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Chapter 117 She had no confidence in her survival

"Do you want to kill me?"

Zhou Qingyuan's voice sounded next to Mo Feng, making the hair on his body stand on end and his breath stagnant.

etc? The sound is so close?

Mo Feng turned his head in surprise and found that Zhou Qingyuan was standing next to him in a desperate manner.

court death!

Subconsciously, Mo Feng threw away all worries, his bloodline power exploded again, and his right arm was directed towards Zhou Qingyuan's head.

It would be impossible for this native to block this full force attack from the Pulse Opening Realm!

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Feng Jinyu, who looked anxious. Mo Feng seemed to see Zhou Qingyuan's head exploding into watermelon juice, and a smile appeared on his lips.

But this smile only lasted less than half a second, and suddenly solidified the next moment.


Zhou Qingyuan stretched out a hand to easily catch the punch. There was no surprise on his face, he just looked at Mo Feng expressionlessly.

Despite this, Mo Feng was already sweating under his sight.



Blood splashed on the faces of Zhou Qingyuan and Feng Jinyu who came over. In Mo Feng's eyes, the so-called vulnerable body was beyond the range of what he could bear even with just one punch.


Mo Feng's figure crashed straight into the wall and was embedded deeply.


The strong tinnitus invaded his brain, and Mo Feng barely realized what was happening. Did that local native actually practice body training?

How can this be? There should be no one on the ancient god's body who can master the method of body training. Is the legend true?

Mo Feng's thoughts were distracted by the sound of tinnitus. He forcibly mobilized the power of his body and blood to try to do something else.


Gently brushing away the blood on his hands with spiritual energy, Zhou Qingyuan looked at Mo Feng who was lowering his head and vomiting blood, and compared the gap between them.

According to Feng Jinyu, there are six realms in the blood line, [Fetal Breath] - [Inspiration] - [Open Veins] - [Ruyi] - [All Things] - [Dharma Body]

As a warrior guarding this place waiting to harvest the Earth's Yuan blood, Mo Feng's status within the family is definitely not too high. He is probably at the middle to lower level of the Pulse Opening Realm.

In other words, under normal circumstances, he can still control the bloodline warriors in the Pulse Realm.


As the world was spinning, Mo Feng felt his clothes being grabbed by someone, and a majestic voice sounded in his ears, like a whisper from the sky.

"What level is your realm at?"

"First level of pulse opening"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind and want to attack me?"


While Mo Feng was speaking, his head suddenly tilted and he fainted.

All their strength comes from their blood. Once they lose too much blood, the symptoms caused are no different from those of ordinary people.

Couldn't even the first level of ordinary Kaimai block his attack?

Zhou Qingyuan had a more detailed understanding of his own strength. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered in his hands, and turned into green vitality, which was introduced into Mo Feng's body.

This person's life is completely in his hands. Whether to kill him or not depends on the risks and benefits that will follow.

Feng Jinyu sneaked closer at this time, looked at Mo Feng being treated by Zhou Qingyuan, and suddenly said something.

"He actually dared to attack you, why don't we kill him."

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at Feng Jinyu, who felt guilty, and said calmly: "Didn't you say that he is a warrior from one of the five major families, and if you kill him, you will be in trouble?"

"Actually, it's not very troublesome. Barbarians like us only know how to cultivate bloodline, unlike you stupid immortal cultivators who have so many twists and turns.

Even if you kill him, no one in the Sun-Eating Wolf family will find out that it was you who did it. "

After saying that, Feng Jinyu secretly glanced at Zhou Qingyuan and saw that he was indifferent, and he felt a little anxious.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Mo Feng, whose breathing had calmed down a bit, without turning to look at Feng Jinyu, and said to himself:

“Although I don’t know why he changed his mind and took action suddenly, it must have something to do with you.

Now tell me what you are hiding, and I can consider letting you go. "

Feng Jinyu swallowed his saliva, and combined with the image of him punching Mo Feng madly vomiting blood, he felt that Zhou Qingyuan's temperament became even colder after saying this.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't say anything. He turned his head and stared at the daughter of Yaksha indifferently. Mo Feng in his hand murmured unconsciously, as if he would wake up at any time.

There is not much time left for Feng Jinyu to think.

She was thinking about a question very seriously now. If she persisted in carrying the things without handing them over, would Zhou Qingyuan beat her to death later? Probably not, right?

She doesn't have any confidence!

But she was really reluctant to let go!

For this drop of the blood of the Holy Heart, she regressed and was forced to flee here to avoid the storm, but now she wants to give this drop of blood to a native? Just because you can't beat him for the time being?

Obviously after she returns to her family, she can absorb this drop of blood with peace of mind. That's all that's missing.


Mo Feng opened his eyes and saw that he was being held in Zhou Qingyuan's hands. The tinnitus in his head seemed to have subsided a lot.

The woman in his eyes who had the blood of the Holy Heart hidden in her body was now reluctantly forcing out the drop of undigested golden blood in her body and presenting it to Zhou Qingyuan.

"This is the blood of the Holy Heart. Even though it is just a drop, it contains a lot of energy. It needs the power of the medicine stone to refine and absorb it.

For us bloodline warriors, as long as we can improve our bloodline, it is a treasure. "

Feng Jinyu presented the Holy Heart Blood to Zhou Qingyuan and closed her eyes with a heartache: "You can take it."

"Although this thing has little effect on a cultivator like you who has not yet broken through the fetal breathing state, it is better than nothing."

"Who said I want your things?"

Feng Jinyu opened her eyes in surprise and found that Zhou Qingyuan had turned his head away.

She realized that the other party did not take the treasure in her hand seriously at all. She was overjoyed and quickly took it back into her body.

"Remember what you promised me."

"Yeah! Of course!"

Feng Jinyu nodded eagerly, the smile on his face became more sincere, and he patted his chest and promised:

"Don't worry, as a member of the five major families, I will soon return to the Kaimai realm, and I still have this energy!

When we enter the Changsheng Realm, I will help you start arranging this matter immediately."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, looked at Mo Feng who had woken up, loosened his hand holding his collar, and said lightly:

"I spared your life because you can't hurt me at all, and because of your identity, don't make mistakes again."

Mo Feng felt his body healed from the injury, and was silent in front of Zhou Qingyuan, just nodded repeatedly.

Feng Jinyu nodded with satisfaction and said, "It will take at least three years for this kid to leave. By then, he probably won't bother you anymore."

"Oh? Three years?"

"Didn't you say one year before?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Feng Jinyu with a half-smile. She was stunned at first, then immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately made up for it:

"I'm sorry! I lied to you before. This world will take about three years to be completely destroyed. He stayed here to collect the last chance of life when this world is destroyed.

He won't leave until this goal is achieved."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded. After three years, no matter what Mo Feng thought, or even what the family behind him thought, it didn't matter to him.

"Let's go to the world of immortality."


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