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Chapter 124: Bloodline Struggle, Fetal Breathing State

Feng Risheng led Zhou Qingyuan into the sacrificial hall and said to him:

"Don't listen to the Third Elder's nonsense. He is over 400 years old, but his personality is still so erratic."

Zhou Qingyuan just smiled slightly and continued the previous topic:

"What is his so-called bloodline skill?"

"It's too early for you to discuss this now. Let's step into the Awakening Spirit Realm first."

The two of them had already passed through the front hall and stopped in front of a huge black wall.

There was nothing on the wall, only a groove mark in the center that looked like a golden crow.

"I advise you that although you have a good talent, I also believe that you can awaken your bloodline through the blood pool results.

But if you want to achieve the best effect in the next level, it will not be so easy."

Feng Risheng put his palm on the groove in the center of the wall, and the red spiritual energy led from the groove in the center to four directions.

The wall has not been completely opened yet, and a strong strange smell of herbs and blood has come from the inside. Just by smelling it, Zhou Qingyuan felt a slight vibration in the blood in his body.

The descending steps were clearly visible in front of the two people. As the two people stepped in completely, the wall closed tightly again with a buzzing sound.

"Tick. Tick"

The cold deep pool quietly exuded mist and revealed a faint green light.

"This is a blood pool melted with the blood of various monsters and precious herbs in this world.

Even now, there are still countless new blood pouring in from various channels underground.

After you go out, you must hunt more than ten monsters with strength equivalent to the Kaimai realm to replenish the blood pool."

Sitting cross-legged in front of the deep pool, Feng Risheng signaled Zhou Qingyuan to get down from the pool, and then said:

"The bloodline is divided into six major realms, and the first step you have to enter is the fetal breathing realm.

The so-called fetal breathing, in the mouth of ordinary people, is to stop breathing through the mouth and nose and breathe through the navel.

But we bloodline warriors are different. If you want to reach the true fetal breathing realm, you must let the blood in your body learn to breathe."

"Once this step begins, it will not If we stop, our bodies will gradually get better under the effect of blood, and awakening the power of blood will be a natural thing. "

"After you enter the pool, I will use the method of blood and qi to increase the temperature and stimulate the medicinal power. A large amount of blood and qi and medicinal power will continue to invade your body under the remaining hatred of the demon clan.

In this process, all the pores in your body will be opened. "

Speaking of this, Feng Risheng stretched out a finger and continued:

"One hour, you only have one hour.

If you can't master the method of blood fetal breathing within one hour, even if you have a strong blood, you can't awaken. "

This is why Feng Risheng and Mo Qiuzhen were not too excited when facing Zhou Qingyuan, a disciple with good talent.

The way of blood is a mountain and a level, only those who have passed every level can laugh to the end.

And talent is just one of the factors.

Of course, Feng Risheng has another sentence hidden in his heart.

Since Zhou Qingyuan was favored by the ancestors, even if he failed, he had a second way to activate the blood power in his body.

But in that case, he would completely lose his attention and investment in Zhou Qingyuan.

A clan member who couldn't even cross the simplest fetal breathing state was not worth his effort.

In fact, his expectations for Zhou Qingyuan were far more than just awakening the blood.

"Has anyone ever told you that you really like to test others?

What's the point of saying these useless things? If I fail, I will just go away without you telling me.

So. When will it start?"

Faced with Zhou Qingyuan's impolite question, Feng Risheng just smiled indifferently and continued:

"Don't worry, the next step is the most important."

Feng Risheng's expression became serious and he said seriously:

"When every blood warrior enters the fetal breathing state, there is a very small possibility that he can awaken an additional racial magical power while awakening the power of his blood.

Once the racial magical power is awakened, with your outstanding blood talent, you will be truly invincible in the same level in the future, and you will be qualified to compete with those geniuses who are ahead of you.

This is what you should pursue in this awakening."

"How to awaken the magical power?"

"I don't know. Everyone awakens different magical powers, and the perceptions in the process are also different. There is no method that applies to everyone."


Zhou Qingyuan seemed to be responding, as if talking to himself, and no longer waited, and walked straight into the deep pool.

The cold water covered his feet, and then his torso. Zhou Qingyuan placed himself in the water and walked towards the bottom of the deep pool.

Unlike those warriors who rely on blood power, he had already walked through the martial arts and immortal cultivation paths before he stepped into the blood path.

No. Speaking of it, the spiritual martial arts path stagnated after the martial courage realm, and no one knew why.

Zhou Qingyuan walked to the bottom of the pool step by step, and the buoyancy in the water seemed to have lost its effect on him.

He closed his eyes and sat quietly at the bottom of the pool. Although the blood pool medicine power had not yet been activated, Zhou Qingyuan had stopped breathing on the surface of his body and entered the fetal breathing state.

As a warrior in the heavenly realm, he has absolute control over every part of his body.

Although this control cannot bring him stronger power, what does it count as a mere introduction to the fetal breathing method?

Watching Zhou Qingyuan sit down steadily at the bottom of the pool, Feng Risheng nodded secretly in his heart, stretched out a finger, and leaned over to dip into the pool.

Blood was born from the fingertips, winding upwards in rounds and rounds, rotating continuously.

The originally bone-chilling water quickly heated up. Although there was no external force, the calm lake surface began to tremble at this time, and the blood pool, which was originally fragrant, suddenly emitted a fishy smell.

The phantoms of various monsters appeared above the blood pool, roaring, and finally aimed at Zhou Qingyuan, who was sitting at the bottom of the pool, merged into his body, and dissipated into nothingness.

It started.

I wonder how long it will take him to enter the fetal breath?

Half a quarter of an hour? Or even shorter?

Just when Feng Risheng was guessing how long it would take this young man, who was too strong in both attitude and momentum, to complete the fetal breath process, the water in the blood pool suddenly erupted with a huge movement.

With Zhou Qingyuan, who was sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the pool as the center, the water in the blood pool turned into a whirlpool and spun, making a huge sound of swirling tides.

At this time, Zhou Qingyuan's body appeared red, and mysterious and beautiful red lines quietly emerged from all parts of his body, covering his whole body.

Before Feng Risheng could react, a dragon roar sounded out of nowhere in the pool.

Then, majestic golden lines appeared on Zhou Qingyuan's body, forcibly occupying the position of the red lines.

The two top bloodlines, at the moment when Zhou Qingyuan mastered the fetal breathing method and entered the fetal breathing state, used his body as a battlefield and began to seize the dominant position.

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