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Chapter 147 Where are their tribesmen?


He let out a long sigh of relief from his throat, and looking at Kou Shou who fell to the ground, Zhou Qingyuan was also relieved.

This battle was indeed the most strenuous one he had fought since he entered the Changsheng Realm. Relying on a strong foundation and various means, he forced himself to fight against the newly promoted Ruyi Realm with an eighth-level body of Kaimai.

If he had not been promoted to the ninth level of Kaimai in the battle, he would have had to flee in embarrassment. Unlike what others thought, Zhou Qingyuan actually had a way out compared to them.

First of all, his strong physical foundation gave him the basis for resistance, so that he would not be completely unable to move under the pressure of the Ruyi Realm domain power.

In addition, his understanding of the formation here far exceeded that of the other four people. If he wanted, he could use the power of the formation to quickly leave here at any time.

After slaughtering the demon king of the Nine-Layer Demon Realm, the fragments of the power of the formation in Zhou Qingyuan's body far exceeded those of others. It can be said that he is now the person who is most familiar with this [Four-sided Holy Pillar Formation].

After the others leave, the rule fragments on their bodies will be recycled, but Zhou Qingyuan will never do so.

This time, the demon hunting ceremony has yielded good results. His strength has been raised from the first stage of opening meridians to the perfect opening meridians. If he hadn't suppressed it, he would have reached the level of Ruyi Realm.

In addition, he has roughly mastered this teleportation array, confirming his previous guess.

There is indeed a backdoor hidden in this teleportation. Now he only needs to flick it lightly, and maybe he will be teleported to another place.

'Wait until you are strong enough and interested before exploring. '

Zhou Qingyuan turned his head to look at the four people, so the only thing left is the final finishing work.

"Thank you, you are Zhou Qingyuan, right?

Looking at the patterns of different colors on the four people, Zhou Qingyuan ignored Feng Cangyuan who spoke, and gestured twice, and the soul demon that had just eaten Kou Shou's body quickly appeared in his hand.


The sound of the blade entering the flesh sounded, "You! ", blood splashed on the faces of the three people in the field, all of them widened their eyes and looked at this scene in confusion.


Fan Nian Ze of the Moose Family looked at the blade that was inserted into the huge wound, and various emotions flashed in his eyes, but the most common one was understanding.

He naturally knew that his family and the Sun Devouring Wolf Family had joined forces to deal with the Golden Crow Family. He was originally planning to talk about it in this conversation, but was interrupted by Kou Shou's move.

Since Zhou Qingyuan was a member of the Golden Crow Family, it was normal to kill him.


Before dying, Fan Nian Ze saw a huge mouth with blood-red eyes.

"What are you doing!"

Facing Feng Cangyuan's question, Zhou Qingyuan did not speak. Seeing that the other party wanted to stand up to stop him, the power of the domain suddenly unfolded, and the huge force immediately pressed him so hard that he could not move.

"Is it my turn? It seems that you, like Kou Shou, are not prepared to let anyone go. "

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who was slashing at him with a knife, Wang Shuanglong of the Yunmohu family had a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Was he going to die here after all?

Looking at Wang Shuanglong who was swallowed whole by the big eyeball, Mo Yanshou had a calm expression. After burning his origin, he had no hope of reaching the state of Ruyi, so it didn't matter whether he lived or not.

"Is it my turn next?"

"No, I won't kill you."

Zhou Qingyuan dealt with the Yunmo and Tux families, looked at the only alien left in the field, and continued:

"But I won't kill you, just because the great elder of the Shenlong family, Mo Qiuzhen, once showed goodwill to me, and it has nothing to do with you personally.

In addition, although I let you go, I won't let you tell anyone about me. "

"Squeak, squeak, squeak"

As Zhou Qingyuan slapped the storage bag, two white balls of hair appeared and flew straight into the mouths of Mo Yanshou and Feng Cangyuan, turning into a ball of hair and melting into their hearts.

"This is a heart-melting insect. Under the influence of spiritual power, it has completely merged with your heart.

As long as you have evil thoughts about me in your heart, it will instantly dissolve with your heart. "

Listening to Zhou Qingyuan's explanation, Mo Yanshou's expression was indifferent, and Feng Cangyuan's expression was helpless, both of them said that they would not tell anyone about Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, and another green light appeared on the huge wound between the waist and abdomen of the two. The remaining power of Kou Shou was dissolved by him, and the wounds on the two began to heal.

"This matter is over, let's go out. ”

At this time, there were still two days before the end of the Demon Hunting Ceremony. This ceremony, which was supposed to last for seven days, ended early due to Zhou Qingyuan's unreasonably variable.

Outside the four pillars, light surged, which was a sign that many people in the Demon Hunting Ceremony were about to be teleported out.

Zhou Qingyuan, who was preparing to end the ceremony, had no interest in waiting for others. He directly used the power of the formation to drive everyone out of the ceremony.

Seeing this movement, the minds of the five tribes moved slightly and secretly guessed.

This ceremony has an unusual flavor since the union of the moose and sun-devouring wolves.

In the past five days, except for Feng Jinyu who came out early after only two days, no one from the three families of Jinwu, Moose, and Sun-devouring came out.

Combined with the situation of the two families joining forces, what happened inside, the Jinwu tribe members present were very pessimistic, except for Feng Risheng who knew the inside story.

But he didn't understand, with Zhou Qingyuan's existence, why didn't any of their own disciples come out from the first-level and second-level demon domains?

He didn't know that most of the demon kings had been killed by Zhou Qingyuan, and even if the other disciples were not in danger of life, they would not be able to get any pass to leave.

In fact, the expressions on the faces of the other families were not very good at the moment.

Although several middle and high-level disciples had hunted the demon kings before Zhou Qingyuan arrived and got the pass to leave early, the demon hunting ceremony was held once a year, and they were unwilling to come out directly.

As a result, the number of disciples who came out of this ceremony was pitifully small.

As the light surged, the disciples of the first-level demon domain were teleported out first. The disciples of the Cloud Demon Tiger and Shenlong families had almost no casualties, and the faces of the two families showed a smile of relief.

But in contrast, the expressions on the faces of the other three families were extremely ugly. The first-level disciples of the Jinwu family who opened their meridians had at least more than 70% of their casualties this time, and there were very few people who came out.

Feng Peisheng, the second elder of the Jinwu family, was furious at this time. He didn't expect that the Moose and Sun Devouring Wolf families were so shameless that they suddenly started to plot against their disciples of the Jinwu family?

"Shameless! Fan Konghuang, you are a cowardly and disgusting fence-sitter!"

The momentum of Ruyi Realm suddenly erupted with Feng Peisheng's roar. Under the pressure of partial leakage, the young people present felt the pressure as heavy as a mountain and were silent.

The Shenlong and Yunmohu families looked coldly at the absurd drama that was about to begin among the three families, secretly guessing the future development of the power of the five families.

The great elder of the Sun Devouring Wolf, Kou Zhongqiu, looked at this scene with amusement, and was also a little confused in his heart. Why didn't any of their disciples come out?

Did they all run to the second stage?

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