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Chapter 149: Secret Entry

With the addition of the Yun Mohu family, the situation on the field immediately changed. With three against one, Feng Risheng could no longer avoid this matter.

"Wang Chenlu, why do you want to get involved?"

Looking at the elder Wang who suddenly intervened, Feng Risheng couldn't help but frown.

"I'm not interested in the scandals between the three of you.

I just want to know why the boy from the Shenlong family is fine, but my apprentice died in the Ninth Demon Realm. "

"What, you mean that if my tribe can survive, your apprentice will also be able to survive?

What makes you think that the disciples of your Yun Mohu clan are as strong as the disciples of our family? "

When it came to the tit-for-tat Yun Mohu family, Mo Qiuzhen's wait-and-see attitude was instantly broken, and he took a step forward unceremoniously. His whole body was full of momentum, and the real pressure spread to the Yun Mohu family as he stepped out.

‘It turns out that the vague pressure I have been feeling from them is the power of the domain? ’

Zhou Qingyuan stood not far behind Feng Risheng, quietly feeling the power and measuring the gap between them.

His Fire, Thunder and Purple Gold Realm seems to be much stronger in intensity than a single realm. It is more than enough to suppress the ordinary Ruyi Realm, but compared with the Vientiane Realm, it is still a bit behind.

The situation at this time is related to the future development. If the three families attack the Jinwu family at the same time, and if a war breaks out, they may really run away like a bereaved dog.

A drop of essence and blood quietly dripped from Zhou Qingyuan's fingertips, and instantly froze into a blood-colored ice crystal lotus. The aura on it was completely covered up by the freezing method.

A small teleportation array was quietly formed under the lotus, teleporting the lotus to the demon realm in the demon hunting ceremony.

In this way, even if things get worst, there is still a chance for a comeback. Zhou Qingyuan crossed his arms and examined the development of the situation.

Previously, it was just a conflict between the Golden Crow and the other two families, but now it seems that the Shenlong and Yunmohu clans are also getting involved.

But the situation of the five major families having maintained a dominant position for so long, could it be broken today because of such an incident?

"I just called the three juniors from your two families out to ask a question. Are your two families so sensitive? Such behavior really makes me a little suspicious."

Seeing Wang Chenlu stand up, Kou Zhongqiu did not forget his purpose and continued to exert pressure. He wanted to know why his apprentice Kou Shou died in the ninth demon realm when he was only one step away from Ruyi Realm.

It was impossible for those demon kings to defeat him. It should have been that all the wishful seeds of the other four families were destroyed. There must have been a change.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan standing behind Feng Risheng, the second Golden Crow tribesman who came out of the Ninth Demon Realm, Kou Zhongqiu already had some speculation in his mind.

Those juniors have monopolized the Ninth Demon Realm of the Demon Hunting Ceremony countless times. Every time it is only the five of them who come out, do you think they, the clan leaders, don't know?

Now, a strange face suddenly appeared inside. The members of the other three families were all dead. This matter must be related to this son!

Thinking of this, he continued: "If I don't do anything else, I just want to ask that disciple why he came out of the Ninth Demon Realm? Did he and Feng Cangyuan kill my disciple together?"

Zhou Qingyuan folded his arms and watched coldly as Kou Zhongqiu pointed his finger at him. Just as he was about to say something, Feng Risheng took another step and blocked his body behind him.

"I haven't asked you why you joined forces to deal with people of my clan in the Demon Hunting Ceremony, but now you are taking the initiative?

If you want to have a fight, you might as well say so. If you don't think it's satisfying, then start a Ruyi battle! I would like to see what you two can do if you two unite! "

Just kidding, it wouldn't matter if it was Feng Cangyuan. It wouldn't matter if they were called to ask questions, but Zhou Qingyuan...he Feng Risheng is guaranteed!

He would not let this talented disciple who had no sense of family belief have even the slightest ill feeling towards the family again!

Fan Konghuang also stood up at this time and said: "This kind of thing has never happened before, Brother Kou is just afraid of something happening.

It's not okay to ask your disciples to come out and ask questions to clarify what's going on inside, just to ask for an explanation? "


The true form of the Golden Crow appeared in Feng Risheng's body, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into substance, turning into a big bird that covered the sky and the sun.

"Explanation? Your disciple is not strong enough and died inside. What else do you need to explain? Fight if you want, don't make any fucking nonsense!"

On the other side, Mo Qiuzhen, who was facing off against Wang Luchen, felt unhappy for a while, and then said: "My Shenlong family also supports starting the Ruyi War. Let me see what progress your Yunmohu family has made in these days."

The true form of the green dragon soared into the sky, its huge dragon head peered down from the dark clouds, and it spoke on behalf of Mo Qiuzhen, its voice spread throughout the country, and it was overwhelming and domineering.

Wang Chenlu frowned as he looked at the Golden Crow and Shenlong families who had some common enemies. The alliance between the Moose and Sun-eating Wolf families seemed to be a foregone conclusion. If this trivial matter forced the Golden Crow and Shenlong families to join forces, it would be unsightly.

"That's all, I just want to know what happened in the ninth-level demon realm. Why do you need to show your true colors in front of the juniors? Are you going to say a few more words and even the true body will come out?"

Wang Chenlu waved his hand and took the lead to lead his clan members away. In fact, their clan's loss was not that big. It was just the death of a Ruyijing Seed, which made her feel a little distressed, so she just joined in the fun.

I don't know why Feng Risheng is so determined this time. If it were the past, he would have compromised.

"If you want to start the Ruyi War, my Yunmohu family is ready to accompany you at any time."

Looking at the departing Yunmohu family, Kou Zhongqiu narrowed his eyes slightly. After this incident, the alliance between the Moose and Sun Wolf families has been exposed and completely locked. Even if Fan Konghuang, the cowardly old boy, wants to regret it, it's too late.

In this case, why should he let his clansmen participate in this one-on-one Ruyi War? The two families joined forces to target the Jinwu people. Within ten years, they will cut off all the arms of their family.

It only takes ten years to plan, and then the two families will attack the weak Jinwu family together, making them completely history!

"I'm just afraid that something happened in the ceremony that you and I don't know about. You are a bit extreme."

Kou Zhongqiu chuckled, suppressed the tense atmosphere, and took the lead to leave with his clansmen. Before leaving, he gave Fan Konghuang a look.

Fan Konghuang was in a complicated mood at this time. He did not expect that the first thing the family did after changing its position would be such a big setback.

Looking at the Jinwu people who were also preparing to leave, his eyes were fixed on the figure in black.

This person smelled of the blood of his people.

All the people in the family died in there this time. Did he do it?

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