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Chapter 225 Is this hell?

Two empires?

Zhou Qingyuan thought for a while and quietly used his divine power, hoping that it would give some omen.

After reaching the planetary level, this Xuantian treasure technique broke through the original shackles, and he has added points to the level of Xiaocheng. Now Zhou Qingyuan is becoming more and more dependent on him.

It's no wonder that Su Mo relies on the guidance of fate. After all, it feels good to know what to do in one's own interests. It makes people confident of winning anything and full of motivation.

However, this time the invincible divine power of heaven seems to have encountered obstacles. Zhou Qingyuan only had a premonition that the two routes would have huge branches, no matter which one had far-reaching influence and could not be penetrated.

Since the Divine Power of Heavenly Law could not give him a clear choice, according to Zhou Qingyuan's own feelings, he naturally still wanted to choose the Tianshu Empire.

Without him, although he does not reject fighting, it does not mean that he likes to throw himself into a tight environment.

The Tiandou Empire regularly participates in gladiatorial arenas, which sounds like throwing people into cages to watch. He doesn't like this style.

Moreover, with the existence of the system, no matter where he is, there is no dilemma of improving his realm, so why bother taking risks in the Tiandou Empire?

"I choose Tianshu Empire."

"very good."

Just after Zhou Qingyuan made his choice, the ring-shaped starship was activated again. After the super-high-speed jump, a space city covering most of the starry sky appeared in front of the two of them.

No special movements were seen from the sky machine. There was already a ball flying towards the starship in space. The moment it entered the hatch, it turned into a capable woman with short hair.

"Hello, future second-class citizen Mr. Zhou Qingyuan."

"I'm glad you chose Tianshu Empire. Please follow me. I will take you to go through the procedures to join Tianshu Empire and apply for your citizen card."

AI? Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual mind swept across the woman's body quietly, but he didn't feel anything different about the woman.

The artificial intelligence system of the Tianshu Empire has developed to the point where it is no different from a real person?

While feeling surprised, Zhou Qingyuan already thought of another question in his mind.

What will the interior of such a highly developed artificial intelligence city look like?

"Go, young man, a bright future awaits you."

Old Man Tianji watched Zhou Qingyuan and the short-haired woman leave with a smile, and the expression on his face disappeared instantly, as if it was a routine.

Then, the starship started up again and jumped to the huge city that looked like an inverted Rubik's Cube.

Here, there are also humanoid robots waiting here.

If Zhou Qingyuan were here, he would find that this robot is exactly the same as the short-haired woman he saw before, just like it was forged from a template.

"Spy Type 6 aircraft detected, turn on iris verification."

Old Man Tianji spoke stiffly, and blue light appeared in both the eyes of the short-haired woman, illuminating the pupils.

"Iris verification passed."

"Model Tianji Type 3, number 1326, supervise the galaxy-Galaxy System, and submit the winner's biopheromone."

Old Man Tianji took out the essence and blood contained in Zhou Qingyuan's test tube from Fangzheng's storage bag and handed it to Agent Six.

Agent Six took the test tube and put it away. As the radio waves circulated, he spoke again:

"Received successfully. Number 1326. Congratulations on completing the mission.

Next, you will get ten years of free time, and the relevant rewards will be remitted to your account after confirmation by the mastermind. "

After saying that, Agent Six turned into a ball again and flew back into the inverted Rubik's Cube.

Inside the magnificent Rubik's Cube, all the ancillary facilities built around the huge arena are revealed.

The ball transformed by Agent Six climbed onto the predetermined track and slid quickly. After passing six layers of verification, it arrived at the gene cultivation room in the center.

The fluctuations on the hatch shrouded by the powerful power of law disappeared, and the hatch disappeared. A nervous look appeared on Agent Six's face. He quickly entered and inserted Zhou Qingyuan's sperm and blood test tube into the groove in the center of the culture room. Unexpectedly, Dare to stay for even the slightest moment and leave immediately before triggering the alarm.


Above the groove, the test tube containing Zhou Qingyuan's blood began to react.

Eight robotic arms stretched out from the ceiling and the ground of the culture room, and the tips turned into sharp needles, which simultaneously penetrated into the test tube. On the frameless display screen that no one is watching, all the information about Zhou Qingyuan is displayed.

[Blood samples have been detected and analysis is underway. 】

[It requires ten crystals of Type I culture solution, three crystals of Type II culture solution, and two crystals of Type III culture solution. 】

[Character is being analyzed. 】

[According to Type 32 of the Personality Building Method, the personality is set to be SJQT, a killing-dominant personality, and the sub-personality is indecisive. 】

[After character building is completed, cognition begins to be shaped. 】

[After the cognitive shaping is completed, the power of law begins to be shaped. 】

The liquid from the eight needles pierced into the test tube rose up and merged into the blood in the test tube.

At the same time, energy surged below the petri dish, sucking the blood that had absorbed the concentrated energy and instantly transferring it to the huge cultivation cabin above.


The sound of dense bubbles resounded in the culture cabin until a big hand touched the culture cabin.

"Hua la la la la~"

The nutrient solution, whose energy had been absorbed, overflowed with the newly generated human bodies in the culture chamber, and a naked body sat up from the culture chamber.

[Personality shaping completed. 】

[The power of law has been shaped. 】

[Human body shaping completed. 】

【Congratulations on your birth! Mr. Zhou Qingyuan! 】

‘Where am I? I’m so hungry.’

‘Zhou Qingyuan’ in the cabin stood up and looked at the text on the screen, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

‘I am Zhou Qingyuan? A third-class soldier of the Tiandou Empire?’

Before Zhou Qingyuan could think carefully, the door in front of him suddenly opened, shining with light, and faint cheers came from inside, as if welcoming him.

Zhou Qingyuan stood up in confusion and soon felt his own strength.

Following the call of his heart, he walked towards the light.

“Tatt. Tat.”

The passage that could only accommodate two people was occupied by Zhou Qingyuan’s burly body. He walked towards the light in the darkness.

But what awaits him.

"Hahahaha! A new genetic warrior is born! I can't wait! Hurry up and present it!"

"Hey hahaha! The information is out!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Rape! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Amid the roar of the mountains and seas, 'Zhou Qingyuan' walked naked into the Colosseum that was like a primitive jungle, with countless lights shining on him. At the same time, the special metal door behind him had been closed.

"Is this hell?"

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes flashed with trance, and he looked at the muscular man who was walking towards him with a fierce smile, and his face showed disgust.

"What's so funny?"

The artificially created violent factor was instantly awakened, and 'Zhou Qingyuan's' eyes turned scarlet, and the corners of his mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile.

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