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Chapter 205 Enemies from the Sky

Except for saying hello to some familiar people and leaving behind some backup, Zhou Qingyuan left quietly without disturbing anyone.

His figure kept rising in the air, rising and rising, and gradually touched the wall of the sky.

According to Teng Luo, this world is made up of huge spheres. This wall of the sky is both a protection and an obstacle to the people in this world.

If Zhou Qingyuan had not mastered the Star Refining Technique, it would not have been so easy to travel to the starry sky universe.

Back then, the top masters of Yunhaitian gathered together and used the God Converging Array to gather the mental power of thirty-six high-level practitioners of the Nine Heavens, and then they managed to open up a passage.

But for Zhou Qingyuan, it will only be easier.

"The universe?"

Coincidentally, after communicating with Teng Luo, Zhou Qingyuan's previous suspicion was completely confirmed.

The so-called world above the sky is the starry sky universe that he knew in his previous life.

Although the prevailing rules may be slightly different, the general names are the same.

"After we go out, we will first find an uninhabited planet to break through to the outdoor realm. By then your aura will be completely restrained, and no one will be able to judge your strength."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, and with just a slight stroke of his hand, the chasm formed by the strong wind and the disaster beast extended by itself and turned into a path forward.

He walked calmly in the passage with a leisurely look on his face.

After walking dozens of steps, Zhou Qingyuan had completely left this realm. What appeared in front of him was a blue sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan felt the strong aura of law surrounding him. He exhaled happily and used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with Teng Luo: 'Is this the real world? I feel like I'm about to break through again. ’

'Normally, the power of laws in the real world is much more powerful than that in the material world. For those with low talents, it will be more difficult for them to understand the laws, and for you.'

Teng Luo was in a relaxed mood, and was about to praise Zhou Qingyuan a few words at the right time, when suddenly there were waves of fluctuations in the space around him.

The power of the mysterious law was conspicuous in the space. A heroic man wearing a golden embroidered robe stepped out of the darkness, his eyes were fixed on Zhou Qingyuan, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly, his subconscious perception telling him that this person had evil intentions. ‘The one who comes is not good. ’

'how so! The location where you appeared should be random within a hundred thousand miles. How did this person determine your location?

Zhou Qingyuan, be careful! He has the aura of Xuantian Baoshu! ’

‘Is it the Xuantian Treasure Technique that only ten people in the entire Tianhe System have mastered? ’

As he spoke, Zhou Qingyuan took a step back and looked warily at the strange man who stepped in front of him.

‘Fellow Taoist, what are you doing? ’

Su Mo glanced at Zhou Qingyuan frivolously, shook his head and said in wonder: 'You are worthy of being the person who is about to master the eleventh Xuantian magic. Country bumpkin, I saw a change in you. ’

'so what? ’ Zhou Qingyuan’s power of law rose. At the same time, he opened the system panel and decisively started adding points.

After entering the real world, the last layer of shackles that restrained him completely disappeared. If this person hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have tried to break through the outdoor realm on his own.

Nowadays, I can't control that much.

[Treading the Heaven Realm-Level 9]+

[Exterior Scene - First Ladder]

As the points were added, the information on the panel changed rapidly. The words [Tiantian Realm - Ninth Level] began to change rapidly, and the new words continued to change from virtual to real.

But at this moment, a chilly and leisurely voice sounded in Zhou Qingyuan's mind.

"Did I say you could break through?"

The next moment, the heroic man stretched out his hand and pointed it at Zhou Qingyuan. On his fingertips, countless starlights flashed and wrapped around Zhou Qingyuan's body in an instant.

Zhou Qingyuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he found that the blurred text on the system panel had started to read backwards again!

In this reverse state of his cultivation, he once again returned to the ninth realm of Treading Heaven!

No, it was not that the system was affected, but that his breakthrough was reversed. The system just clearly revealed this!

[Treading the Heaven Realm-Ninth Level]

Looking at the cultivation level that had returned to the ninth level and the dimmed silver plus sign, Zhou Qingji raised his eyelids slightly and looked solemnly at the uninvited guest in front of him.

At this time, Teng Luo's voice sounded in Zhou Qingyuan's mind: 'It's not that only ten people can master it, it's that only ten people have it! This is their real magical power! ’

‘Were you trying to break through just now? It can't be! ’

‘Why can this person reverse my state? Didn’t you say that once you master the law of time, you won’t be affected again? ’

Faced with Zhou Qingyuan's question, Teng Luo's excited voice immediately rang out:

‘This is the power of the Xuantian Treasure Technique! This person must have mastered the great destiny technique among the ten treasures!

Yes, it must be, only this special magic can make people aware of your information in advance.

But, this is not right! Even if it's a treasure technique, could it be that your fate is involved with him and he sensed it? ’

There was incomprehension in Teng Luo's voice, and he felt very bad about what was happening in front of him.

‘The reason is not important, let’s get this over with first. ’

Zhou Qingyuan sent a message to Teng Luo, and the strange man who abruptly interrupted his breakthrough also said:

‘Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Mo. I am the master of the Su Dynasty. I am also one of the Ten Destined People and the owner of the Xuantian Treasure and the Great Destiny Technique. ’

‘What are you doing? ’

Su Mo, who was used to being flattered, saw Zhou Qingyuan just asked him a cold question. His mouth twitched, and he waved his hand. The starlight gathered and turned into a long scroll, which was horizontal in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

‘The Ten Great Mysterious Heavenly Treasures have been determined, but now I feel the breath of the eleventh treasure from you. ’

‘You are very special. ’

Su Mo made a judgment and revealed his purpose directly: ‘So, you are qualified to be my slave! ’

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Su Mo as if he was looking at an idiot, and said lightly: ‘What if I refuse? ’

‘You have no choice. ’

Su Mo’s face was even colder, and he made a notice with a fake smile: ‘Submit to me, or die, you choose one. ’

‘Damn it! It turned out to be the Great Destiny Art! What a coincidence! If it was any other master of the Mysterious Heavenly Treasure, they would not notice you at the first time!

Why. Why did it have to be him! ’

Teng Luo’s voice was panic and desperate, explaining to Zhou Qingyuan: ‘This person is famous in this galaxy as the owner of the Xuantian treasure technique. His strength is at least equivalent to the best in the inner realm. With your current strength, you can’t be his opponent! ’

Feeling the panic in Teng Luo’s emotions, Zhou Qingyuan looked very calm, and even had the leisure to comfort him.

‘Don’t panic, have you forgotten the backup plan we set up in Yunhaitian? ’

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