I can add one every day

Chapter 204 I can only agree with you

"Why do I feel a little familiar about the fluctuations on your body? It's like the Tao Yun of the Law of Time."

Before Teng Luo realized it, Zhou Qingyuan had already opened the system panel and started a new round of adding points.

【Law of Chaos-Not Beginner】+

[Law of Chaos-Introduction (Nine Heavens)]

Without spending any effort, just at the moment when the points were added, everything about the law of chaos clearly appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's mind. All the laws were intertwined, and he spontaneously broke through to the limit of the entry stage of the law.

The color of deep chaos flashed around Zhou Qingyuan, connecting each node, and finally integrated into his body.

".Another power of law?" Teng Luo was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

He did have some predictions about what happened in front of him. After all, what restricted Zhou Qingyuan's development was just the restriction of the realm. Once the problem of the limitations of heaven and earth is solved, his future will be immeasurable.

But that's a little too fast. This person's affinity for the power of law is simply terrifying. If Zhou Qingyuan was not indeed a creature born in his inner world, he would simply not be able to imagine that a mortal could actually do this with his talent.

Thinking of this, his mood became extremely complicated.

If his soul had not been forced into a deep sleep before, he should have discovered all this in his own inner world.

By then, his relationship with Zhou Qingyuan will definitely be much more passionate than it is now.

All kinds of thoughts grew in Teng Luo's heart, and he seemed unusually silent for the next time.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't care what Teng Luo was thinking. He opened the system panel and sorted out his gains.

[Xuan Tian Bao Shu (Heavenly Principle) - Not yet started]

[Law of Chaos-Xiao Cheng (Second Heaven)]

[The Law of Time - Getting Started (Sixth Heaven)]

[The Law of Power-Introduction (Nine Heavens)]

The Law of Chaos, the Law of Time, and the Law of Force, the three major included laws, have all been added to the limit.

Among them, the law of chaos is the most consistent with him, and it is also the power of the law that he has understood the most deeply. Now he has added some points to it to a small degree.

And the Xuantian Treasure Technique, which is said to be extremely powerful in the real world, is still in a state where points cannot be added.

However, Zhou Qingyuan is not in a hurry, and his plan to help him, the world leader, understand the power of the law by expanding the foundation of Changshengtian has been successfully completed. Although he still couldn't step into the outdoor realm of Ancient Gods here, there were still many things he could do.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and a series of instructions are issued. It's time to put them to use in the three realms of immortality, immortality, and cloud, sea, and sky.

Statues of Zhou Qingyuan began to be built in various places. With the promotion of caring people and the support of a large number of people who sincerely admired Zhou Qingyuan, more and more places began to sing about the deeds of Wanfa Dao Lord.

February 25th every year is designated as a holiday. Everyone must go to the nearest Taoist temple to recite the "Heart Sutra of Transformation" passed down by the Taoist Master. Those who recite it sincerely will always receive divine blessings, and everyone in the world is interested in this. The day begins and I look forward to it day and night.

In just ten years, his faith was solidified, and Zhou Qingyuan collected countless incense powers.

At the same time, he made all his methods public except for the Star Refining Technique, and transformed them into the Ten Directions Heavenly Pillar to suppress the Three Realms. The body of the ancient god that was about to be defeated also stopped the process of destruction under his changes. The remaining monks were overwhelmed by the large number of The monks ascended to the realm of immortality and thus had some great opportunities.

The Ten Directions Heavenly Pillar towers over the three realms, containing the four methods of Dao Lord [Martial], [Immortal], [Blood] and [God] compiled and recorded by Zhou Qingyuan. All his experiences were selflessly shared by him.

He is not afraid of people walking on his path, nor is he afraid of people surpassing him. He is only afraid that those people will not be able to keep up with him.

In fact, when he was in the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Qingyuan still needed warriors to brainstorm and help him reason about his realm. Now, it was just an idle shot, and he didn't expect to gain anything at all.

In ten years, Zhou Qingyuan's cultivation was still at the ninth level of the Sky. No matter how hard he tried during this period, he could not create exterior scenes in the lower world.

But now, this way of incense will be his last attempt.

If this method still cannot help him advance further in this world, after ten years of recuperation, it is time for him to plan to go to the stars.

"Yes, the power of faith is collected much faster than I imagined. It seems that the respect for you by the creatures in the three realms is indeed from the heart."

"I don't want anything, I don't take anything, but I keep helping them. At most, I kill a few blind things from time to time. Of course they should respect me."

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm and did not take this matter seriously at all. "Tell me how to use incense to become a god. I've almost had enough rest."

Teng Luo learned well this time and directly passed the [Wu Sheng Fei Xiang Jue] into Zhou Qingyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

For example, don't worry, this method will take a lot of time to work out the power of faith. Zhou Qingyuan will not say it again until Zhou Qingyuan fails.

And will Zhou Qingyuan fail?

As soon as this idea came to Teng Luo's mind, he immediately rejected it, laughing secretly that he hadn't learned the lesson yet.

Sure enough, not long after, the orange power of faith in front of Zhou Qingyuan began to burn, blooming with warm flames and gently integrating into his body.

As if the empty container filled the vacancy, Zhou Qingyuan exhaled comfortably, but there was not much lightness in his eyes.

The way to become a god through incense is practiced through the power of faith. The moment it was completed, Zhou Qingyuan already understood its advantages and limitations.

It seems that this way can be cultivated by everyone, that everyone can practice it, and is righteous and down-to-earth, but in fact it is extremely restrictive and the speed of practice is extremely slow.

The combined power of ten years of faith in the three realms has only improved him by less than half, and it is foreseeable that the extent of this improvement will only become smaller and smaller.

If you want to increase this speed, it is meaningless to increase the quantity. Instead, you need the support of high-quality faith.

But as far as the current situation in the Three Realms is concerned, it is undoubtedly unable to meet his requirements.

"It's a bit off. No wonder this way cannot gain a firm foothold in the real world."

"Have you finished practicing and figured it out?" Although he roughly guessed the result, Teng Luo couldn't help but confirm the answer.

"Well, this path is not interesting, it's just a trail. If you want to go a long way, I'm afraid you need to use an evil method of mind control to forcibly convert a large number of believers. It may be of some use.

However, in this way, future achievements are destined to be limited, and it is nothing more than killing the goose that takes the egg. "

Listening to Zhou Qingyuan's nonchalant evaluation of the belief system, Teng Luo thought for a while, and finally just said dullly:

"Well you're right."

"Since this road is not feasible, it is time for us to set off."

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