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Chapter 220 Unifying the Tianhe System

"Hahahaha! So what if there are more people? What can you do to me?"

Wan Guan was entangled with Meng Qianji in the fleet of warships. The thousands of warships included both of them in the attack range at the same time, and most of them locked onto Wan Guan and launched artillery fire.

But it was obvious that in the Tianhe system, which did not focus on technology, these attacks had almost no effect on Wan Guan. With the support of the [No Self] Xuantian treasure technique, these things were just a boost for him during the battle.

Meng Qianji changed his posture silently, and various laws of power were performed in this space. He kept matching and set up the reverse five elements formation with the warships outside, and fought Wan Guan in a stalemate.

If the stalemate continued, it would be necessary to wait until one side showed signs of fatigue before the outcome of the battle could be decided.

At this time, a very fast silver line flew over the horizon, and the momentum was so great that no one could ignore it.

"Haha! Who is coming again?"

Wan Guan laughed excitedly, and the next moment the silver line had already started to accelerate ten times again, and appeared beside Wan Guan in an instant.


Wan Guan felt all this with horror, and only had time to activate the magic to defend, but he was completely unable to resist this extremely powerful attack coming from tens of millions of kilometers away.

A fleeting light and shadow turned Wan Guan’s body into a dreamy bubble.

The law of time was activated, tracing back to the source, and killing all traces of Wan Guan’s past along the time trajectory.

Even Zhang Miao, who was as strong as the middle-level planetary level, fell in Zhou Qingyuan’s hands. How could Wan Guan possibly resist Zhou Qingyuan, who had perfected the law of time and top magical powers?

“Is it you?”

Wan Guan’s face showed an inexplicable look, and he just complained before he died.

“Can’t you kill me slower? It’s a bummer.”

[The owner of the Xuantian magic, Wuwo, will die. ]

Zhou Qingyuan stopped, his eyes narrowed, and he exhaled lightly.


Meng Qianji looked at Zhou Qingyuan who stopped, and his spiritual sense was like broken, frantically reminding her to run.

This outsider. How could his aura be so different in just a few days? The power of the law on his body was so strong that it was frightening.

But at this moment, Zhou Qingyuan smiled and restrained all the murderous intent. The solemn atmosphere melted like snow with his smile, bringing people a sense of stability.

"Why, Master Lin didn't recognize me after just a few days?"

Meng Qianji showed a far-fetched smile on his face, and immediately became sincere again, and said excitedly:

"It's really you! What happened to you? How did you become so powerful!"

"Let's talk about this later. Is Master Lin interested in Su Mo's Su Dynasty? Su Mo is dead, and now this place is ownerless."

"I also saw Su Mo's warships on the way here, and I took them away as well."

"Yes! Why not! Who would complain about too many resources?"

However, compared with the resources of the Su Dynasty, it is obvious that Meng Qianji cares more about what happened to Zhou Qingyuan.

She invited Zhou Qingyuan on the warship, and the army set out directly to attack the Su Dynasty.

Although the Su Dynasty had learned of Su Mo's death through special means, without Su Mo and his satellite-level masters, everyone was like a headless fly, and only some alert people immediately began to flee.

Zhou Qingyuan was too lazy to pursue those who fled, as they posed no threat to him.

Just because he did not pursue them did not mean that Meng Qianji would not pursue them.

These people were eventually discovered and resolved one by one through Wanhua's information channels.

There were originally three major forces in the Tianhe system, the Su Dynasty, Wanhua Forest, and the Sword Dynasty.

After being swept by Zhou Qingyuan, the Su Dynasty was gathered in Wanhua Forest, and then the 100 sword cultivators of the Sword Dynasty came to the door again, insisting on recognizing Zhou Qingyuan as the leader of the sword.

He was too lazy to care about these things and directly merged the Sword Dynasty into Wanhua Forest, but at this time Meng Qianji said that he was unwilling to be the forest master no matter what, and insisted on letting him sit on the first throne.

Zhou Qingyuan was too lazy to care about these things. Although he took over the position, he immediately became a hands-off shopkeeper and threw it to Meng Qianji to do. After that, he brought in a large number of management talents from the material world, poured in a huge amount of resources, trained these people to the planetary level, and let them be responsible for the [unification] plan.

That's right, Zhou Qingyuan has no other hobbies, just unification.

Everyone, stop the boring intrigues, all think about how to become stronger, how to reform the cultivation system, and promote scientific and technological civilization.

The owner of the [Tongtian] treasure was later found by Zhou Qingyuan and appointed as the director of the Science and Technology Research Institute, with full authority to preside over all scientific and technological development.

As for the other treasure owners, [Turning Disaster] is said to be a coward who can sense danger. He will be scared away by the slightest movement, and there is no trace of him so far.

The owner of [Destroying Star] is known as the first in lethality, but all other means are commonplace and will not easily expose their positions.

As long as they don't come out to make trouble, Zhou Qingyuan doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

After solving the danger brought by Su Mo, he still has a lot to do next.

The first is to step into the immortal realm, that is, to benchmark the strength of the planetary level of this system.

Although he can now easily defeat any magic master with the perfect time law, and is one of the top fighters here.

But it does not mean that he has no opponents.

Whether it is Qi Guiliu, the owner of the [Eternal] magic who is practicing in seclusion, or Tianji Lao Ren, the agent who really controls this galaxy in the sea of ​​stars, they can pose a threat to him.

According to Meng Qianji, Qi Guiliu has been a homebody for thousands of years, staying in seclusion in a special field he constructed.

Using the time difference created by the Eternal Treasure Technique, this person has practiced in the field of time flow speed 1:10 for tens of thousands of years. No one knows what realm he is in now.

However, no one is optimistic about him.

This kind of closed-door method is like building a car behind closed doors. What can be cultivated?

But everyone believes that he is definitely the strongest among the ten destined people.

If the other party had not been interested, the others would have been killed by him long ago.

Zhou Qingyuan is naturally interested in seeing such a strong man, but all this will have to wait until he enters the planetary level.

After that, he will also start to revive the ancient gods and try to return to the material world to use the law of time to reverse time.

However, even Teng Luo is not sure whether this can be done. This person's vision is completely behind Zhou Qingyuan's progress.

'When all heavens return to one, the proof will not be destroyed. '

Zhou Qingyuan muttered to himself, combined with the experience given to him by others, a little orange light appeared on his fingers.

This is a highly concentrated power of faith.

Using the power of faith, Zhou Qingyuan felt the various legends and beliefs he left behind in the material world, enlightened them step by step, gathered them into himself, and spread them into the inner world.

The immortal realm requires a high degree of integration between the inner world and the outer world.

Originally, this process would take a long time, but looking at the silver plus sign that had already lit up on the system panel, Zhou Qingyuan showed a confident smile on his face.

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