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Chapter 123 Everything is taken for granted

The ancestral land of the Jinwu family is surrounded by volcanoes.

A red totem engraved with a three-legged black bird stands in the center of the square, a hundred meters high, with a total of nine grooves on the totem.

"This is our bloodline totem and our belief, the sacred bird, the three-legged golden crow."

"Stretch out your hand and touch the totem, it will reveal your bloodline talent."

The four elders stood on each side and watched Zhou Qingyuan touch his hand on the totem.

As the two come into contact, a strange phenomenon appears, and the nine slots on the totem are instantly filled.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of the four elders, the black bird pattern began to become clear and red.


Accompanied by the chirping of birds, the golden crow pattern originally drawn with paint as a line fell off the totem and turned into a solid body. It was only connected to the totem with its tail, and the front half of the body was already close to Zhou Qingyuan.

"This ancestor has shown his spirit? How good is his talent!"

"Strange, Risheng, I remember you were also of the ninth grade bloodline back then, right? Why didn't the ancestor show his spirit?"

"What do you think?"

Feng Risheng glanced at the second elder beside him.

In front of the totem, Zhou Qingyuan looked at the slightly familiar three-legged golden crow and said:

"Have we met before?"

Jinwu didn't speak, his eyes showed joy, and he gently pecked the back of Zhou Qingyuan's hand.

Following this action, a red three-tail flame feather mark appeared at the marked position.

Jinwu nodded to Zhou Qingyuan, and quickly retracted into the totem. The next moment he disappeared, and the totem that was originally glowing with red light also returned to silence.

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at the three-tail mark on the back of his hand, then turned to look at the four elders who couldn't control their expressions.

The next moment, the four of them had gathered together to study the mark on the back of Zhou Qingyuan's hand.

"The ancestor actually appeared? What kind of mark is this?"

"No matter what mark it is, it is undoubtedly a signal released by our ancestors, and we must not take it seriously."

The second elder looked at the mysterious and inexplicable fiery red mark with the most serious expression.

The third elder and the fourth elder stood aside and marveled, but they actually didn't understand anything and were just joining in the fun.

Only Feng Risheng's eyes flashed with contemplation, and he didn't know what to do.

The ancestors had never manifested themselves before, but they made an exception in Zhou Qingyuan, who had dual top-level bloodlines.

What this means, he knows better than anyone.

The ancestors were optimistic about Zhou Qingyuan.

But just because of his good talent, is it worthy of the blessings of the ancestors to favor this child?

The Golden Crow family has been established for nearly ten thousand years. During these long years, countless top-level geniuses have been born, and we have never seen our ancestors perform like this.

Speaking of which, I didn't expect that my ancestor was still alive now, so why did he never pay attention to the family?

Since you have never paid attention to it, why make an exception at this time?

Is it because Zhou Qingyuan is worthy, or is it because the ancestor's current situation is not very good and he has reached the point of seeking a backup plan?

Recalling Zhou Qingyuan's previous words, countless speculations flashed through his mind, and he finally asked:

"You said you had seen the image of your ancestor before? Where did you see it?"

"I encountered it once when I was going through a tribulation in the world inside the ancient god's body. At that time, it used thunder tribulation as a carrier and was part of my tribulation, but it did not take action against me."

"This kind of thing has actually happened?"

Feng Risheng lowered his head and thought for a moment, then responded:

"What you saw at that time was probably just a projection of your ancestors in other worlds.

Maybe he discovered your bloodline at that time. "

With that said, Feng Risheng pointed to the mark on the back of Zhou Qingyuan's hand and explained:

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, this should be the original mark of my ancestors.

With this mark, your cultivation speed in bloodline will be much faster.

Just this mark is comparable to countless treasures from heaven and earth acting on your body.

This is His goodwill and investment in you, and it is also a signal sent to us. "

With that said, Feng Risheng walked towards the sacrificial hall not far behind the totem and motioned for Zhou Qingyuan to follow.

"Originally, I didn't want to undermine the success, but since you are the person favored by our ancestors, there must be something special about you.

Thinking about it, even if you walk faster than ordinary people, it should only be equivalent to following the steps for you. "

"Great Elder, do you want to open the blood pool now?"

Feng Risheng turned his head to look at the three of them, nodded and said:

"Yes, I will assist this boy to absorb the power of the blood pool, help him to open up the two realms of fetal breath and enlightenment in the shortest time, and reduce the gap with other geniuses."

"As for what happens next," Feng Risheng looked at Zhou Qingyuan and continued:

"Due to our long lifespans, those of us in the Immortal Realm are generally tired of our ordinary lives and turn our interests to fighting.

Fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with people, fighting with monsters, all are endless fun.

Burning our blood in battle and realizing our strength in the bloom of life are the unavoidable fates of the five major clans.

Whatever you want, just reach out and find it yourself! Go fight! Go grab it!

It is impossible to sit in a high position and wait for benefits to fall from the sky. "

Feng Risheng's expression was serious. Even after Zhou Qingyuan revealed his double top bloodline, and even after his ancestor gave him the original mark, there was still no flattery or connivance towards Zhou Qingyuan on his face.

"I will use the power of the family blood pool to help you narrow the gap with the young geniuses of the other five major families, so that you have the strength to compete with them.

How much it can be narrowed depends on how much potential you have.

Boy, do you have confidence?"

"Confidence is something I never need."

Zhou Qingyuan walked leisurely. Facing the passionate atmosphere deliberately created by Feng Risheng, he did not show any sign of being infected. He just said lightly:

"I only know that all my victories along the way are natural.

Just give me some time, the five major families are destined to become one."

"Haha. This kid is too boastful, which is quite interesting.

The pattern of the five major families lasting for at least thousands of years, and he, a little kid who has not even awakened his blood, dares to say these things?"

The third elder Feng Donglai looked at Zhou Qingyuan who had walked away, and smiled and discussed with the other two.

"The ignorant are fearless."

The second elder Feng Peisheng shook his head:

"There are countless young people in the five major families who are in the Qiling realm. They are fighting against the demons everywhere and tempering their bloodlines.

It will take him a long time to catch up with them, not to mention those Tianjiao disciples.

Speaking of this, I heard that a Ruyi realm seed appeared in the Shenlong lineage recently?"

"Yes, that kid has mastered the bloodline skills in the Qiling stage.

Now he has gathered the nine blood veins of the Kaimai realm, and he is only one opportunity away from the Ruyi realm."

Speaking of this, the third elder Feng Donglai smiled and said to Zhou Qingyuan who was about to enter the blood pool:

"Boy, if you can enter the Qiling realm after you come out, I will give you a gift.

If you can master the bloodline skills, I will give you my granddaughter."

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