I become light in American comics

Chapter 573 VS God Killing Puppet

Although Shen You had the upper hand in the first round of confrontation, this short encounter was enough for him to test the opponent's strength.

It's really unusual.

No wonder everyone in the New God Clan is so afraid of Yuga Khan. Even though he has been hiding behind a wall for so many years, he is still talking about it among the New Gods.

Let’s not talk about anything else, just say that this N metal puppet has a crushing level of combat power in front of ordinary new gods. Even if they use technological equipment and interstellar battleships, most of the New God's royal families still don't have the ability to get rid of these things.

Or to be more accurate, the only ones in the entire New Protoss who can face this thing are Heavenly Father and Darkseid. Orion's cheating may work, but normalcy is absolutely useless.

But now, Shen You has successfully made himself the primary target of such a puppet warrior.

"Remove obstacles. Eliminate"

The metal golem took steps.

The moment the huge iron feet fell, a transparent energy impact was triggered on the soles of their feet. The unknown energy drove the huge body to move at an unscientific speed. The moment the body burst forward, debris from the surrounding ruins rose into the air.

It struck first, and its thick right arm opened the way with a straight fist under the extremely fast thrust, like a mountain peak coming towards the top. The fist wind was fierce, carrying its signature energy of annihilation. Even the dust and air seemed to be dissolved into nothingness wherever the fist wind passed.

This sinking of annihilation energy is unprecedented, but spectral analysis shows that it seems to be similar to the Omega effect. He tentatively speculated that it might be a technology derived from Omega. This energy is also one of the most difficult parts of this metal puppet, making it almost impossible for normal opponents to take any of its attacks head-on when facing it. .

But Shen You is not a normal opponent.

The domineering energy was not impossible to deal with in his eyes, and the opponent's astonishing speed looked just ordinary in his eyes after being filtered by the speed force.

Shen You calmly saw through the path of his punch, stabilized his lower body and did not move. He waved his palm lightly and blocked his straight punch with skillful strength. The red-hot and domineering energy passed over his silver cheek, but it failed to hurt him at all.

But that first punch turned out to be just a feint, and the puppet followed with a heavy punch with its back hand. The space seemed to be annihilated, leaving a gap, and the overbearing impact came quickly and violently. Shen You slid sideways like a swimming fish, and at the same time, he patted lightly to defend himself. He barely used any force and only cleverly tapped the side of the giant's fist to miss it.

Energy burst out from the tip of the puppet's fist in a spiral shape and passed through the middle of an Oua building behind it. The building structures wherever it passed immediately disappeared, and the fractures were extremely neat, evaporating and dissolving as if they had never existed.

Shen You was a little surprised. He actually saw the flavor of the tricks in the puppet's attack. The two punches had both strength and reality, and the punches were exquisite. They were not just a random attack based on the strength of the body.

For a machine that doesn't look very smart, the combat program is an unexpected revelation.

The puppet seemed to see that his opponent was difficult to deal with, and his boxing path suddenly changed. The punch suddenly switched from a powerful and heavy punch to a smart one, and the punch speed began to accelerate. Although the power was weakened, the attack became more erratic, making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Shen is having fun. Can you believe that an iron lump of such a tonnage can do this?

But it doesn't matter, Shen You is good at all methods. He could see through the flashy feint at a glance, and used a challenge to defend, raising his arm to block the head-on sweep as if he had predicted it. The N metal arm collided firmly with Ultraman's skin, making a sound of gold and iron.

Shen You succeeded in volleying and counterattacked, aiming a high sweep kick at the head and neck. The sound of this leg was surging, dragging the pulsing electric light, dividing the space like a sharp blade. But the puppet responded quickly and immediately leaned down to dodge.

But its iron head obviously didn't notice that this move also contained a backhand. Shen You swept high and then turned around, dragging the electric light with the help of the turn to accelerate, and a spin kick like a big dragon's tail came. The heavy iron knot was suddenly displayed on his face, and a kick swept across his head with a dull loud sound. Transparent waves visible to the naked eye exploded, and a slight squeaking sound came from the N metal joint of the puppet's head.

Nowadays, there are not many people who can take on Shen You.

But the puppet survived the heavy blow and was even able to raise its legs to fight back immediately. His right leg struck like a thick metal whip. Even as he retreated, he was still able to counterattack as fast as lightning. It would have been almost impossible without N's metal body.

But it's still expected.

Its whip legs were extremely fast, but Shen You was still one step faster than it. He stepped up diagonally to avoid the sharp edge, used his grappling hand to grab the kicking whip leg, and followed the trend with a cool free throw. With a twist and a fall, the big man suddenly lost his balance, and his body tilted and fell with a rumble. He fell to the ground and exploded into pieces, sending up a cloud of dust.

However, it actually had the awareness to deal with the situation when it fell to the ground. It landed in a standard ground combat posture, and had already completed the counterattack posture when it landed on its back.

Shen You also took a look at the robot's combat skills, although it was useless.

Shen You had already taken an advantageous position one step faster, and suddenly picked up the sixty-meter iron lump behind him, so that his head and feet were helplessly held in his arms.

Then it suddenly accelerated into the air!

When he rose into the air, he moved instantly and made a flash jump directly to the stars in an uninhabited galaxy.

Then, facing the scorching heat of the star, he wrapped his arms around the huge puppet, making its head face downwards, using full speed and force, and fell straight towards the surface of the star!

Tombstone fixed head style!

The action director is Sai Rabbit from the Kingdom of Light. Of course Shen You, who has watched the theatrical version, knows that Sai Rabbit also learned from a good brother named Honglian Flame.

Of course, the source of the training is not important, as long as the techniques are easy to use.

Moreover, the diving speed of the sinking swim under the blessing of the speed force was much faster than that of Sai Rabbit, who had let go of the water and kept his hands. Moreover, he deliberately teleported to the surface of the star, and the power of the crash was also incomparable.

The surface of the star that withstood the falling bombardment boiled instantly, and the golden flames rolled crazily, forming a huge vortex. The metal body of N collided with the flames of the sun and turned into a blazing meteor. The N metal shell seemed to turn red and crackle, and the sun spots seemed to be attracted by its body, forming a huge halo.

It's not over yet. Shen You hit the ground with a tombstone-style heavy attack and succeeded. Before he fell and collided, he had already withdrawn his hand and turned over. While lifting his body, he raised his hand and fired an Ultra shot, chasing the landing point. Boom away.

The light detonated, the halo spread, and the surrounding solar material seemed to be involved in it, forming a huge vortex.

"If nothing else, he really has a way of enduring a fight."

Shen You floated above the star and turned around calmly.

Immediately he saw that the cold steel puppet had teleported out of the explosion point and was floating behind him again.

Dark red fluorescence lit up along the body.

"Eradicate all obstacles."

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