Even Shen You had to admit that, among other things, this puppet thing was really good at resisting attacks.

Although this thing is very strong and fast, in terms of strength alone, it is actually not the strongest opponent Shen You has ever faced. Carona, who is in full condition, may not be as good at close physical skills, but his overall strength is actually no worse than this thing.

However, Carona didn't have the ability to continue the attack as if nothing had happened after being bombarded with a series of combos just now.

This is not just because of N metal, which is known as the hardest material in DC. This metal warrior was really designed to be indestructible when it was manufactured. Even leaving aside the hardness of N metal, the strength of its built-in protective force field is considerable.

But the battle just now was not in vain.

By striking different parts of the puppet's body and conducting large-scale bombings all over the body, Shen You observed the energy status of the puppet's body throughout the process and conducted a comprehensive analysis. He observed the changes in the force field, especially the transmission and flow of energy in the body when different parts were struck.

He traced back the path of energy circulation and found the center where all energy paths converge, the source of energy for this huge body. The intersection point is at its left waist.

its energy core.

Concentrating firepower on that point should cause the entire internal force field to collapse. The burst of energy destroys its own body structure from within.

Shen You finalized his subsequent thoughts in an instant. But before he could act, a burning sense of crisis seemed to be chasing him from behind.

His heart moved, and he turned around suddenly and took out his palm without looking back. Astonishingly, he saw the domineering red-hot rays drawing a curved trajectory in the universe, locking directly on his back.

Omega rays!

This thing can actually emit omega rays!

However, Shen You was not surprised, or in other words, he had been on guard for a long time. From the previous battleship of Yuga Khan's followers, he already knew that the other party had the technology to release Omega, so there was no reason not to add this system to a god-killing doomsday weapon.

After the puppet was blasted into the sun by a set of combos just now, it did more than just teleport it out. At the same time, he had secretly released the power of Omega, and he deliberately teleported in front of Shen You to attract his attention, making him ignore the Omega beam that was sneaking up from behind with the help of its turning guidance characteristics.

Another pretty smart tactic for a robot. But it's a pity that Shen You is never careless.

Embodying the power of the white light, his right palm slapped away Omega's impact, just like he had done when facing the battleship before.

However, this time, the Omega effect was not directly offset by the light of life. Instead, it briefly turned a corner under the power of his palm, then quickly turned around, drew an exaggerated arc, and locked his hand again. The direction is coming straight.

Shen You's mind moved slightly.

Omega is also more powerful than the battleship's main gun.

With his divine speed running, he accelerated his retreat without even looking back. Omega pursued him like a shadow. As Shen You retreated, he waved his right palm out, and the light bullet mixed with the energy of the white light flew out of his hand.

The white light bombs and Omega energy collided head-on. The two-color energy impact exploded in the vacuum, and Omega's energy was completely offset.

But when Shen You turned around again, the next Omega Impact was fired from the puppet's head. The red-hot beam continued to turn in mid-air and continued to shoot towards him in a weird curve.

"Omega weapon refill status shows good." The puppet's program said coldly.

Shen You thought for a moment and quickly changed his tactics. He no longer confronted it directly, but turned around and continued to accelerate and fly out. As his body passed by, a large amount of golden lightning shot out from his body. Electric light patterns were branded on his body, and a dazzling light shrouded his whole body.

The glorious space-time form.

After the form change, the speed also increased suddenly. As he accelerated and rushed out, a long electric light trail was dragged behind him. Omega rays chased the golden lightning through space, and the scorching heat followed them all the way.

Shen You continued to accelerate, and the speed force was operating at an unprecedented speed. The afterimage seemed to rush into a long tunnel from the dark star field, and the endless void was filled with light, shining like countless stars. The light intertwined into a wide band of light, and the black spot in the center seemed like a portal to the other side of time and space.

Breaking through the critical point of speed, the lightning of the Speed ​​Force was pushed to the extreme, and the afterimage in the electric light seemed to rush into the ripples of nothingness and disappear out of thin air.

The pursuing omega rays suddenly seemed to have lost their target. They penetrated the ripples and shot to the other side of the stars, disappearing without a trace.

"Target lost. Relocation failed."

The fluorescence on the metal puppet's face flickered on and off, as if it was in a daze.

"Omega tracking terminated, incomprehensible. Unable"

The next moment, lightning suddenly appeared beside it.

Just at the waist of the giant, as the current and afterimages emerged, Ultraman's body surrounded by electric light seemed to emerge out of thin air, and his arms were covered by a golden light, as if the energy had been accumulated to the extreme and was about to explode.

The arms have been combined into a cross shape, aiming at a certain fluorescent pattern on its waist.

Time jump, kid.

Shen You switched to the glorious space-time form, strengthening his connection with the Speed ​​Force and maximizing the conversion efficiency of the Speed ​​Force. In this form, he can now briefly take Omega for a ride like the original Flash.

Of course, you can also jump a second or two to the future timeline to get rid of the tracking lock.

And by taking advantage of this stall, he had already completed charging ahead of schedule.

In a fully charged state, the energy of Giga Spaceium is infused with the light of life.

"I know you are very hard." He said calmly, "Then try eating this."

Gigabit Specium Light!

It was as if the cold vacuum had become hot, and the unprecedented dazzling light was exciting, like bright meteors piercing the night sky. The edge of the blue light shimmers with sacred white light, flowing like lava, accompanied by the breath of life, leaving a bright light trail in the darkness, like a blue-white giant dragon, traversing the void, making the surrounding stars appear only Gloomy.

The light directly hit the pattern on the puppet's waist, where its energy core lies. Even the shell of N metal could not withstand such a world-shaking force, and the energy core was directly bombarded.

Sure enough, just as Shen You calculated, there is its core and its weakness. The impact of the light caused chaos in the puppet's energy. Following a struggle of limbs, the N metal body twisted and deformed as if being pulled by powerful energy, and suddenly exploded after a ferocious struggle.

A huge impact, an exaggerated explosion, terrifying energy erupted from it, and the debris in the sky danced like shining diamonds under the light.

Yuga Khan's puppet of doom has finally fallen.

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