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Chapter 175 My Taoism pays the most attention to fate

"What happened just now?"

Just when everyone in the Guixu world was shocked, in the Taoist palace a million miles away, the white-haired old Taoist who had closed his eyes and crossed his legs suddenly opened his eyes. In just a few breaths, he was already standing in the Guixu world. Outside, wait quietly.

Yes, he said before that he would not encourage others to grow.

But now a rare treasure has appeared, and it's up to him to cultivate it!

Within the white ruins, Zhou Qingyuan was already pushing outwards with the convinced people. After cultivating the Induction Chapter of the Tao Sutra to a rare and perfect state, his innate spiritual power has been stimulated to the greatest extent, which exactly corresponds to the conditions for passing in this ruined world.

Even the largest virtual beast only takes some effort in front of him. Moreover, as he continued to use his mental power, his skills became more and more advanced, and he could be said to be self-taught.

Behind him, the five ancestors had completely abandoned their previous stereotypes and disdain, and together with the other seven younger brothers, followed Zhou Qingyuan respectfully.

Feng Sui stared at Zhou Qingyuan with a pair of phoenix eyes, always feeling that this person had something familiar to her. Then she suddenly realized that this person was the little guy she had seen in the world of immortality before.

Even she couldn't remember the scene at that time. She only felt that her mental power was aroused, and the power of heaven and earth used her true form to turn it into a disaster. As a result, she vaguely saw a promising way to overcome the disaster. People still have her Golden Crow Fire.

At that time, Feng Sui was sure that this person would leave the world inside the ancient god's body and go to the world of immortality, so he kept an eye on it. Later, the bloodline totem responded, and she indeed saw this person, faster than she imagined.

Feng Sui followed suit and temporarily lent a small portion of his origin to Zhou Qingyuan to serve as a guide. Didn't expect this person to transform so quickly?

But Feng Sui really has no memory of how long it took.

The five of them have stayed in Guixu for too long. If Zhou Qingyuan hadn't appeared, they would have been assimilated by Guixu before their innate spiritual power was fully developed based on the speed at which they broke through.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan's back at this time, she wanted to say something, try to make friends, and thought about it for a while, but she didn't know if the other party recognized her, or was pretending not to recognize her?

Feng Sui's expression changed for a while, but he still didn't take the risk after all.

At this moment, she felt that the Taoist Lord suddenly turned his head and glanced at her, with a smile on his lips. Feng Sui suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his heart became numb, and he felt a sense of expectation from the bottom of his heart.

The other party still remembers her!

"This is the exit."

Zhou Qingyuan's voice sounded slowly, and the five people were shocked to realize that the white terror that had troubled them for a long time had actually come to an end.


There was a muffled sound in the air, the white mist was instigated by the powerful spiritual power, and finally dissipated. The light penetrated the ruins that had not changed for thousands of years, and Feng Sui and others even felt moved to tears.

Stepping out of this world, everyone was shocked to realize that they were above the sea of ​​clouds. At the exit of the Guixu world, an old Taoist with white beard and hair had been waiting for a long time.

"Fellow Taoist, would you like to come to the Taoist temple to talk about it?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the old Taoist who couldn't sense his breath at all, and he was wary, and said lightly: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your kindness. It's just that the timing is not right this time. Let's talk about it when we are destined."

I thought that this person waiting outside must have some agenda. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old man with white eyebrows just nodded and said calmly: "Okay, let's talk about it later if we are destined."

After saying that, the old Taoist seemed to think of something and added:

"Fellow Taoist, this world is called Yunhaitian, and it is occupied by many forces. There are endless strange beasts seen in the ruined world before, and there are countless of them that exceed the current mental strength of fellow Taoist.

If you are a newbie here, please be careful. "

After hearing this, Zhou Qingyuan felt a chill in his heart, nodded and thanked him respectfully.

The Taoist nodded slightly at Zhou Qingyuan, but he didn't see any movement, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

‘A body built with mental power? ’

Looking at the place where the Taoist disappeared, Zhou Qingyuan secretly guessed, recalling what the other party said in his mind.

Turning to look at the people behind him, Zhou Qingyuan took the initiative and asked, "Do you have somewhere to go?"

Seeing a group of people looking at each other in confusion, and thinking of the identities of these five ancestors, Zhou Qingyuan didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

Except for the Golden Crow and Shenlong clans, he has slaughtered all the descendants of the other three clans, except for those few who have never left the world. As their ancestors, these people had nothing to do with them, so it was hard to implicate them.

And these people probably don’t know about this yet, and they don’t know what their attitude will be later. It is impossible for Zhou Qingyuan to tell them now that I have killed all your descendants. Do you care?

Forget it, whatever the attitudes of these people are afterwards, it actually has nothing to do with him. Now that we are all on the same boat for now, let’s take them with us first.

"In that case, let's work together to find a place to go. According to what the old Taoist said, this place should be similar to the lower world. It's easier to make plans if we find a place where people gather."

Zhou Qingyuan said, but he clearly felt that his spiritual consciousness and spiritual awareness were strongly suppressed in this world, and only the spiritual thoughts cultivated by Taoist scriptures were unimpeded.

At the same time, using the power of heaven and earth, he had vaguely felt that this world already had its own will of heaven and earth, which was obviously much stronger than the immortal world, and the general rules were naturally different.

But just when the group had not explored a long distance, the void was once again rippled, and the transparent shadow once again revealed its outline in the space, attacking everyone.

Zhou Qingyuan looked stern, and under the stimulation of his mind, his mental power turned into a giant blade, with countless spiritual energy wrapped around it, between the tangible and the intangible, and slashed heavily in the void.

But at this moment, countless waves appeared, and it was obvious that there were more than one virtual beasts around, and their strength was far beyond all the virtual beasts seen in the white ruins!

This was a bit tricky.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly and quietly protected Mo Xijie behind him. These virtual beasts could not be fully seen by his mental power, so they might not be so easy to deal with.

This world is really dangerous, are there such virtual beasts everywhere? Zhou Qingyuan felt a chill in his heart, realizing that the group's trip might not be too smooth.

But at this moment, a firm and steady mental storm was generated outside the crowd, and it broke out, killing all the virtual beasts in an instant.

The Taoist with white eyebrows appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan again, and said with surprise: "Daoyou, we meet again. We really get along well."

"Daoyou and I hit it off right away. This is a sincere invitation. I wonder if you are willing to come to my Taoist palace to have a chat?"

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