I become light in American comics

Chapter 572 God-killing Weapon

"New God Orion, position, obliterate"

The metal giant slowly raised his palm. The fluorescent lines gradually light up, and energy fills the palm, as if a scorching flame is about to erupt.

"Watch out, it's coming!" a Green Lantern shouted.

The red light turned into a ball of light and whizzed away in the direction of the Green Lantern headquarters. But just before the hit, white light shot into the sky. A silver palm stretched out from the stream of light that went straight into the sky like a waterfall. The light ball hit the palm head-on. The overbearing energy seemed to stop flowing immediately, and the entire light ball spun and stopped in place.


Shen Youguang can activate it and spit it out from the palm of his hand. The energy ball immediately returned along the original path and exploded on the metal puppet's head. The black smoke almost swallowed up the puppet's face, and the huge body swayed back.


Shen You is no longer an outsider in the Green Lantern Corps, and most Green Lanterns know him. Even if you have never seen him in person, you have heard of his legendary name.

"Watch out!"

When Shen You stepped forward, a Green Lantern reminded him.

"This thing is a bit evil. Green Lantern energy has no effect on it, and its attacks are ridiculously strong. Several Green Lanterns have already died, and they have no chance."

"I haven't sacrificed myself yet, at least not completely."

Shen You said as he came to the skeletons of the downed Green Lanterns. As he stepped forward, a burst of white light covered his entire body, and Ultraman's entire body turned into a shining silver gesture.

Switching to the life form, Shen You stretched out his hand and waved it gently. When the white light fell, the dead Green Lanterns immediately regenerated rapidly under the white light, and they regained their vitality in just a blink of an eye.

Several green light rings that had already started executing the missing person program even after the death of their host suddenly stopped mid-flight, as if they were stuck in a program bug and couldn't be fixed.

"Error. Signs of the Lantern's life were detected. The Ring-bearing Lantern is not dead. The succession process is terminated."

Several lantern rings turned around and flew back to the hands of the Green Lanterns who had just come back from the dead.

"Welcome back to the Green Lantern Corps. If you weren't in the Corps just now."

The Green Lantern on the side almost stared at his colleague as he watched his colleague come back from the dead.

Although I have heard rumors that white lights can bring the dead back to life, seeing it with my own eyes still feels quite magical.

Moreover, these bones have almost been burnt to a coke color. Can they grow back?

Is this already the authority of a god who holds the power of life and death?

But they still underestimated the white light. As the power of the origin of life, let alone a skeleton, it can be pulled back even if it turns to ashes.

In the comics, Sinestro's hometown of Koruga was blown into cosmic dust by the First Lantern. The white light made Kyle Rayner almost able to use the power of the white light to restore the entire destroyed civilization from the dust. Although he failed in the end, we can indeed see that Bai Leng has such potential.

The power of the white lantern is vast and boundless. The white lantern user Kyle Rayner has only touched the tip of the iceberg, and Shen You actually feels that he only has a partial understanding of it. He can only inject life into someone who has just died while it's still hot and regenerate it. After a little while, he is completely dead and there is nothing he can do.

Immediately, a Green Lantern stepped forward and took the compatriots who were still regenerating aside. At this time, the metal puppet had also stood up, and its eyes were locked in Shen You's direction.

A circle of Green Lanterns had just surrounded it and bombarded it, but it basically chose to ignore it. Because it's programmed to judge those that don't pose a threat.

And now, it detects a threat.

"New target discovered. Race. Unknown, unrecognizable. Threat coefficient, high."

The fluorescent lines on the metal puppet's face change, and it actually looks like it forms some kind of gloomy expression.

"Execute orders. Eliminate threat."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a strange shadow flashed behind Shen You.

The huge metal punch hit the back of his head almost silently and almost without being seen.

It turned out that what was in front of him was just some kind of phantom illusion, similar to a clone created by holographic projection. At the moment of decision-making, the puppet had been teleported through some kind of space technology. A flash appeared behind Shen You, and he was caught off guard and launched a sneak attack.

The huge heavy fist was wrapped in some kind of incomparably powerful red light, and struck with a roar of annihilation. When Shen You looked sideways, the fist had almost reached the tip of his nose, and he could even feel the annihilating temperature.

The speed of the light energy is running, and the electric light surrounds the sinking swim and suddenly accelerates, dragging the afterimage to the side to avoid it. But after the puppet's punch missed, he continued to chase after him with punches, and his movements were still not slow under the decelerating time and space surrounded by electric light.

The energy is very strong and the speed is very fast.

Shen You observed with his eyes, his body swayed, and he used dexterous footwork to avoid the punch and cut to its flank.

So now let’s see how resistant the big guy is to being beaten.


That was the sound of a fist hitting the metal cheek sideways. Ultraman's right fist was wrapped in dazzling light, and waves of light and sparks exploded on the N metal shell. The giant puppet that suffered the heavy blow immediately fell sideways.


"I have to get out of here."

Orion put on his silver helmet, stepped on his skateboard and was about to go out.

But the gate constructed of green light suddenly fell down, blocking his way.

"Leave here, where are you going?" Hal frowned, "You know those iron monsters are chasing you, are you going out to die?"

"It's because I know that I can't stay here." Orion said solemnly, "You don't know how powerful Yuga Khan's loyal dogs are. There is nothing in this universe that can stop them.

They are designed to be invincible. The only way to keep everyone safe is for me to leave. Stay out of my way, Green Lantern. I will take action if necessary. "

"Sorry, that won't work. It's not our style to just sit back and do nothing when people are in danger. Besides."

Hal curled his lips and chuckled.

"In front of 'him', I don't think anything is 'unstoppable'."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud rumbling sound outside, followed by a movement like the earth was shaking, and the entire Green Lantern headquarters also shook.

Orion looked out through the window and saw that the "unstoppable" giant had smashed a spire-shaped building with a bang, and the fragments collapsed on the ground.

Orion rubbed his eyes.

"Oh you must be kidding me"

The puppet of Yuga Khan, the god-killing doomsday weapon. Was he really knocked down?

Who is that silver giant?

"Hey!" Hal shouted, "I know this is not the earth, but can you be more careful? That building is very expensive."

But he actually didn't take it too seriously after saying that.

Anyway, there are no civilians on Oa, they are all Green Lanterns. Moreover, only a few buildings collapsed, and the Green Lanterns were able to rebuild quickly. A single light ring can complete the work in a moment that the entire construction team on earth may take a year to complete. When the war in Carona almost swept across the entire Oa, the Green Lanterns also completed the reconstruction work in a few days. See Comes up like new.

"Tell Orion to retreat further."

Shen You landed in front of the puppet, which stood up again, and sent a telepathic message to Hal in a solemn tone.

"Let your Green Lantern keep his distance for now."

Hal was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly, but without further questioning he immediately gave the order through the light ring as he said.

He knew that Shen You would rarely say such things, and it was generally unnecessary given the opponent's strength.

Since Shen You said this, it only means that the enemy this time may be really extraordinary.

Shen You looked at the puppet that was getting up from the ruins of the building, and pieces were falling from it.

The latter stood up straight: "Instruction, obliterate the new god Orion. Remove all obstacles."

It seems that he was not seriously injured in the attack just now.

Shen You stood firm and took up his fighting stance again.

Maybe this time he met a worthy opponent for the first time in a long time.

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