I can add one every day

Chapter 221 Tianzhou Talent Transportation Plan

[Inner Scenery - Ultimate] +

[Planetary Level - Lower Level]

As the points were added, Zhou Qingyuan's inner world once again evolved to a high degree, providing him with energy continuously. The rules of the inner world changed, and everyone's starting point was no longer an ordinary person, but was born with the strength equivalent to the sixth-level mind.

To Zhou Qingyuan's surprise, after entering the immortal realm, the text on the system panel changed and became the planetary level corresponding to the immortal realm.

'Teng Luo, the planetary level has been achieved, and it's time to fulfill my promise to your ancient god clan. '

After discussing with the excited Teng Luo, Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his hand and drew a list of materials and handed it to the people below.

As for him, he was going to go out.

Except for Teng Luo, no one noticed Zhou Qingyuan's quiet departure.

He walked in space, easily broke through layers of obstacles, and returned to the material world.

As he continued to go down, across the sea of ​​clouds and the world of immortality, Zhou Qingyuan returned to the Sun Chasing Realm again. That was where he was born.

This realm, as Teng Luo's inner world, is now increasingly withered.

'It's not good to see my former inner world become like this. '

Teng Luo's sigh sounded at the right time, but Zhou Qingyuan did not speak, walking silently in the white mountains and black waters.

Step by step, his steps became slower and slower.

Finally, he stopped at the corner of the Zhuri Realm, near the ruins of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the broken earth, which was even more broken because of the death of the ancient god, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

If this was his inner world, he could use the powerful law of time to repair it at any time, but this is the material world, an independent world that Teng Luo cannot influence now.

He was not sure what the result would be.

Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his hand, and the ∞ symbol flashed in his eyes. The power of time turned into a semicircular cover flow to wrap this place. Zhou Qingyuan tried to reverse the time here.

At the beginning, everything went well. The broken earth began to recover, and the decayed buildings began to be repaired, but when the first node, that is, the first biological revival, began, everything began to collapse.

Zhou Qingyuan seemed to see the passage of time, and saw a ray of light running at the front of a river of time, and no matter how he chased, he could not catch up with the speed of that light.

Failure to catch up means that it cannot be reversed.

The ∞ symbol in Zhou Qingyuan's eyes turned wildly, and he was getting closer and closer to the light, but he could not catch up.


Like the sound of a broken mirror, the semicircular space-time cover disintegrated, and everything returned to its original appearance.

The life essence of these people was too low. In the absence of any pheromones, Zhou Qingyuan wanted to reverse all trajectories out of thin air and revive them. Obviously, it was a bit whimsical.

His time law was not strong enough. If he could not catch up with the speed of the light, he could not reverse time in the material world.

Zhou Qingyuan was silent for a moment and left silently.

'It doesn't matter. I have seen hope. As long as I become stronger, I can do it one day.'

As if he felt Zhou Qingyuan's mood, Teng Luo did not say a word at this time and became silent.

After returning to the Star Palace of the Tianhe System quietly, Zhou Qingyuan did not rest and began to practice hard again.

At present, except for the perfection of the law of time, his understanding of other laws is seriously broken. It is time to improve the power of other laws.

As for the cultivation method after the planetary level, the ancient god's cultivation to the immortal realm is the pinnacle. After integrating various cultivation systems, he plans to switch to the [Taishang Sword Sutra] of the Sword Dynasty, and at the same time, comprehend the sword from scratch.

This matter is not difficult for him, it is nothing more than some grinding and a little investment.

After solving a big enemy like Su Mo, there is no one in the Tianhe System who is blind enough to provoke him.

Although due to the vastness of the universe, things like space bandits are still emerging in an endless stream, but those things can be left to the people in this world to deal with, and have nothing to do with Zhou Qingyuan.

Appropriate pressure can increase the fighting spirit of people in this world, which is not a bad thing.

A month later, Zhou Qingyuan resurrected all the people in the material world who had faked their death in the Ancient God Clan, and randomly assigned them a planet. Zhou Qingyuan then ignored them.

Teng Luo now had a new body, which looked very majestic, completely different from his increasingly erratic personality, with a very old-fashioned face.

Teng Luo looked at Zhou Qingyuan sitting cross-legged on the star platform, with a complex expression on his face.

To be honest, compared to his own life, he felt that staying with Zhou Qingyuan could see a wider world, but he no longer had a reason to stay in his sea of ​​consciousness.

That's all. After all, no matter how wonderful other people's lives are, they are still theirs. It's time for him to regain the pride and faith of the Ancient God Clan.

"Thank you for your care during this period. To be honest, we, the Ancient God Clan, have only contributed a technique. I have not been able to help you in any way."

"This deal is fair in my opinion. Don't mind it."

Zhou Qingyuan smiled gently and patted Teng Luo on the shoulder. "If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

Teng Luo saw that Zhou Qingyuan's attitude remained the same and his expression looked better. He buried his feelings deep in his heart.

At first, he and his friends had thought that if he didn't have the talent, they would take over his body. Now it's really funny to think about it. Fortunately, Zhou Qingyuan pointed out his idea at that time.

Otherwise, their ancient god clan would probably be completely expelled.

Who would have thought that in just a dozen years, this boy has become one of the strongest in the entire Tianhe system?

When those resurrected clan members heard about the boy's growth experience, they were all like seeing a ghost, with incredible faces, thinking that Teng Luo was playing tricks on them. It was not until the naked reality was in front of them that they accepted this matter.

The center of the Tianhai system, where the actual manager of the Tianhe system, the old man Tianji, is located.

"Manager, it has been confirmed that four of the ten destined people were killed by that outsider. Now, there are only seven left, including that person."


The white-haired Tianji old man nodded, stroked his long beard and said, "Since the situation here has undergone a huge change, it is time for the struggle in this galaxy to have a result."

"Ring the bell, summon the remaining destined people, start the space arena, decide the final winner, and send him to the sky."


As the old man ordered, the bell sounded throughout the universe, and the man who was sitting cross-legged in the darkness with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it time?"

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