I can add one every day

Chapter 118 A lost genius?

In the deep and distant bamboo forest, a space fluctuation suddenly occurred, and two figures, a man and a woman, emerged from it.

"Great, it turned out to be the territory of the Moose Family."

Observing the surrounding landscape, Feng Jinyu was overjoyed and said to Zhou Qingyuan:

"The warriors of this family bloodline are the most gentle, and they usually have a lot of contact with our Jinwu family. Even if we meet, there will be no danger.

In this way, you and I don’t have to risk crossing many territories to return to the family. I can directly use the blood method to ask the family for help and wait for the elders of the family to pick us up."

After that, she assured Zhou Qingyuan again:

"Don’t worry, when I return to the family’s residence, I will immediately find a way to test your bloodline zodiac sign, and then I will definitely arrange a blood pool for you."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, followed Feng Jinyu, but his eyes moved to the panel in front of him.

He wanted to know, after coming to this world, can he continue to add points on the spiritual martial arts path?

[Spiritual Realm - Not Entry]

Looking at the dim plus sign at the not entry, Zhou Qingyuan blinked slightly, his heart was not too volatile.

If it can't be added, then it can't be added. Just find a way to learn the cultivation system of this world.

Then, he tried to mobilize his spiritual power, slowly gathered into a small ball of spiritual energy at his fingertips, and quickly released it.

The spiritual energy here can still be used, but it doesn't seem to be as obedient and agile as in the Sun Chasing Realm.

Zhou Qingyuan estimated that if he used Taoist magic in this world, the power would be reduced by about 30%.

But the impact is not great. Anyway, his strongest means now is still the powerful physical strength.

Then the spiritual consciousness was tested. As the little Yuanying in his brain opened his eyes, Zhou Qingyuan's perception began to spread continuously.

It spread all the way to thousands of miles away, and there was still room for Zhou Qingyuan to decisively retract his spiritual consciousness.

It seems that the spiritual consciousness in this place will not be restricted, which is not bad.

Seeing the fiery red lines on Feng Jinyu's face and his body flashing red light like a firefly, Zhou Qingyuan might be interested.

Under the induction of his spiritual sense, he observed that Feng Jinyu's blood was vibrating at a certain frequency.

Notify the clan members through resonance? Zhou Qingyuan was a little interested and began to try to vibrate the blood in the way of Feng Jinyu.

This attempt was incredible. He felt his blood begin to vibrate and faintly resonated with two beings far away from here.

As the Taoist Lord of All Laws, who has exhausted the limits of the techniques of the immortal world, it is too simple to simulate a blood technique, so Zhou Qingyuan has succeeded before he stopped it.

On the system panel, there was also a change at this time, and a new column of classification [Blood] appeared.

A line of text appeared under the classification.

[Blood Resonance Technique-Minor Success] +


Looking at Feng Jinyu who was still glowing slowly, Zhou Qingyuan thought about it and didn't speak.

The main reason was that he didn't know what to say.

Forget it, he only used it for a while, and even if the other party sensed it, it would probably not take it too seriously.

Moreover, he didn't even know what power his blood contained. If he wasn't one of the five major families, he wouldn't have the strength to come here to pick someone up.

Compared to this, Zhou Qingyuan was more curious about the fact that he could sense two existences at the same time.

Could it be that there were two bloodlines in his body?

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Just as Zhou Qingyuan used the blood resonance technique, the blood totems in the Jinwu and Shenlong families began to tremble synchronously.

Like an energy bar, the grooves at the bottom of the totem began to have blood color rising, one after another, directly from the bottom to the highest level of nine, emitting visible red fluctuations, reminding the tribe.

Disciples of the family with top bloodlines are seeking help through the blood resonance technique!

"Swoosh. Swoosh."

A series of powerful figures appeared in front of the totem. Whether it was the strong men of the Jinwu family or the Shenlong family, they all showed their intentions at this moment.

But before they could continue to sense and confirm, the light on the totem quickly faded.

The difference is that the totem of the Shenlong family has completely returned to silence, while the totem of the Jinwu family is still maintained at the fifth level.

"What's the situation? If you want to seek help, why stop? Is the situation so critical that even the resonance technique cannot be used?"

"I sensed his position at that moment. It turned out to be a newcomer! We actually have a ninth-level bloodline outside the family!"

The great elder of the Shenlong family, Mo Qiuzhen, showed a glimmer in his eyes, and in an instant he turned into a four-clawed green dragon and flew into the sky, disappearing into the clouds.

"I'll go and bring back the family's bloodline, and you continue to observe the totem situation."

At the same time, in the Jinwu family's residence, several elders also figured out the situation in a few words.

"Is there something wrong with the totem? I feel that it is the child Jinyu who is calling us. It seems that he escaped from the body of the ancient god."

The immortal world encourages struggle, and they will not participate in the affairs between the younger generation.

Therefore, although they all knew that Feng Jinyu had snatched the Holy Heart Blood from a group of Kaimai Realm warriors, they did not intervene.

However, now that she has escaped from the body of the ancient god, it is equivalent to having won the whole incident, and it is reasonable to take her back to the tribe now.

"There is another one, a member of the ninth-level bloodline who has been exposed! I sensed his location in an instant!"

"Keep paying attention to the totem, I will go and pick up the two tribesmen."

The great elder Feng Risheng spread his arms, and the next moment he turned into a three-toed black bird and turned into a flame and left.

If someone looked down from the sky at this time, they would find a huge golden crow taking off from the west, turning into a stream of light and flashing towards the southeast.

And in the east, there was also a four-clawed green dragon, flying towards the southwest while riding the clouds and mist.

The destinations of the two great elders clearly pointed to the same place!

At their destination, Zhou Qingyuan and Feng Jinyu still knew nothing about it.

"Okay, I feel the power of blood resonance. It must be someone sent by the tribe to pick me up."

Feng Jinyu stood up and clapped his hands, with some pride in his words.

Although it took a lot of twists and turns at this time, the Holy Heart Blood was finally obtained. Next, when she returns to the tribe, it will be her time to rise!

At this moment, she has changed her appearance, from the original green-skinned Yaksha to a human girl with long fiery red hair, with a sense of vitality in her every move.

Obviously, this is her true appearance.

But Zhou Qingyuan didn't pay attention to these things at this moment. He frowned and asked:

"Blood resonance. What does it feel like?"

Why did he feel that the blood in his body was being resonated by two forces at the same time?

It was strange and uncomfortable.

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