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Chapter 125: The Ultimate Breathing of the Fetus, the True Form of the Candle Dragon

"Is this two bloodlines fighting for dominance?"

Looking at the golden and red lines outside Zhou Qingyuan's body, Feng Risheng was puzzled.

The ancestors had already divided the origin mark. Even if Zhou Qingyuan had dual bloodlines in his body, it should be the Golden Crow bloodline that suppressed the Divine Dragon bloodline.

How could this happen?

In Zhou Qingyuan's body, the five-clawed golden dragon transformed by Wudan was roaring at the moment, confronting the three-legged golden crow transformed by the red blood in his body. The blood in his body seemed to have turned into two camps, facing each other from a distance.

Blood was constantly being transformed into red, and the next moment new blood was transformed into gold.

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly realized that his Divine Dragon bloodline might have nothing to do with his original soul. It turned out that it was the Wudan Golden Dragon that was causing trouble?

Two top bloodlines fighting in the body, if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would not be easy at the moment, and the foundation of the body would be damaged if it dragged on for a long time.

For Zhou Qingyuan, this dragon and bird would have no effect on him even if they beat their dog brains out.


A Yuanying in the form of Zhou Qingyuan's child suddenly appeared between a bird and a dragon, and his closed eyes slowly opened.

'This is my body, have you forgotten this? '

All the blood struggles ceased with this divine thought, and the two lines on Zhou Qingyuan's body surface fell into darkness.

The struggle between the two bloodlines was forcibly stopped. Looking at the newly appeared [Fetal Breathing-Great Accomplishment] realm on the system at this time, Zhou Qingyuan did not rush to add points.

He had a hunch that if he wanted to comprehend the so-called racial magical power, he had to add points to the ultimate perfection.

If he chose to add points at this time, he might only be able to stop at the perfect realm today. As for whether he could continue to add points without this blood pool, he was not sure.

It is best to rely on your own strength to enter the perfect realm of fetal breathing within a quarter of an hour, and then enter the ultimate realm by adding points.

'Since you can't fight for it, you can merge it for me. '

Zhou Qingyuan's mind moved, and the blood in his body stopped breathing.

He took the initiative to stop this state of fetal breathing.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Wudan Jinlong's eyes. Under Zhou Qingyuan's control, he forced the two kinds of dull golden and red blood to merge together.

And in the external manifestation, all the lines on Zhou Qingyuan's body surface retracted into his body, and there was no movement.

'Is this a failure? '

Feng Risheng frowned as he looked at Zhou Qingyuan who had lost all his blood lines.

If so, it would be too disappointing.

So two top bloodlines would cause such a problem? With the two bloodlines swallowing up, can neither side win?

But why didn't the origin mark of the ancestor work?

If it weren't for the vortex caused by Zhou Qingyuan in the blood pool still spinning non-stop, Feng Risheng almost thought that Zhou Qingyuan had completely lost his chance.

But at this time, looking at the vortex that was clearly spinning but very quiet, as if afraid of disturbing Zhou Qingyuan's vortex, Feng Risheng's eyes showed a hint of interest.

It seems that there is still a chance for things to turn around? But where is the chance of turning around?

Could he control the two bloodlines?

At this time, in Zhou Qingyuan's body, all the blood in his body had been combined together, gradually turning into a bright red and slightly yellow color.

'Then, let's start. '

The Wudan Golden Dragon let out a reluctant dragon roar, and his body turned from solid to virtual, rushed into the golden red blood, and disappeared.


The sound of the black bird sounded, and the three-tailed flame feathers in Zhou Qingyuan's palm began to turn red and hot, and a strange phenomenon appeared.

In Zhou Qingyuan's body, a three-legged golden crow phantom appeared, nodded to Zhou Qingyuan, and also rushed into the blood and disappeared.


As the two phantoms entered the blood mass, a strange sound came from the blood mass, and the whole blood mass began to twist and deform.

It's almost there.

Zhou Qingyuan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes!

The swirling blood pool water seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and ten blood dragons separated from the blood pool water and rushed into Zhou Qingyuan's body.

As the blood pool supplied energy, the text on the system panel finally changed at this time.

[Fetal Breath - Perfection]

In Zhou Qingyuan's body, the gestation of the blood clot intensified further. What can the fusion of two top bloodlines produce? No one knows.

Zhou Qingyuan observed the state of the blood clot and frowned.

If this continues, he will fail.

Bloodline is the most important thing in the world of immortality. How could two top bloodlines be forcibly fused together because of his rough method?

At this moment, the reaction of the blood clot became more and more intense, constantly twisting into various shapes, as if it would explode in the next moment.

If the fusion of this blood clot failed, Zhou Qingyuan would probably have to sacrifice the car to save the general, and finally he could only choose one of the bloodlines to awaken and forcibly give up the other.

But fortunately, he still had one last resort.

[Fetal Breath - Perfection] +

As Zhou Qingyuan's consciousness touched the bright silver + sign, the information panel trembled violently.

At the same time, the blood clot, which was already reacting violently, was further stimulated, and the center of the blood clot surged wildly, making countless sounds of blood and flesh.

Only this time, it did not show any signs of instability or collapse.

[Fetal Breathing - Ultimate]

As the points were added, the blood mass in Zhou Qingyuan's body was completely stable. A hoarse and terrifying strange cry sounded, and the blood mass broke its shell. A red dragon with a human head and a snake body emerged from the blood mass.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned, looking at the footless dragon with the same face as himself, and felt a bit strange in his heart.

At this moment, the dragon opened its eyes, and its red vertical pupils met Zhou Qingyuan's consciousness, looking at each other from a distance.

The next moment, it gathered its body and transformed into Zhou Qingyuan, who looked like a young man, sitting cross-legged in his dantian.

And Zhou Qingyuan also had a sense of enlightenment in his body. This was a new product produced after the fusion of two bloodlines plus the origin of Wudan and Jinwu.

Although he is still relatively weak now, his essence is actually the Zhuzhao Dragon who controls the sun, moon and four seasons.

At the moment it opened its eyes, countless blood in Zhou Qingyuan's body surged, bursting out huge energy, and red lines covered his whole body. The blood in his body began to boil and burn with this change.

A strange feeling arose in Zhou Qingyuan's heart. He gathered his mind and carefully felt this strange fluctuation.

A new line of text appeared on the system panel.

[Blood Rage (Racial Magical Power) - Introduction]


The blood pool suddenly gushed up and returned to the lake surface.

Feng Risheng looked at the lake surface, which had slightly dropped in water level, and nodded slightly.

Since it absorbed so much blood and energy, it must have succeeded.

What he didn't know was that if it wasn't for the help of the system, which provided a lot of energy.

The energy consumed by Zhou Qingyuan from the perfection of the fetal breathing state to the ultimate and the birth of the Zhulong Wudan could directly absorb most of this blood pool.

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