have already understood the avenue of time, and you can't defeat me."

Qi Guiliu's eyes flashed with disbelief, and he slowly turned his head to look at Zhou Qingyuan. When he saw the ∞ symbol in his eyes, a look of confusion flashed across his face.

"The brand of law. You have actually reached the end of the road of a law?"

It is clear that he has been practicing hard for ten thousand years, but he has not been able to grasp the last bit of inspiration. This person

Qi Guiliu felt a sense of bitterness in his heart and lost interest in fighting again.

People who can obtain the brand of law are indeed more qualified than him to go to that unknown world.

As for him? It's nothing more than waiting for the next ten thousand years.

Thinking of this, Qi Gui Liu's mood waned, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and quietly left the place.

"I lost."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the man's leaving figure, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

Although their battle only lasted a very short time, it was really uncomfortable to be hit by the opponent's eternal magic. The opponent's magic was quite powerful and could even affect his thinking, which was very scary.

If Zhou Qingyuan hadn't happened to be proficient in the law of time, he probably wouldn't have been able to crack the opponent's move.

But it was impossible for Qi Guiliu to hurt him. If Zhou Qingyuan mastered the law of force, then even if he stood and was beaten by Qi Guiliu, the opponent would not be able to hurt him.

"It seems there is a result? So"

Old Man Tianji, who was watching the battle with a smile on his side, was not surprised by the result, and his voice suddenly sounded in Zhou Qingyuan's ears.

"I need a drop of your blood."

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