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Chapter 119 Where are my people?

"Why do you ask?"

Feng Jinyu asked curiously, and then he discovered that something was wrong with Zhou Qingyuan's state.

She was obviously the one who activated the blood resonance technique, so why did Zhou Qingyuan react more strongly than her?

At this time, the lines on Feng Jinyu's body flashed red from time to time, which showed that a strong person in the family was responding to his call.

And what about Zhou Qingyuan? He has not even awakened the power of his bloodline, and has not even stimulated his blood patterns. Logically speaking, it is impossible to get a response.

But what about Zhou Qingyuan at this time? A layer of substantial red light has appeared on his body surface, which is a manifestation of the extreme resonance of blood.

Since his bloodline has not yet awakened, Zhou Qingyuan could only sense that people with the same bloodline were calling him, but could not sense their location.

"Why is this happening? What did you do just now? Strange, is your bloodline also one of the five major bloodlines?

But it’s obvious that you haven’t activated your bloodline yet! "

Just when Feng Jinyu was speechless, there was sudden movement from the depths of the bamboo sea.

A patrol wearing a tree crown on its head and a long bow on its back appeared in front of the two people. When they saw the red pattern on Feng Jinyu's face, the expression on his face softened a bit.

"Why do friends of the Golden Crow family break into our territory?"

Feng Jinyu clasped his hands together and apologized:

"Downwind Jin Yu, I accidentally broke into this place because of the teleportation array, and I definitely didn't mean any offense.

My family members are already on their way to pick me up. Please let me wait here for a while. I won't run around. "

Fan Chengping, the leader, nodded, then looked at Zhou Qingyuan next to Feng Jinyu, frowning.

How many people did this person kill?

The power of blood told him that this person had accumulated countless blood debts and was definitely not a good thing.

The moose clan, which believes in peace and respects nature, is naturally very sensitive to malice and blood, and has no favorable impressions of murderous people like Zhou Qingyuan.

They were all ready to leave and stared at Zhou Qingyuan with unkind expressions on their faces.

"You can stay. What is the identity of the person next to you? The bloody aura on his body is so heavy. We cannot allow such dangerous people to stay in the territory."

Feng Jinyu thought of the Moose family's style, became a little panicked, and said hurriedly:

"This person is a friend who went out with me. When the elders of my clan come here, I will take him away with me.

Please rest assured, we will not go anywhere before this happens. "

Fan Chengping frowned and continued to ask:

"Is this person also a member of the five major bloodlines? Show your pattern."


Looking at Feng Jinyu and Zhou Qingyuan who were silent, Fan Chengping reached out and took out the powerful bow from his back, aiming it straight at them.

"If you don't welcome us, we can just leave. Why bother?"

Feng Jinyu's expression changed, and his words became a little angry, but the current situation meant that he couldn't get angry.

The expression on Fan Chengping's face did not change at all, and he said coldly:

"You can stay, but he must leave. I can't let such a dangerous person of unknown origin stay in the family residence.

A low-class person who doesn't even have the power of blood dares to break into our realm. If you weren't there, I would shoot him on the spot. "


Feng Jinyu glanced at Zhou Qingyuan apologetically, and it was only then that she remembered the prevailing custom in the immortality world.

The five major bloodlines were superior, and she was the one who looked down on a fool like Zhou Qingyuan at the beginning, but was not convinced by him until he showed his strength countless times?

I forgot that other people in the Immortal Realm would not give Zhou Qingyuan face.

Although the Moose family likes peace in temperament, the concept of blood in their bones is stronger than that of other families. Obviously, this matter cannot be ended now.

"Okay, I'll just leave."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the tense atmosphere in the field without any fluctuation in his heart.

The aura of this team is probably similar to that of Mo Feng. The leaders are slightly stronger, but they are limited.

If Zhou Qingyuan wanted to, even under normal circumstances, killing these people within ten breaths would not be a problem.

Since these people posed no threat to him, Zhou Qingyuan didn't take anything they said to heart at all.

It's like a child telling a strong man covered in tendons that I'll beat you to death if you don't leave. He just wants to laugh.

Anyway, for him, it's the same everywhere, it's just a difference between faster and slower.

After ten years of settling down and recuperating in the world of immortality, he no longer likes fighting and killing.

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan turned around and was about to leave, Feng Jinyu's expression suddenly changed, and he finally cut off his feet and chased after him.

“Since I brought you here, it’s natural for us to leave together.

It's okay, as long as I keep using the Bloodline Resonance Technique, the clan elder will always be able to locate my location. "

With that said, Feng Jinyu stepped forward and took Zhou Qingyuan's hand, but he dodged it.

Feng Jinyu looked at Zhou Qingyuan angrily, but saw that he just smiled. "In that case, let's go."

Fan Chengping stared at the two of them coldly, and when he saw Feng Jinyu going to hold Zhou Qingyuan's hand, he felt even more disdainful.

As one of the five noble bloodlines, he is actually interested in a low-level person. This is really

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan and Feng Jinyu had left, Fan Chengping was about to speak when the voice of the clan elder suddenly came from the distance.

"Mo Qiu, why are you trespassing on our clan's territory?"


The sound of the dragon's roar echoed through the sky, and the four-clawed green dragon of the Divine Horse revealed part of its huge body from under the clouds, heading straight towards a forest.

Why didn't the newly discovered tribesman respond to his call? What happened?

Mo Qiuzhen was a little anxious and had no patience to negotiate with Fan Konghuang.

The huge dragon tail had turned into a whip shadow after the word "get out" came out, and it hit Fan Konghuang tens of thousands of miles away.

The next moment, the sound of the Golden Crow rang out, and the huge three-legged Golden Crow appeared in the sky.

Fan Konghuang, who had just returned from thousands of miles away, had a little more suspicion on his face in addition to anger.

The strong men of the [Wanxiang] realm of the two major families came here at the same time. Could it be that something hidden happened in the family?

"I'm here to pick up my tribesmen who strayed into this place. When the matter is over, I will bring gifts to apologize to my brother."

Compared with Mo Qiuzhen's domineering, Feng Risheng's words were much more polite, but Fan Konghuang's face was still not very good.

Although the other party's words were polite, his behavior was no different from that of Mo Qiuzhen.

Two Wanxiang Realm people revealed their true bodies and forcibly broke into the family residence. What did they think was this place?


The thunder exploded in the daytime. Fan Chengping looked up and saw a huge dragon head poking into the forest from the sky. White mist spread in its mouth, revealing a bit of fishy smell.

"Where are my people?"

Wanxiang Realm.!

Under the gaze of the majestic golden dragon pupil, Fan Chengping's face no longer showed the previous arrogance, and his body began to tremble.

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