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Chapter 126: Spiritual Awakening, Bloodline Secret Technique

At the bottom of the pool, Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes after digesting the energy of the blood pool in his body, and felt the changes in his body while walking out of the blood pool.

He himself is a spiritual warrior equivalent to the Pulse Opening Realm. Entering the Reborn Realm will not improve his body much, but... the first level can actually extend his lifespan?

This realm is worthy of the name of the realm of immortality.

But just as people in this world are numb to life span, Zhou Qingyuan actually has no feelings about life span.

Along the way, all the difficulties he encountered could not be solved by living long.

In this extraordinary world, a long lifespan without strength is of no use.

Take the world of immortality as an example. Almost no one dies at the end of his life. The vast majority of people die in battle.

Because he died of old age early due to hidden injuries, he was already considered a longevity star.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan walking out of the pool of blood, Feng Risheng asked in confusion:

"Why did you come out?"

"Stop for a while and then go in."

Zhou Qingyuan had no intention of explaining and continued:

"I have entered the stage of fetal breath perfection and have mastered the magical power of my race. What's the next step? How to enlighten my soul?"

"How long has it been since then, and you have already reached the end of your pregnancy?"

Feng Risheng was a little surprised, but looking at the red lines on Zhou Qingyuan's body, he nodded and did not ask what kind of racial magical power Zhou Qingyuan mastered.

"It seems that your talent is better than I thought, and I can expect more from you.

It is easy for you to enter the realm of enlightenment, but the joke the third elder said before may come true.

Your challenge is that you must understand your bloodline skills in the Spirit Enlightenment Realm. "

As he spoke, red lines appeared on Feng Risheng's body, and a red aura spread over it.

“Bloodline skills are the prerequisite for Ruyijing to master the field.

Those who failed to comprehend the bloodline skills in the Enlightenment Realm would not be able to comprehend their own domain even if they entered the Ruyi Realm later.

In other words, these people have forever lost the qualification to become strong and are nothing more than stepping stones for others. "

At this point, the red patterns on Feng Risheng's body seemed to start to burn, gradually surrounding his body and turning into a firebird.

"This is my bloodline skill - Fire Hunting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Risheng's aura increased tenfold.

"I have reduced my strength to the first level of Qi Ling. After using bloodline skills, my current strength is equivalent to the combat power of the first level of Qi Ling.

If he uses his racial magical power again, his combat power should be increased by about 30%. "

"Is your skill system only limited to these two types?"

Facing Zhou Qingyuan's inquiry, Feng Risheng just smiled disdainfully:

"In the face of extreme physical strength, all skills are just decoration.

Besides, you will understand after you enter the realm of opening pulses. "

Feng Risheng gave up and said seriously:

"The so-called enlightenment does not enlighten your own spiritual intelligence, but the spirituality of your bloodline.

If the fetal breath state makes your blood start to breathe, it will have stronger power.

Then the spiritual enlightenment realm is to let your blood have spirituality and truly come to life.

After reaching this state, every drop of blood in your body will have powerful power. When all the power is gathered in one place, it is the secret skill of blood.

Bloodline skills are equivalent to concentrating all your body's power on one point and bursting out at once.

Not only that, because you are using the power of blood throughout the body, the load on your body is minimal and recovery is extremely fast.

With such wonderful and superb skills, why do you need other miscellaneous things?

If you have this kind of mental strength, you might as well think about becoming stronger. "

Zhou Qingyuan nodded. He wanted to wait for the system's number of points to be restored before going into the blood pool. If nothing happened, he continued to learn about the Sun Chaser Realm with Feng Risheng.

After midnight, Zhou Qingyuan said to Feng Risheng, who was a little confused:

"I can do it."

With that said, he descended into the blood pool again.

"The stimulation required by the Spirit Awakening Realm is much stronger than that of the Fetal Breath Realm. I will slowly and continuously increase the temperature of the pool water until you can no longer bear it or until you have mastered the Spirit Awakening.

Enter the fetal breath realm, feel the breathing process of your blood, imagine that they are independent individuals, and try to plan them as a whole.

In addition, when you can't find a way, you can try to use your racial magical power. "

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, Feng Risheng raised a smile on his lips.

He had a hunch that this young man would be able to respond to his expectations.

In fact, it is true.

Who is Zhou Qingyuan?

A warrior who has used his inner energy to reach the end of the warrior realm in the ordinary world.

The Immortal King of Ten Thousand Arts who masters all kinds of magic and ninety-nine magical powers in the world of immortality.

The so-called fetal breath enlightenment is not difficult for him at all.

The reason why we have to wait for the system to be updated is just to get it right in one step.

As the temperature of the pool water began to rise, countless medicinal powers poured into Zhou Qingyuan's body.


The red light flashed, and all the blood in Zhou Qingyuan's body began to tremble with the buzzing sound. The young man at the Dantian and the Nascent Soul at the Niwan Palace opened their eyes at the same time.

But Zhou Qingyuan still miscalculated. He couldn't activate the blood at all.

Because he had already mastered this when he entered the Heavenly Realm.

Otherwise, how could he change the structure of his body at will?

As he realized this, the blood in his body seemed to turn into a group of agile little fish, all gathered at his fingertips.

Deep darkness and extreme light appeared in the drops of blood, showing a polarized trend.

Zhou Qingyuan looked down at the black and white blood on his fingertips, and remembered his favorite attack method when he was a warrior in the Great Zhu Dynasty.

Blocking the enemy's sight and perception with infinite light, and using the black knife to imitate the thunder, domineeringly descending from the sky to destroy everything.

As Zhou Qingyuan recalled, new words began to appear on the panel.

[Sun and Moon Division (Bloodline Skill)-Minor Success]


In Feng Risheng's puzzled eyes, the water in the blood pool surged up and poured into the blood on Zhou Qingyuan's fingertips, accepting everyone!

'Oh? Comprehended the bloodline skill? This kid is really.'

Looking at the dangerous energy contained in Zhou Qingyuan's fingertips and feeling the sublimated aura on him, Feng Risheng couldn't help but feel happy.

With this person in the Jinwu generation, it should not be a problem for them to suppress the other four clans' geniuses for hundreds of years in the future.

As for Zhou Qingyuan's previous words, that if he was given some time, the five major clans would become one voice, Feng Risheng just regarded it as a joke of youthful vigor.

The water level of the blood pool began to drop inch by inch, and the water that could easily submerge Zhou Qingyuan gradually shrank to the extent that it could only barely cover him.

It was during this process that the smile on Feng Risheng's mouth froze.

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