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Chapter 174 Lord Daojun, help me! (Two in one)

In the endless white ruins that can be seen from the ceiling, twelve people gathered in front of the white hall.

"Go ahead. Taoism can only be learned by touching it with your own hands. You go one by one."

Although the seven people felt a little uneasy, they still stepped forward one by one to comprehend the Tao Sutra.

"Be careful, after they finish comprehending the Taoist scriptures, they are very likely to attract small virtual beasts. Then we will work together to kill them."

"It's about whether we can get out of trouble in the future, so we can't be careless."

The five people stood ready, and as the seven people comprehended the Tao Sutra, fluctuations were indeed heard in the void.


Five spiritual fluctuations gathered in one place and broke out in an instant. The fluctuations in the space stopped instantly. Even because they could not resist this powerful force, the escaped mental power spread out, triggering a small spiritual storm in place, breaking the wall. The ruins turned into dust and scattered.

All five of them had relaxed smiles on their faces, "The small virtual beasts that were chasing me like a dog on a walk can now be killed together by us. Our efforts during this time are not in vain."

As they said that, they looked at the seven newcomers who had newly understood the Taoism, and the smiles on their faces became even bigger.

When this group of descendants grow up, they will not only have more time to concentrate on training, but also be able to perform stronger mental attacks. Although there will be some losses in this process, they can still strengthen their attacks.

Maybe after a while, they can try to leave this ghost place and explore the outside world.

According to their conjecture, this ruins should be just something like a secret realm, but they have not determined the conditions for leaving yet.

If they hadn't been blocked by large virtual beasts every time they explored to a certain depth, maybe they would have left here long ago.

"Ancestor, fortunately you have lived up to your destiny."

Looking at the juniors who were exuding weak mental power fluctuations, the five people nodded, with expectations for the future in their hearts.

But at this moment, a huge silhouette appeared outside the complete hall, roaring silently at everyone. Although there was no sound, the roar turned into substantial spatial fluctuations. In the eyes of everyone, it was like a heavy rain with the white hall as the core.

It was as if countless raindrops were constantly hitting the transparent barrier, causing countless ripples to appear in the outer space of the entire white hall.

"Oops! A large virtual beast? Why!" Kou Xiao looked at the terrifying changes in the outside world and yelled hastily.

"Don't worry, large virtual beasts can't seem to get in here!"

Everyone stood in the white hall, watching the changes in the outside world with fear.

Mo Xijie stood in the main hall, his expression not very good.

No matter how much he thought about it, he never imagined that the world corresponding to the Sifang Tianzhu would be so dangerous.

Seeing the five ancestors helpless in front of the powerful enemy, Mo Xijie immediately disenchanted them.

So, while the others felt trembling at the scene outside and silently prayed that the large virtual beast could not come in, Mo Xijie had turned his back to them and took out a black cloth and wrote on it non-stop.

[This place is a ruins that contains the Supreme Inaction Induction Chapter]

[Those who learn will be attacked by an invisible monster called a virtual beast]

【Lord Daojun, help me】

Zhou Qingyuan sat on the small building, looking at the news delivered to him by Mo Xijie, with thoughts flashing in his eyes.

Compared to the panic of those present, he felt that this so-called virtual realm was more like a trial or inheritance.

There are corresponding mental techniques and corresponding safe zones. Large virtual beasts cannot attack them.

[Don’t worry, you’re still safe for now]

First he wrote this sentence, then Zhou Qingyuan thought for a while and continued writing: "Write that Taoist article to me"

Soon, lines of mysterious sentences appeared on the black cloth until the end.

Zhou Qingyuan read it through, and a familiar feeling appeared in his heart again. A mysterious realization arose in his heart, but it quickly dissipated like quicksand.

There is no new information generated on the system panel.

‘Hey, what is going on in this world? ’

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly, always feeling that there was a big secret hidden behind this unreasonable phenomenon. But what is known now is that he really can't learn the methods of the upper world in this world.

‘That’s all, why not go to this place? Anyway, you can return here at some cost. ’

"Xiaoyun, I'm going on a long trip."

As he spoke, Zhou Qingyuan split a drop of essence and blood, merged with the enlightened will of heaven and earth, and soared to the top of the dome.

"The task of looking after the house is left to you."

After saying that, Zhou Qingyuan took a step forward and appeared in front of the Four Directions Tianzhu, spanning a distance of one hundred thousand miles. The back door of the magic circle activated spontaneously, and in the flash of light, Zhou Qingyuan's figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared from this world.

Mo Xijie, who was waiting anxiously in the hall, looked at the message "I'm coming now" on the black cloth, excitedly volleyed in the air, and said to the six people behind him who were looking worriedly at the outside world:

"Everyone, Master Daojun is coming."

"What! Daojun is coming over now?"

"Great! Now that Lord Dao is here, this situation can be solved!"

Feng Sui and others, who were still staring closely at the virtual beasts outside, turned their heads to see the seven people suddenly cheering, and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies.

They are the only people here and there is no means of communication. What are these people talking about? Could it be that he is possessed?

It doesn’t look like it either? Although these people were in good spirits, their expressions looked normal.

"Daojun? Who is he?"

Ancestor Shenlong Mowang couldn't help but ask at this time, when did such a person appear in the immortal world?

"Daojun, yes"

Just when Mo Xijie was about to tell his ancestor about Zhou Qingyuan's power and magic, the light in the sky lit up and the teleportation circle was activated again.

"Is someone here again? Is this the Dao Lord you call?"

The ancestor of the Wang family, Wang Yichuan, had a sour tone. Even he himself did not realize that they were a little more jealous and disdainful towards the Tao Lord whom their descendants admired.

Is a junior from the lower realm worthy of such admiration? The five of them were all a little fed up with the unbearable performance of these juniors.

If you worship a person so much, even to the point of belief, how can you still have the bloody spirit of a bloodline warrior? This group of disciples all look like this, which is really disappointing.

How can we solve this current predicament unless there is a strong person who has completely understood the Induction Chapter and developed strong spiritual power?

Even if the Dao Lord comes, won't he still be blinded?

"Don't be too anxious to be happy. How can he find us without anyone to guide him?"

This sentence was like cold water poured on everyone's hearts, but Mo Xi was as excited as ever.

He can guide Daojun through the black cloth, so what is there to worry about? Moreover, Daojun cannot be attacked before he learns that strange scripture.

But just when he was about to send a message to Lord Dao, a cold voice sounded in the room.

"No, I'm already here."

The handsome, long-haired man of Fengshen suddenly appeared among the crowd, and a calming aura spread throughout the place with his appearance. The anxious people heard his voice and smelled the smell, and immediately felt at ease.

"Lord Daojun!"

When the seven people in the lower realm saw Zhou Qingyuan, they all knelt on one knee and lowered their heads respectfully.

The five ancestors who saw this behavior were even more inexplicable, but the moment they saw Zhou Qingyuan, they all instantly realized how extraordinary this person was. At this moment, the disgust in their hearts disappeared, only a little bit of distortion remained.

This person obviously came from the lower world, why does the aura on his body look so terrifying? This is far beyond the intensity of the Dharma Body Realm, right?

Speaking of which, the physical strength of the seven descendants does not look like that of the early Dharmakaya realm. What happened to them?

During the mental exchange between the five people, they were all a little surprised and uncertain.

"Lord Dao Lord, don't be in a hurry to touch this evil thing."


Seeing Zhou Qingyuan, the other six people stood behind Mo Xijie, watching him and Lord Dao explain.

"Lord Dao Lord, there is a huge invisible monster attacking here from the outside right now. I wonder if you can sense it?"

When Zhou Qingyuan heard this, he looked at the quiet outside world and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The five ancestors knew from the look on his face that he couldn't sense the void beast, so they started communicating again.

‘Without cultivating spiritual power, how can one see virtual beasts? Do these juniors not believe what we say? ’

‘No, they are just overly superstitious about this new so-called Tao Lord. ’

‘Humph, this is just a person with a false reputation’

While several people were communicating mentally, a rotating black circle of air appeared on Zhou Qingyuan's fingertips. The circle quickly expanded several times during the rotation, and a huge black dragon jumped out of the circle.

[Supernatural power: Mo Ying]

The black dragon jumped out of the black lake represented by the aura. The huge dragon body quickly occupied all the space outside the hall, and even the white world in everyone's eyes was dyed black.

But just by looking at the expressions of his men, he knew that the virtual beasts from the outside world still existed and were not affected in any way.

‘.That blow just now was too terrifying. ’

‘.Even if I use my mental power, I can’t stop it. ’

‘Is this person’s Taoist attainments so amazing? Whose blood is flowing in his body? ’

A trace of suspicion flashed across Feng Sui and Mo Wang's faces, but they quickly denied the fleeting feeling of familiarity.

If this person is of their bloodline, they must have sensed it. But what's with that faint sense of familiarity?

"It seems that you still have to practice this Taoist scripture."

Zhou Qingyuan put his hand on the Taoist scriptures, looked at Mo Xijie who looked worried, and explained with a smile:

"I have already observed this world before coming here. There is the aura of enchantment power outside, and this place is probably a trial point.

If you want to break the situation, it must be related to the things in the only intact hall. "

As he spoke, his hand had completely touched the Taoist sutra floating on the stone pillar.

What was surprising was that even though they had no problem touching the sutra, as soon as Zhou Qingyuan touched it, the sutra immediately erupted with intense light.

Waves of mysterious golden characters were generated out of thin air all over Zhou Qingyuan, and in his sea of ​​consciousness, seven large gilded characters suddenly appeared.

[Tai Shang Wuwei Induction Chapter]

The Supreme Being said: There is no way for misfortunes and blessings, we can only call them upon ourselves.

The rewards of good and evil follow each other like a shadow

Therefore, there is a god in heaven and earth who can handle faults.

Depending on the severity of the person's crime, the person will be counted as being taken away from him

At the same time, a new row of classification columns was generated on the system panel, pushing all the three columns corresponding to [Blood], [Immortal], and [Martial] back.


[Tai Shang Wuwei Induction Chapter-Dacheng]+

Just the moment he obtained this Taoist text, Zhou Qingyuan had already mastered it to a state of perfection with his incredible understanding.

As the Dharmakaya responded with all its strength, Zhou Qingyuan's body lit up with a faint golden light, which then spread all over his body. A huge spiritual power that Feng Sui and others had cultivated for hundreds of years suddenly burst out from Zhou Qingyuan.

'Such a strange phenomenon? Such strength! What did he do? '

'Why, why can he achieve such a level of accomplishment the moment he touches the Taoist scriptures that we have been studying for a long time without success? '

"You are worthy of being the Taoist Master!"

"Congratulations to the Taoist Master!"

Compared to the shock of the five ancestors, the seven lackeys had long been accustomed to Zhou Qingyuan's extraordinary strength, and now they knelt on one knee again and congratulated loudly.

"Hush, be quiet."

Zhou Qingyuan held the Taoist scriptures with golden light in his hand and read it through again. The information on the system panel changed again.

[Taishang Wuwei Gan Gan Pian-Perfection] +

After just reading it through once, his understanding of this Gan Gan Pian reached a new level.

In an instant, his spiritual power rose again, and the "rain" outside the white hall became more intense. Zhou Qingyuan turned his head and saw that the creature wrapped in a transparent outline was staring at him and roaring.

"So that's it, an invisible beast."

Zhou Qingyuan closed the Taoist scripture, and the shining Taoist scripture immediately turned into a stream of light and entered his body.

This book was placed here by someone with a heart. It is a manifestation of legal principles, not a substantial book.

Just when Zhou Qingyuan completely digested this so-called induction chapter, in the sea of ​​clouds a million miles away, in the tall palace, a white-bearded old man with white hair and beard opened his eyes.

"Another good seed appeared?"

But the next second, he closed his eyes again.

He expected that this seed would sprout and grow into a towering tree, but it did not mean that he would interfere with the growth of this seed.

In the white hall, Zhou Qingyuan gently clicked the + sign on the system panel.

[Taishang Wuwei Ganyin Pian-Perfection] +

[Taishang Wuwei Ganyin Pian-Perfection]


The wind howled in the white hall, with Zhou Qingyuan standing at the eye of the wind, and the majestic mental storm swept across the entire white ruins!


The actual roar came, and Zhou Qingyuan looked at it carefully. The hideous monsters of the four tribes were lying outside the white hall at this moment, roaring at him.

"I see you."

Zhou Qingyuan's mouth curled slightly, and as his smile expanded, the huge mental power that swept across the entire white ruins suddenly turned into a monstrous pressure, crushing all the virtual beasts into powder in an instant, turning into white powder and floating here.

With Zhou Qingyuan's light words, the rain that had always been shrouded outside the hall stopped.

The five ancestors and the seven lackeys looked at Zhou Qingyuan who solved everything so calmly, and their faces fell into a sluggish state.

What happened just now?

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