I can add one every day

Chapter 222 It's just a bug

In the Eternal Palace, where the flow of time is controlled at 1:10, Qi Guiliu, the owner of the [Eternal] Xuantian Treasure Technique, finally opened his eyes after ten thousand years of seclusion.

"How long has it been? Is it time now?"

He stood up. Although the skin on his face was still very shiny, his expression was as stiff as if it was engraved on stone.

His aura was revealed in his gestures, but he was only at the upper level of the planetary level.

Just as others said, if you practice hard blindly, even if you practice for ten thousand years through time acceleration, the achievements you have made are just so-so.

He is only at the upper level of the planetary level, and he is also the strongest existence in this world! If you don't care about a key fact.


The bell rang, and Zhou Qingyuan, who also practiced with time acceleration, also opened his eyes.

This bell? Why do I feel a call in my heart, urging me to go somewhere?

'Three days. After three times acceleration, it will be nine days? Unfortunately, the system seems to recognize this acceleration. In nine days, it is just three opportunities to add points. ’

Zhou Qingyuan stood up and opened the panel leisurely.

[Planetary Level - Upper Level]

[Time Law - Perfection]

[Chaos Law - Minor Success (Ninth Heaven)]

[Power Law - Major Success (Third Heaven)]

In three days, he easily broke through to the upper level of the planetary level by adding points, and the Chaos Law and Power Law were also slightly improved in the continuous comprehension.

The evolution of the inner world is getting smoother and smoother. Although Zhou Qingyuan can only perform a hundred times accelerated evolution under normal circumstances, there are already beings equivalent to the eighth heaven of divine thoughts in it. The energy provided by the whole world to Zhou Qingyuan is close to one-tenth of his own.

This is already a very considerable supply.

It can be foreseen that as the natives in the high-level martial arts world become stronger and stronger, this change in the inner world alone can still bring Zhou Qingyuan a steady stream of strength in the days to come.

This step is considered to be very successful.

Following the guidance of the bell, Zhou Qingyuan took a step forward and crossed eight million kilometers. While strolling leisurely, he had already arrived at the center of the Tianhe system and saw the huge stone tablet that could be called a miracle, on which the [Heavenly Principle] treasure technique was recorded.

Turning his sight to look at the old man in front of the stone tablet, Zhou Qingyuan was about to speak, but he noticed a fluctuation in the space, and another man in white crossed the endless starry sky and stepped forward.

‘I’m not the first one? ’

Qi Guiliu glanced at Zhou Qingyuan who arrived first, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Who is this person? I had never seen this person before the closed-door retreat.

“Everyone is not here yet, please be patient, fellow Taoists.”

It was not until half a quarter of an hour later that the other few people arrived slowly one after another.

“This should be the first time we meet, right? Let me introduce myself. I am Tianji No. 1326, the supervisor of this galaxy.”

Zhou Qingyuan’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and he became a little interested in the information revealed in the old man’s words.

No. 1326? Galaxy Supervisor?

In other words, are there many similar galaxies? What does the number in front represent? Is this person not a real person? But his soul breath. No matter how you detect it, there is nothing strange.

Seeing that everyone was gathered, the old man Tianji said: "Congratulations, you are the seven strongest people left in this Tianhe system.

Next, I, the manager of this galaxy, will hold a space arena, and all of you must participate.

The final winner can get a chance to peek into a higher civilization."

When these words came out, everyone had different expressions. Meng Qianji, who knew Zhou Qingyuan, knew how big the gap between his strength and his was, and couldn't help asking:

"Is this arena a life-and-death battle? Can I give up?"

"You can't give up, but if the gap in strength is too big, I allow you to admit defeat."

"Tsk! Boring! I'm not interested!"

The man in gorgeous golden silk clothes waved his hand and was about to leave here.

But the next moment, the fear in everyone's heart instantly boiled!

A giant finger instantly pierced the man's chest at a speed that Zhou Qingyuan barely noticed just now.


The owner of the [Pure Yang] magic technique was about to continue speaking when a black light flashed on his finger, and the terrifying poison instantly spread throughout the person's body, instantly melting the person.

That would be fine. The poison seemed to sense something in space and escaped into the virtual world, obviously tracing back to the source.

The old man Tianji struck casually and killed a planetary-level lower-level strongman who mastered the magic technique.

The four owners of the magic techniques of [Star Destruction], [Turning Disaster], [Heaven-reaching], and [Ten Thousand Transformations] at the same level saw this scene and felt their scalps tingling, not daring to make any moves.

"It's just a weak bug, how dare you talk to me like this."

The old man Tianji retracted his finger, and a cold look flashed across his face, but he immediately returned to a smiling look and said to everyone: "Congratulations on having one less competitor. Do you have any other questions?

If not, let's get started."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the old man Tianji coldly, secretly judging the gap between his own strength and his.

If I had used the power of the time imprint just now, I should have been able to counter it, but the opponent obviously hadn't used his full strength yet.

Could it be that this person's strength has reached the next stage of the planetary level? An alien?

Just when everyone was hesitating, Qi Guiliu, the owner of the [Eternal] Treasure Art, stood up unceremoniously and said calmly: "No need to go to so much trouble. In my opinion, except for him, the rest of you have nothing to do with me. qualifications."

Qi Guiliu pointed at Zhou Qingyuan with his fingertips, "Why don't you all come together? It won't make any difference anyway."

As soon as these words came out, except for Zhou Qingyuan who did not react, everyone else had an unpleasant look on their faces.

After all, they are one of the strong ones recognized by Old Man Tianji before. Everyone is on the same starting line. What right does this person have to look down on them?

"You are Qi Guiliu, the eternal owner? How arrogant!"

But before this person could finish speaking, Qi Guiliu's aura surged, and the power of law exploded instantly.

Just like the gravity of a planet pressing down on a person in an instant, the words of everyone in the room were momentarily stagnant. They were overwhelmed by the huge force and had no intention of doing anything else. They concentrated on resisting the strong pressure.

Qi Guiliu looked at everyone with a meaningless look on his face. After being in seclusion for thousands of years, and with the acceleration of the Eternal Technique, he was indeed feeling a little panicked now, so he began to explain to everyone.

"I use the law of gravity to cultivate my own strength, and I continue to hone my strength in endless time. I am focused on nothing. How can I be compared to you people?"

The near-perfect gravity law continued to strengthen again. Just when Meng Qianji felt that she was about to be overwhelmed, a hand was placed on her body, and the huge pressure melted away instantly.

"Sure enough, you are the only one qualified to fight me."

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan taking action, Qi Guiliu's face showed excitement.

After being in seclusion for thousands of years, it’s time to vent.

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