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Chapter 146 Breakthrough! Completed the Kaimai realm!

Chapter 146 Breakthrough! Kaimai Realm - Perfection!


Zhou Qingyuan flew backwards and landed beside the four emperors who were watching the battle. He fell to the ground dejectedly and tried to stand up immediately.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who was struggling to stand up, the four people all showed a sense of being connected by the same fate.

"Don't struggle. You are proud enough to fight with Ruyi Realm with Kaimai Level 9."

"Yeah, it's just that we were slow."

Everyone was in a complicated mood and looked depressed.

When Zhou Qingyuan and Kou Shou fought, when they saw Zhou Qingyuan could barely move under the power of the domain, and when they saw his powerful blood skills, they had some hope in their hearts.

Could Zhou Qingyuan really defeat Kou Shou? But soon, the hope that had just arisen was annihilated with Zhou Qingyuan's flying figure.

Looking at Kou Shou who was walking towards them proudly at this time, there was actually no injury on the other party.

No matter how hard they tried, fighting to the death, they could not cause the slightest harm to Ruyi Realm.

This is Ruyi Realm. The gap in strength between it and Kaimai Realm is like a divine punishment. No one can cross it. Even a genius like Zhou Qingyuan has lost a few points.

"I have to say that you have given me many surprises. When I think of a person like you, dying here silently before he rises, dying at my hands, this is really."

Kou Shou looked at the five people who fell to the ground, and his breath expanded again. In order to avoid more trouble, he would use the bloodline skills again to kill the five people in the field together!

"Alas, everything is over."

Fan Nianze's eyes were blank, and his heart was full of regret. He was also crazy before, and he did not choose to leave before Kou Shou entered Ruyi Realm.

The expressions of the others were different, but they had lost interest in talking, and they lowered their heads waiting for death to come, except for Zhou Qingyuan who had barely straightened up.

"No, it's not over yet."

Under the huge pressure brought by Kou Shou, Zhou Qingyuan, who officially entered the ninth level of Kaimai, had bright eyes, showing his unyielding spirit.

Three conditions for entering the Ruyi realm:

[The first condition: comprehend the power of Hunyuan Ruyi, which is easy for him in the Tianren realm. ]

[The second condition: comprehend the way of heaven and earth, and every move is blessed by the power of heaven and earth. Zhou Qingyuan had obtained this as early as the third level of Kaimai under the blessing of his innate magical power and heavenly principles, and was sublimated again after entering the sixth and ninth levels.

Now, the invisible momentum lingers around him, faintly turning into substance, and misty fog emerges in the field. ]

[The third condition: stepping into the ninth level of Kaimai perfection, he is still a little short, but it doesn't matter, just a simple action, this gap can be easily made up! ]

Unconsciously, Zhou Qingyuan has gathered three key conditions!

When everyone was in despair, Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel. On it, a white light flashed on the silver plus sign, as if waiting for his favor.

[Kai Mai Realm - Great Completion] +

Zhou Qingyuan looked determined. Between life and death, he pressed the silver plus sign hard!

[Kai Mai Realm - Perfection]


As the addition of points was completed, the power of nothingness turned into substance, and the golden flame continued to expand with the power of the domain.

'The power of the domain! He also comprehended the power of the domain! '

The four people looked at the golden flame that appeared out of thin air with a strong pressure around them, and their hearts were shaken, and a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes.

Could it be that Zhou Qingyuan was also going to take advantage of the battle to enter the Ruyi Realm?


Just when everyone was surprised, purple lightning appeared out of thin air, and the golden flame was mixed with the magnificent purple thunder, forming a domineering aura. Although Zhou Qingyuan did not deliberately target the four people on the sidelines, they still felt the pressure like mountains and seas coming.

But the next moment Zhou Qingyuan realized this, and the pressure on the four people disappeared. The pressure on the domain brought by Kou Shou to them instantly disintegrated in front of Zhou Qingyuan's purple gold domain.

As the ninth battle pattern was completely solidified in his body, his connection with this world was strengthened again.

At the same time, the power that had been stored for many times burst out at this moment. The injuries in Zhou Qingyuan's body were completely restored by the vitality that burst out from the depths of his body. Waves of power like volcanic eruptions continued to surge!

"What a powerful force."

Feeling the unprecedented sense of power surging in his body, Zhou Qingyuan's mouth curled slightly, revealing a relaxed smile at the moment of life and death.

What makes people feel more pleasant is that it is such a powerful force, but it gives people a feeling of being able to do it at will.

The deep-seated factors in the blood are awakened and stimulated, bringing new power to its owner.

As this factor continues to accumulate, Zhou Qingyuan only feels that his body seems to break through some kind of barrier, cross the boundary, and step into a new world.

But at this moment, he held back and stopped before the last boundary.

With his current strength, he was already strong enough to deal with Kou Shou. It would not be too late to enter this Ruyi Realm after adding points to the Ultimate Realm.

"Since you really let me break through in the battle? It's a pity that it's too late! Go to hell!"

Looking at the purple-gold field mixed with fire and thunder, Kou Shou's uneasiness slightly increased. He no longer had the idea of ​​playing with everyone before, and his relaxed mood disappeared.

The image of the blue-eyed giant wolf and the full moon reappeared, as if it had sensed the mood of the caster. The humanized wolf face now showed a serious expression, and the speed of attacking was faster than ever.


The wolf howled, and the giant wolf phantom leaped into the sky, covering the full moon, and fell from top to bottom towards the five people, opening its huge wolf mouth.

"Are you anxious?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the giant wolf phantom, and the corners of his mouth cracked into an exaggerated arc. The boundary between light and darkness appeared again, but this time, his momentum was clearly more than twice as strong as before!

Endless darkness engulfed the full moon, and the light wrapped around the giant wolf, dyeing it white. A clear boundary appeared between the black moon and the white wolf.

[Bloodline Skill: Sun and Moon Division]

The moment the image took shape, the falling shadow of the white wolf stopped abruptly, and turned into fine white foam in an undetectable boundary, disappearing together with the black moon in the sky.

Kou Shou's left eye reflected the image of the giant wolf turning to ashes, and his right eye was a full moon swallowed by darkness. The next moment, a boundary line appeared between his eyebrows, cutting him in half.

He seemed to have discovered something, and looked down in a daze. The world in his eyes became wider and wider, and finally split into two pieces.

"How could it be like this?"

He was the first among the five to enter the Ruyi Realm. He thought he would become the most proud of the Changsheng Realm in the future. How could he die in the hands of the sixth person he had never expected?


Kou Shou's eyes widened, and his body, which was split into two, fell to the ground dejectedly.

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