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Chapter 148 Losing too fast

Outside the four pillars, the five clans gathered, and the situation was tense.

Facing Feng Peisheng's questioning, Fan Konghuang's eyes flashed with a trace of guilt, and he simply pretended to be dead and did not respond. After all, the result afterwards would make the people of the Jinwu family even more unacceptable.

If there were no major accidents in the development of things, the disciples of the Jinwu clan participating in the Monster Hunting Ceremony this time would be doomed to suffer heavy casualties.

At present, it was just an appetizer. The two families even felt that the number of Jinwu people who walked out of this level of monster domain was already considered a lot.

"Strange. There are still two days before the end of the ceremony, why does it seem that everyone is going to come out?"

"Maybe something has happened? Maybe everyone is dead."

Kou Zhongqiu said with a smile, which pierced everyone's heart and focused on the teleportation array.

Then, the people of the second level monster domain walked out. The Yunmohu and Shenlong families were still normal, and the number of people in the Jinwu family was still reduced by more than half, which made Feng Peisheng furious.

But just when he was about to explode, a hand held him down. It was Feng Risheng.

"Don't worry, let's wait and see."

What else do you want to see? Feng Peisheng wanted to say this, but the next moment, he found that the people from the Moose and Sun-Eating Wolf families had completely changed their faces.

Just because. "Not only did no disciples from the first-level demon domain walk out, but also from the second-level demon domain!"

"Doesn't that mean that all the low-level disciples from the Moose and Sun-Eating Wolf families died in this ceremony? What happened!

Could it be that the young generation of the Golden Crow has a genius who can suppress the first-level and second-level demon domains?"

The discussion sounded, and Kou Zhongqiu and Fan Konghuang looked at each other, with unhappy expressions on their faces.

They suppressed their uneasiness in their hearts, thinking about what everyone said, and immediately thought of the previous major event.

Yes, a disciple of high-level bloodline appeared in the Golden Crow family, and this time he also joined the ceremony. With him, it is not particularly unacceptable to suffer losses.

There should be no more accidents in the next level.

Indeed, there are no accidents.

In the third-level demon domain, the Cloud Demon Tiger and the Dragon families were normal, the Golden Crow family disciples were 50% dead or injured, and no one from the Moose and Sun Devouring families walked out.

Not only that, the same is true for the fourth-level demon domain that follows.

Fifth-level demon domain: all lost.

Sixth-level demon domain: all lost.

Seventh-level demon domain: all lost.

Eighth-level demon domain: all lost.

As the level of the demon domain rises, the survival rate of the Golden Crow family disciples is getting higher and higher, but the Moose and Sun Devouring Wolf families still have no members who walk out.

Seeing that all the disciples of the eighth-level demon domain have walked out, looking at the last light, Kou Zhongqiu's heart can't help but lift up.

If his disciple Kou Shou has no accidents, he should be able to enter the Ruyi realm this time, and the four people should not have any strength to stop him.

Although he doesn't know what happened in the demon domain ahead, as long as his disciple Kou Shou's goal can be achieved, then he has not lost!

The last light flashed, and Zhou Qingyuan and the other two walked out. Amid the cheers of the Golden Crow people, Zhou Qingyuan and Feng Cangyuan walked out together.

Feng Risheng smiled and looked at the two of them. Just now, Feng Mingsheng, who came out of the eighth-level demon domain, had told him the relevant news.

Combined with what Feng Jinyu said, he had roughly understood everything, and only some details needed to be discussed with Zhou Qingyuan.

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan walk out, Feng Risheng smiled gently, took the initiative to greet him, and glanced at the other two tribes' settlements, snorting in his heart.

"Thank you for your hard work. Is the journey smooth?"

"Ah, it's so-so."

Feng Risheng smiled and patted Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder. Suddenly, he sensed an unusual power. His pupils shrank in an instant, and then quickly returned to normal.

Just now, the power of the two domains collided subconsciously. This discovery made Feng Risheng's long-silent heart suddenly beat violently.

"By the way, I found that the moose and the sun-eating wolf families were jointly hunting the Golden Crow people during this ceremony, so I helped you get rid of them.

In addition, their spoils of war are also in my hands. Didn't I suck your blood pool dry when I awakened the spirit before? I will return it to you when I return to the tribe."

"What's the hurry? You and I have the same blood flowing in our bodies. You are too polite."

Feng Risheng made a few gestures to several elders in the tribe, ready to take Zhou Qingyuan away first. The subsequent reward and reward were meaningless to Zhou Qingyuan.

Feng Risheng, who probably guessed what this kid had done, had made up his mind that no matter what Zhou Qingyuan wanted in the future, he would unconditionally satisfy him!

He has realized that the changes in this demon hunting ceremony may be more drastic than he imagined.

As expected, he is the only one who made the ancestor appear, and he is indeed extraordinary! Feng Risheng really wanted to know how Zhou Qingyuan could go from the first stage of opening meridians to the perfect stage of opening meridians in just five days, and even comprehend the power of the domain.

And how did he surpass the limit of the boundary step by step and reach the ninth stage of the demon domain? What secrets are hidden in him?

But just when they were about to leave, Kou Zhongqiu's angry roar came from the field.

"Everyone, don't leave!"

Everyone turned their heads to look. Kou Zhongqiu, who had been sarcastic and sarcastic before, had completely lost his previous composure at this time, and his face was deeply frowned, almost squeezed into a river shape.

"Everyone, such a big change happened in this ceremony. Not only did my people suffer such a great loss, but even most of our Ruyi Realm seeds were lost in it.

Aren't you curious about what happened in this ceremony?"

"Why, we won't investigate everything that happened in the Monster Hunting Ceremony. Isn't this what we discussed together at the beginning?

Otherwise, would you two families have the despicable decision to fight here?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Feng Risheng strode forward and retorted.

Mo Qiuzhen watched this scene coldly, with no intention of participating. Instead, he pulled his tribesman Mo Yanshou aside and asked softly:

"What happened? Why do I feel that your blood power has weakened a lot?"

Mo Yanshou smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed:

"A lot of things did happen, but all of this was the disciple's choice. It was because the disciple's skills were not as good as others. I hope the elders will not pursue it."

"Really? Since the skills are not as good as others, then forget it."

"After all, we are different from those trash who cheated when they lost the bet."

At this time, Fan Konghuang, the second trash in Mo Qiuzhen's mouth, also spoke up:

"I also want to know why none of my tribesmen came out after entering? My Moose Family needs an explanation!"

"Two old dogs who can't afford to lose, who do you want to explain to you? The disciples who survived as the winners?"

Feng Risheng snorted coldly and pushed back, choking the two people's words, but at this time, a third voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"I also want to know why Wang Shuanglong of my clan died in the ninth-level demon realm. Only the Ruyi seeds of your Jinwu family and Shenlong family walked out?"

The Yunmohu family entered.

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