I can add one every day

Chapter 173 Vanguard, try

[Taishang Wuwei Ganyin Pian]

Just after practicing this profound method, the five people's nightmare came. A creature that they could not observe suddenly appeared and began to attack them continuously.

The five people could only rely on the Ganyin Pian they had just learned to barely sense the existence of this creature and flee all day long.

In this process, they constantly used their mental power, and felt the power of [Ganyin Pian] in the gaps, and the use of mental power increased day by day.

But what made them feel headache was that as their mental power increased day by day, the monster that could barely see the outline at full strength became more powerful.

Several people finally realized that if they did not practice this Ganyin Pian and could not sense this monster, they would not be attacked by this monster at all.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

What's more, it was absolutely impossible for them to give up practicing this method now. With the increase of mental power, their realm had long broken through the original shackles and stepped into the realm after the Dharmakaya realm.

As for what this realm is called, they have no idea. Now, they just set the scale of mental power and judge each other's strength according to the strength of each person's mental power.

As for the invisible monster virtual beast, now the five of them can barely repel it once with their combined strength, but when will this day of fleeing end?

Just when the five people were a little depressed, a huge light suddenly came from somewhere, accompanied by a violent fluctuation of spiritual power.

"This is.!"

The five people looked at each other and were all happy! Could it be that someone from the lower world has finally come?

Feng Sui's heart moved, and she thought of the little ghost with infinite potential who had shown goodwill through the power of totem before. Could it be the other party?

How long has it been since then? In this ghost place, it's either escaping or practicing, a hundred years a day, and the concept of time is really a little vague.

If I don't escape again, I feel that one day I will become a monster.

Feng Sui didn't know why such a terrible thought suddenly flashed through her mind, and she was shocked and cold all over.

"Feng Sui, why did you stop? Go quickly. If you go too late, they might leave."

"Yes, I was distracted. Sorry."

Mo Xijie and the newly promoted strong man who was born into the Dharmakaya realm by Zhou Qingyuan Wuhai looked at the endless huge ruins in front of them, and they all felt a little bad.

Why is the world corresponding to the Four Pillars of Heaven so defeated? Where are they going to find their ancestors?

Mo Xijie took out a mirror anxiously and found that it had lost its effect.

He took out another cylinder and put it to his ear for a while. It was all sizzling noises. Obviously, it was also unusable.

Finally, he took out a piece of black cloth and wrote a word on it with a white ink pen [在]

The magical thing is that new words appeared below the words soon.

[I can see it]

Great, I can still contact Daojun in this way, so the situation is not the worst!

[I will explore first]

Mo Xijie calmed down, left four words, and put away the black cloth.

Zhou Qingyuan, who was far away in the Immortal Realm, looked at the words on the black cloth and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Since it needs to be explored, the situation above is not so clear.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and wiped the words on the black cloth. Except for the four words [I will explore first], all other contents were wiped out. Correspondingly, the contents on the black cloth owned by Mo Xijie were also wiped out.

In this way, he and Mo Xijie can communicate continuously through this black cloth.

"I didn't expect that only this simplest communication method can be used. That's it, it's also good news in bad news."

Zhou Qingyuan leaned against the window to listen to the rain, quietly feeling the power of heaven and earth flowing in his body.

It has been ten years since he became the master of this world. Now the power of heaven and earth in this world has become his unique thing.

With this power, he can do all kinds of incredible things.

In the past ten years, his understanding of Taoism and magical powers has increased day by day, even beyond the scope of the system. It's a pity that the more so, the more he realized the limits of this world.

It was as if there was an invisible shackle that limited his understanding. Zhou Qingyuan often had a feeling that he seemed to understand everything, understood everything, and could control everything.

But when he came to his senses, this feeling slipped away from his fingertips like quicksand, and finally not a drop was left.

‘It seems that I have completely reached the limit of this world. ’

After listening to the rain quietly for a while, he gradually had a kind of enlightenment in his heart. I am afraid that such a leisurely life will not last too long.

He snapped his fingers lightly, and thunder sounded in the air, and the rain became heavier.

Zhou Qingyuan lay leisurely in the pavilion, listening to the rain and falling asleep.

“It’s you, Kou Changzhou!”

“And you, Wang Li.”

“Hahaha, great, it turns out that the Dharmakaya seeds we were optimistic about are here.”

The seven people looked at the five people who came from afar with unpredictable breath, and all bowed their heads respectfully and said: “Ancestor.”

Seeing the reinforcements coming from the lower world, the five people’s mood suddenly became very good, but soon they became nervous again.

The more proud you are, the more cautious you should be.

As they spoke, the five-man group followed them a mile away from them, amid the seven people's puzzled gazes.

"What? What are you doing, ancestors?"

"Don't panic, listen to me. Thirty thousand miles southwest of you, there is a well-preserved white palace. On the palace, there is a volume of law."

As Mo Wang was speaking, he suddenly heard Kou Xiao shout, "Here they come again!"

The five people immediately turned around and launched a mental attack on the empty space.

There were ripples in the air, and the five people ran for their lives again without even looking.

"We will wait for you there. Spread and reunite. Don't worry, you won't encounter any danger before practicing that law."

As they said this, the five ancestors fled in a panic in the slightly panicked eyes of the seven people.


They looked at the space where the ripples had appeared before, frowned and sensed for a while, but found nothing.

An inexplicable fear instantly entangled the seven people's hearts.

The next moment, a huge wave broke out again in the direction where the five ancestors left, and was eliminated by an invisible existence.

"Are the ancestors fighting something we can't sense?"

The seven people quickly realized that this world might not be peaceful. There was a problem waiting for them right from the start.

"Forget it, since we are here, let's do what the ancestors tell us."

The seven of them were originally the existence that the ancestors had invested heavily in. Without the ancestors, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Although now there is a Taoist master to join them.

However, they would not sit idly by and watch the five ancestors fall into danger.

What's more, if they were separated from the ancestors, they would naturally not be able to solve the problem that the five ancestors with more powerful auras than them could not solve.

"Let's go and find the white palace mentioned by the ancestors."

"Oh, it's really disturbing. It would be great if the Taoist master was here."

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