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Chapter 176: Shinto Palace, Choice

Above the sea of ​​clouds, purple air rises, and the stretching white jade-like Taoist palaces are magically located on the sea of ​​clouds.

There were only a few people walking around in the huge Taoist temple, which seemed quite deserted.

The old Taoist with white eyebrows led Zhou Qingyuan into the main hall alone, while the others went to the side hall to drink tea and wait under the guidance of a Taoist boy. If it weren't for Zhou Qingyuan, they wouldn't even have the qualifications to enter this palace.

"Don't worry. There is a large formation guarding this place. There will be no void beasts. They are safe."

When the old Taoist saw Zhou Qingyuan looking at him, he made a special mention and led him into the main hall.

In the main hall, there is a huge stone statue with a crowned face and a seven-star sword in its hand, which looks very majestic.

"Teach my ancestors how to burn incense."

The old Taoist smiled kindly and handed Zhou Qingyuan three sticks of incense, which spontaneously ignited without fire.

Amidst the swirling smoke, Zhou Qingyuan inserted three incense sticks into the incense burner in front of the stone statue.

"Okay!" But I heard the old Taoist shout suddenly, "From now on, you are the thirty-sixth generation single disciple of my Shinto Palace!"

Facing Zhou Qingyuan's expressionless face, the white-browed old Taoist smiled cheerfully and said: "I am a poor Taoist. From now on, I will be your master."

Zhou Qingyuan was amused by the outrageous behavior of this veteran, and said with a smile: "Can this disciple still buy and sell by force?"

"Let's not talk about whether I am willing or not. Why do you recognize me when you come up? If I am a treacherous and evil person, you will also accept me?"

"You can't be this kind of person."

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan did not seem to be rejecting everything at the moment, the old Taoist responded seriously:

"The old Taoist has sensed your spiritual aura, which is firm and calm.

Moreover, if you are really a very evil person, I will accept you as a disciple so that you can be enlightened. "

"Does your Taoist palace rank high in Yunhaitian?"

Old Taoist Chongxu stretched out three fingers with a look of pride in his eyes: "Top three in the world."

"That means third place?"

In the trembling face of the old Taoist Chongxu, Zhou Qingyuan smiled and bowed respectfully: "Master."

"Why, you didn't go looking for the second-best inheritance, so you just entered my Taoist palace like this?"

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's apprenticeship, Master Chongxu's face looked a little better, but he still asked awkwardly.

"Because in my opinion, there is no difference between third place and first place."

Zhou Qingyuan raised his head, looked at Old Dao Chongxu calmly, and continued: "With me in the Dao Palace, I will definitely be number one in the future."

"Good guy, such a big tone."

Chongxu's eyes widened and he couldn't help but advise: "My Taoism emphasizes purity and inaction, don't be so obsessed with gains and losses."

Zhou Qingyuan's smile remained unchanged and he nodded in agreement.

Then, he took the initiative to ask: "Those people outside have some fate with me. I wonder if they can be included in the Dao Palace?"

Old Taoist Chongxu shook his head, "Our Shinto Palace has always been a single generation, they can stay, but they can only stay as boys.

In addition to the core inherited secret methods, they can learn other methods if they want, but they must pass through your hands. "

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes showed surprise.

I thought that this veteran was too casual in accepting disciples, but he turned out to be so particular? Then why did the other party identify him?

Zhou Qingyuan didn't know that the Supreme Sensation Chapter was originally placed there by the old Taoist himself. It was one of the seeds he randomly sowed in Yun Haitian.

Who would have thought that this seed could usher in such an unexpected harvest? The old Taoist concluded on the spot that Zhou Qingyuan was destined to him, and he even thought more.

The phenomenon of star disaster is getting more and more serious, and the control of Yunhaitian people on this world is getting weaker and weaker. However, a genius with innate spiritual power suddenly appears at this moment, and he is accepted as a disciple by his mysterious induction.

All this made him unable to help but think about it.

Will Zhou Qingyuan be the person who can solve this star disaster thousands of years later?

As a hidden power, the Shinto Palace was passed down by a single line, and the value it placed on its successors was actually much more picky than the old Taoists showed. After six hundred years of searching and sowing countless seeds in this world, he still couldn't find a disciple that he could truly fall in love with.

But the moment Zhou Qingyuan appeared, he fell in love with this disciple's face and temperament.

A voice somewhere told him that it was this person.

"If they don't want to stay here, there should be other stable places in this world, right? Can you trouble Master to send them somewhere else?"

"Of course you can. There are countless towns and cities above the sea of ​​clouds, all of which are surrounded by large formations. Under normal circumstances, virtual beasts cannot cause chaos.

It is not a bad thing for them to go there to pursue their personal destiny. "

As if to put Zhou Qingyuan at ease, Old Taoist Chongxu did not rush to introduce this world to his apprentice, but directly led him to the side hall and saw the people who were waiting anxiously here.

After explaining the reason, the Fifth Patriarch's expression changed, and he finally decided to leave.

The torture brought by hundreds of years of returning to the ruins has not dampened their fighting spirit. They are all ancestors in the immortal world. How can they be willing to be a little Taoist boy here?

And according to what they saw, although this underground palace was huge, it was sparsely populated and either belonged to a large hidden sect or a small and run-down sect, neither of which was in line with their preferences.

After being silent in their hearts for a long time, they are eager to contact people and get feedback from all living beings, as long as they are not those damn virtual beasts.

Moreover, if they stay here like the descendants, and they have the same status as each other, they are still humble Taoist boys, their inner pride will not allow them to do this.

That's right, except for them, the remaining seven people chose to stay here without hesitation.

"Wherever the Taoist Lord is, we will be there, and it doesn't matter if we are Taoist children."

Mo Xijie took the lead and spoke, and the others responded firmly.

After their experience in the immortal world, they were sure that Zhou Qingyuan was the most worthy existence here.

There is a saying that goes, if one person achieves the Tao, all the chickens and dogs will rise to heaven.

They firmly believe that after the Taoist Lord has achieved something, they will surely be able to rise to prominence.

After all, although Zhou Qingyuan's temperament is dull, he will not ignore the people around him. Several people were enlightened by Zhou Qingyuan at the beginning, and they broke through the long and hard practice to enter the Dharmakaya realm. They broke through the shackles under the other party's great power and climbed to the perfection of the Dharmakaya realm.

In terms of emotion and reason, public and private, they all felt that they should stay.

"Ancestors, have a safe journey."

Seeing that none of the seven descendants chose to follow them, the five ancestors looked unhappy, but thinking of Zhou Qingyuan's miraculous performance in the Guixu world and the enthusiasm these people showed for the "Tao Lord", they felt more uneasy than embarrassed.

Did they make the wrong choice?

But they couldn't care less, they were eager to get in touch with the magnificent world and the bustling voices.

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