I can add one every day

Chapter 203 Killing you by following the path of the past

Feng Sui's matter didn't take much effort. Zhou Qingyuan also arranged for them along with the other four people.

Just to highlight the difference, he specifically asked Feng Sui to be given a key care indicator. In this way, although the talent gap between him and the disciples of other academies was huge, with the tilt of resources, he should be able to show a good performance.

But these were meaningless to Zhou Qingyuan. These people could not help him in terms of strength. His progress was too fast.

All he could do was to make the people around him live better, but after that, they were destined to be left behind by Zhou Qingyuan.

He walked too fast.

Mo Xijie, who had joked with him every day and pointed out to him what the Golden Body Realm was, has now entered the Seventh Heaven Realm with his strong support. The speed of his strength improvement has shocked everyone except them.

But it still did not help Zhou Qingyuan at all. The other party was destined to be unable to catch up with Zhou Qingyuan's footsteps, unless he closed his eyes and fell asleep for 100,000 years now, perhaps the situation would change a little.

This is destined to be a lonely journey for the strong.

However, Zhou Qingyuan has not felt any discomfort yet. When a person gets used to being alone, his heart will be completely calm and no longer affected by other people's emotions. It is a comfortable thing for him personally.

All things have been done. The next thing to do is to improve the power of the law that he saw before.

Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel and looked at the information on it again. In fact, he has looked at this panel no less than ten times that day.

His goal is to keep a close eye on the law of time.

There is a question that he dare not ask Teng Luo because of his personality.

What's the point of just escaping?

"Teng Luo." Zhou Qingyuan's voice was slightly hoarse, "If I understand the law of time, can I reverse time and resurrect people in the lower world?"


The moment Zhou Qingyuan opened his mouth, Teng Luo realized that the other party was not in the right mood, so he did not answer rashly, and said slowly after considering the words:

"Not for the time being."

"The initial law of time can only make it impossible for people to see the trajectory of living creatures, but for people who have died, it is not enough to rely solely on the power of the law."

"Really." Zhou Qingyuan's tone was flat, and people could not hear his inner emotions, only the frequency of blinking was a few points faster than usual.

"Have you ever heard of something like this? I owed some people when I was still a nobody, and I hope I can make it up to them."

Teng Luo's words became more serious, and he said solemnly: "I haven't heard of it, but someone must be able to do it.

The real world is vast and boundless, with countless great ways and countless laws. Even if we reach the immortal realm in the legend of our ancient gods, there must be existences that are countless times stronger than us.

I believe you, you will be able to touch such a world one day, and you will definitely be able to do what you want to do!"

Listening to Teng Luo's firm words, Zhou Qingyuan was distracted for a moment, but he quickly reacted and smiled: "Well, this is inevitable."

Zhou Qingyuan found that he had a strong sense of expectation in his heart.

According to his habit, he should have settled in Yunhaitian for a hundred years before considering whether to go to the real world.

But now, he has a great desire in his heart. He wants to see a wider world and a more exciting world.

He doesn't want to wait any longer.

"Next month, I will sort out all the current power of laws, and then we will go to the real world."

"Have you changed your mind? Wait for all the power of laws? Have you comprehended other power of laws?!"

"Yes, that's why I didn't rush to step into the outer world."

". I thought you were going to prepare. Have you found the opportunity to step into the outer world? Yes, that's right."

Teng Luo suddenly realized: "You have mastered the law of power like that, and it is really not difficult for you to step into the outer world."

Teng Luo's tone was relaxed on the surface, but he was so envious that he wanted to bite his teeth.

Oh, he has no teeth.

But this does not affect his envy of Zhou Qingyuan's talent.

Why can someone practice so easily and so quickly? Why can he comprehend the power of laws as easily as eating and drinking water?

Teng Luo's mentality completely collapsed, but on the surface, he still maintained a calm appearance.

Inside, he had completely lost, but on the surface, he still wanted to maintain his arrogant appearance. He would never do the previous extremely noisy behavior that was out of control and broke his defense again!

The next day, Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel above the sea of ​​clouds.

[Time Law - Not yet started] +

Let me see what the mystery of this time law is.

A ripple flashed through Zhou Qingyuan's heart, and he gently clicked on the bright silver plus sign.

[Time Law - Getting Started (First Heaven)]

The moment the addition was completed, Zhou Qingyuan felt that his body "woke up". The power of the candle dragon hidden deep in all the blood in his body was completely activated.

As if the blood factor deep in his body was completely awakened, Zhou Qingyuan's pupils turned red. Within his sight, a group of vague white shadows floated, and the whole person's vision changed greatly.

He looked down and locked his eyes on a Taoist boy below.

A wonderful scene appeared. Although the Taoist boy was walking, a string of phantoms were pulled out behind him. They were all his past experiences, and one key node after another appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

‘Is this the power of time? It’s really terrifying. ’

In Zhou Qingyuan’s vision, the past trajectory of the Taoist boy was revealed in the form of nodes, and as long as he wanted, he could attack one of the nodes at any time.

In other words, he could ignore the Taoist boy’s current strength realm, even if this person was stronger than him, he could also wipe out his present by attacking his past.

If he didn’t master this power, or stepped into the external scene realm to isolate the power of the law, then even if Zhou Qingyuan studied the minder to a new realm and became ten or a hundred times stronger than now, it would probably be useless.

In this process, the same scene as the previous law of power appeared.

A large number of magical skills on the panel were covered with a layer of mist, and Zhou Qingyuan’s understanding of the law of time was crazy.

In the end, the information on the panel stayed on [Law of Time-Introduction (Sixth Heaven)].

Although the true form of the candle dragon is a unique power of Zhou Qingyuan, its foundation is not as strong as the law of the ancient gods, and the bonus to his understanding of the power of the law is naturally weaker.

But it doesn't matter. As long as the most difficult entry problem is solved, there will always be a way to improve later.

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes moved to the other two pieces of information in the system.

[Xuantian Treasure Technique (Heavenly Principle) - Not yet entered]

[Chaos Law - Not yet entered]

Whether it was the Xuantian Treasure Technique that Teng Luo boasted about, or the Chaos Law that was closely related to the Chaos Divine Sword, he was extremely looking forward to it.

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